


英語 中学生


次は,高校生の真希(Maki) と, クラスメートの一郎 (Ichiro) 夕紀 (Yuki), そして,ベー コー先生 (Mr. Baker) との授業中の会話である。 英文を読んで 1,2の問いに答えなさい。 barbecue=バーベキュー grandparents = 12 (注) volunteer= ボランティア chance = Mr. Baker Hello, everyone. Summer vacation is coming soon. What are you going to do during the summer vacation? Maki, please tell us about your plans. : 1 I'm in the basketball club, and I like playing basketball and talking with my club members very much. We'll have more time for club activities during summer vacation, so I'll do my best to become a better player. That's nice. Ichiro, how about you? 2 First, I'm going to stay with a family in Canada for two weeks. I've never been abroad, so I'm very excited. Next, I'm going to work as a volunteer in the summer festival. I did it last year, and it was a lot of fun. Third, I'll work This year, I want to enjoy talking with people of different ages. hard in the science club. I'll be I'm very interested in all of these things. busier than last summer, but I'm sure I can learn more through these experiences. Yuki, what will you do this summer? Good. I can't usually do that because I'm very busy with school activities every day. During the vacation. I'll have a barbecue with my family at home. I'm also going to visit my grandparents with my family. They'll show us how to fish in the sea. From these experiences. I hope I'll learn a lot of things. Mr. Baker: Great. Thank you, everyone. I think you should enjoy events that you can take part in only during summer vacation. Summer vacation is a good chance for you to spend a lot of time with your family, friends, or many other people. I hope you'll have a lot of wonderful experiences this summer. Maki Mr. Baker Ichiro Mr. Baker Yuki : f

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英語 中学生

英作文の添削お願いします🤲 私はNanohana Restaurantを選びました。 Because it is cheaper than Sushi Yotsuba, and we can eat many kinds of food there. Also, is ... 続きを読む

6 次の①~④は、高校生の綾音 (Ayane) と, 日本を初めて訪れた外国人の友人ベティー (Betty) が、「 あとのウェブサイトを見ながら駅前で会話をしているところです。 会話の英文を参考に、 ②,④の会話で,綾音は何と言ったと思いますか。 ①~④の会話の流れを踏まえ, 欄にあるどちらかのレストランを選んで○で囲み、 (1) の解答 (2) に入る言葉を英語で書きなさい。 ただし,語の数は (2)のみで20語以上30語以下(.?!などの符号や(1) は語数に含まない。) とする こと。 また, ウェブサイトにある情報のいくつかに必ず触れながら書くこと。 3 ④4 Let's have lunch now. I found these two restaurants on this website. Both restaurants look good. Ayane, can you choose one from these two? Ayane OK! Why did you choose this one? 駅周辺の おすすめ レストラン Sure, Betty. How about ランチ料金の目安 駅からの所要時間 座席数 今月の人気ランキング 〔綾音とベティーが見ているウェブサイト〕 Sushi Yotsuba おすすめポイント すじ 1,200 円 徒歩3分 20席 (2) 第1位 新鮮でおいしい地元の 海の幸! 外国からのお客様には, ささやかなプレゼント があります。 (1) Nanohana Restaurant なのはなレストラン !!!!!! 600円 徒歩7分 80席 第5位 和食も洋食も種類が豊 富! 多くの学生でにぎわう, 若者に人気のお店です。 Betty

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英語 中学生

長文読解なんですが、5と6を教えて欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします🙏

3 次の会話文と英文は, 拓也 (Takuya) と 彼の家にホームステイしている留学生の高校生マーク (Mark) と が話したときのものです。 1~7の問いに答えなさい。 Takuya : Hi, Mark. What are you reading ? Mark: I'm reading a letter from my sister, Emily. Takuya : Oh, really? How is she? Mark: She's fine. She's now studying to be A veteri...? What does it mean? A veterinarian. It means a doctor for animals. Oh, I see. I think it's a hard job. Does she like animals? Yes, she does. What (2 k Takuya : Mark: Takuya : Mark: Takuya : Mark: You can read this letter. Takuya : Really? Thank you. Takuya : Mark: Takuya : Mark: Takuya : Da Mark: Takuya : veterinarian. And she also loves nature. She joined a group she likes very much. ) of group did she join? Dear Mark, How are you? Are you enjoying your life in Japan ? I have big news. Three weeks ago, I joined a volunteer group ( 3 ). We usually go to mountains or rivers near our town and clean them, because birds and animals sometimes eat the garbage there. We know it is not good for them. Also, in winter, we will go to one of the lakes and see how many birds there are. I heard there were about 500 birds last year. I hope this winter we will see more birds than last winter. We only do small things, but I believe that doing small things is important. Last night, I told my grandmother about our group. She enjoyed listening to me. She loves flowers and birds very much, but she uses a wheelchair now. She doesn't go out very often to enjoy nature. Then I came up with an idea. I am going to ask our volunteer group to go hiking with people like her and help them. It will be (5 if we can do so! I think she will be 6 to go with us. I will write about it next time. (it) hard kitc Love, Emily 01 ** a ウ I 02 書 03 Oh, she's so nice. I think so, too. Is volunteer work popular in Japan ? Yes. There are a lot of people who are interested in it. I want to join a volunteer group that does something for nature like my sister. I've been thinking the same thing. My mother joined a group. Her group collects used kitchen oil and makes soap from it. Oh, it's good for nature. Do you think we can join the group? I don't know. Shall I ask her about it?

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