


英語 中学生


名詞/冠詞/代名詞 23 の区別 名詞がく 般的。 可か。 意。 を表す。 出題 ト も 6 次の英文を読んで問いに答えなさい。 <福岡改) Akio and Hideki are good friends. One morning when they were walking to school, Hideki saw a group of people in a park. He said to Akio, "Look! They're cleaning the park." Akio said, “That looks like volunteer work. I'm not very interested in it." Hideki said, “I think we can do many things for other people. Volunteer work is one of them. So, you should think about it a little.” “Do you do anything for other people?" asked Akio. Hideki answered, “Yes, I sometimes join volunteer work." "Really? I didn't know that. Oh, school will soon start." said Akio. The boys ran to school. (3 The next Saturday, Akio went out after ( A ) breakfast. He was walking through the park, and he saw (that) people again. They were cleaning the park. ( B )old woman was collecting trash and cans in a plastic bag near him. Akio talked to her, “Hello. I ④ saw you here a few days ago. Do you often clean this park?” “No, not often. Only a few times in ( C ) month," she answered. He asked, “Do you have to do this?” “Oh, no. We just want to," she said and showed him the bag. “We collect trash and cans, and clean the park. We like this park. A lot of people come to this park and enjoy their That makes us happy," the woman said. She smiled and went back to the group. In the park some little (child) were playing, and the trees were beautiful. He thought, He ran to the group and said, “Excuse me! Do you have another ( ⑧ )?" (注) collect trash and cans ごみや缶を集める plastic bag ビニール袋 time. 7 (1) 下線部①, ③が示しているものを, ①は2語, ③は3語で,それぞれ本文中から書き抜きなさい。 ① ③ (2) 下線部② の that はどのようなことを表していますか、 次の[ ] に適切な日本語を書きなさい。 ひできが 〔 (3) 下線部 ④, ⑥の()内の語を, それぞれ適切な形にかえなさい。 ④ ⑥ C 〕こと。 (4) ( )A~Cに, a, an, the のうち適するものを書きなさい。 いずれも必要がない場合は,× を書きなさい。 B A (5) 下線部⑤で 「そのことで私たちはうれしくなるのよ」とありますが、 「そのこと」 とはどのようなことですか。 文中からさがして, 日本語で書きなさい。 (6)本文の内容から考えて, ⑦に入る最も適切なものを、次から選びなさい。 ア I will never talk with Hideki again. ウ That woman shouldn't clean this park. I have to play with them. エ Hideki is right. [ ] (7)本文の内容から考えて, ()⑧に入る最も適切なものを、次から選びなさい。 ア can イ bag ウ park I group (8)次の質問に対する答えの英文を, 5語で書きなさい。 Where were Akio and Hideki going when they saw the group in the park? NAVI ⑥ 〈長文読解〉代名詞などの指示内容は, 前の部分からさがすのが鉄則。 (1)3は複数。 (2)会話の流れに着目。 (3) ④直後の people は複数 (5直前の1文に着目。 (6)主題(ボランティアに対するあきおの考えの変化)や前後の文 の流れから考える。 (7) 自分も活動に参加しようとしている場面。 (8)主語を正しい代名詞で受ける。

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英語 中学生

なぜ答えの部分でIから始まるのとIt isのがあるんですか?

3(土) 目標 場所のたずね方と答え方, 時のたずね方と答え方を身につける。 【学習のポイント where を使う疑問文, when を使う疑問文 かくにん 基本文) 読み方と意味を確認しよう。 Where do you practice? Club Where is Midori Hall? We practice in the music room. It is near the station. 2 When is the next concert? - It is on July 5. 解説 意味や使い方を理解したら、 基本文を自分で言えるように練習しよう。 1 where を使う疑問文 「どこで[に, へ]」 と場所をたずねるときは where を使う。 いっぱん • 「どこで・・・しますか」とたずねるときは, where のあとに一般動詞の疑問文の形を続ける。 例[疑問文]Where do you study? [答え方] □ activity Jactivities (あなたはどこで勉強しますか。) - I study in the library. (私は図書館で勉強します。) ●「どこですか,どこにありますか」とたずねるときは, where のあとに is などのbe動詞の疑問 例[疑問文] □ brass band □ concert date | month 44 英語1年⑨ あなたたちはどこで練習しますか。 - 私たちは音楽室で練習します。 緑ホールはどこですか。 それは駅の近くです。 次のコンサートはいつですか。 7月5日です。 名活動 □名 activity の複数形 (緑公園はどこにありますか。 ) Where is Midori Park? [答え方 ] - It's near our school. (それは私たちの学校の近くにあります。) 重要be動詞(am, are, is) は 「...です」のほかに「(・・・に)いる,ある」という意味にも使う。 2 when を使う疑問文 「いつ」と時をたずねるときは when を使う。 ・「いつですか、いつありますか」とたずねるときは when のあとに is などのbe動詞の疑問文の形 例 [疑問文]When is the festival? (その祭りはいつありますか。) [答え方 ] - It is on October 3. (それは10月3日にあります。) ・「いつ…しますか」とたずねるときは, when のあとに一般動詞の疑問文の形を続ける。 例[疑問文] do you play soccer? When (あなたはいつサッカーをしますか。) [答え方] —I play soccer on Saturdays. (私は土曜日にサッカーをします。) すいそうがく □名 ブラスバンド, 吹奏楽団 □名 演奏会, コンサート 1038, 81 名 (暦の上での) 月1か月 + 次の( )内の語句を使って, 「あな 書きなさい。 (in the music room) → Where (in the gym) →単語・語句) ① 読み方と意味を確認しよう。 ② つづりと発音に注意して、自分で言えるよう | fifth hall (in the park ) 次の( )内の語句を使って 「- (the festival / on August (the game / on May 5 ) trumpet next before near (the concert/ on July 1 ) 次の日本文に合う英文になる。 あなたの教室はどこにあり あなたはどこでギターを細 □ ・ 5日 □名 会館 □名 トランペリ □形 次の 次の試合はいつあります ・・・・の前に 個 ・・・・の近くに あなたたちはいつテニ - We

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英語 中学生

英語、塾まであと10分だから助けて( ¯−¯ )

13 定着 基本文③ 次の英文がなりたつように, (1) People call Ken-chan. (2) His performance made (3) Mr. Ito gave (4) Their efforts に適する語を( (he, his, him, himself) excited. (they, their, them, theirs) (we, our, us, ours) (come, keep, give, take ) に適する語を書きなさい。 a lot of homework. the city clean. 4 定着 基本文③ 次の日本文にあう英文になるように, (1) 人々の前で話すことは私を緊張させます。 in front of people (2) 多くのよいコメントがその歌手を有名にしました。 Many nice comments the singer (3) みんなが彼女をプリティ・キティと呼びます。 Everyone (4) ボランティアの活動が町を美しく保っています。 Volunteer activities the town Pretty Kitty. 内から選んで書きなさい。 □ 意味も確認しよ 5 定着 基本文 ③ 次の日本文にあう英文になるように, ( )内の語(句) を並べかえなさい。 (1) その本は彼女を作家として有名にしました。 The (famous/as/ made/book / a/writer/ her). (3) 5人の子供たちがスミス夫人をいつも忙しくしています。 (Mrs. Smith / always/ busy / children / five / keep). nervous. (2) 私は妹に誕生日ケーキを作ってあげました。(cake/a/my/made/ birthday/I/ sister). (4) その物語を読むとあなたはとても悲しくなるでしょう。 ( sad / will / the story / very/you/reading/make) .

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英語 中学生


次の英文は、裕太(Yuta)が書いたものである。これを読んで、後の各問に答えよ。 "So, let's continue making an introduction about your fathers," said our English teacher, Mrs. Yashima one month ago. This class was Dmind-numbing, and I was thinking of the way to kill the time during the class. 4 I didn't know much about my father He was always busy working, so I didn't have any memories of playing with him at all. He came home late at night, woke up earlier than me, and left for his workplace without having breakfast. On weekends, he was always watching news programs which never interested me. When I looked out of the window, a friend of mine who was living near my home was playing catch with his father, and I projected myself on him. When we were having dinner, he never asked me any nice question. He always said to me, "How are the school and the club going?" I only said, "Not bad," because I thought that he had no interest in my school life or club activity. I didn't know about my father well, but I remember the other face of him. He sometimes repaired things in our home such as the TV set, chair, or bicycle. I wasn't interested in it at all until a neighbor told me a story about my father. She always took care of me when my parents were busy. "Your father is a good person," she said. "He always repairs broken things with a smile. It was just like magic." And she gave me some cookies. I knew about my father a little. The other day, I visited a factory as a part of social study class, and a man spoke to me, "Oh, your last name is..., are you his son? When I was working for another company with him, he took good care of me. He sometimes scolded me, but taught me a lot of things. So, I respect him so much." I knew about my father well. When I told my father about the man, he said to me, "Keep the friendship all the time. If you give a hand to someone, the person will give you a hand back someday. Just remember it." At that time, I understood that my father was a hard worker and he was respected by many people. Though he was a serious and silent person, I felt I knew him for the first time. 2022(R4) LAMANG

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