

名詞/冠詞/代名詞 23 の区別 名詞がく 般的。 可か。 意。 を表す。 出題 ト も 6 次の英文を読んで問いに答えなさい。 <福岡改) Akio and Hideki are good friends. One morning when they were walking to school, Hideki saw a group of people in a park. He said to Akio, "Look! They're cleaning the park." Akio said, “That looks like volunteer work. I'm not very interested in it." Hideki said, “I think we can do many things for other people. Volunteer work is one of them. So, you should think about it a little.” “Do you do anything for other people?" asked Akio. Hideki answered, “Yes, I sometimes join volunteer work." "Really? I didn't know that. Oh, school will soon start." said Akio. The boys ran to school. (3 The next Saturday, Akio went out after ( A ) breakfast. He was walking through the park, and he saw (that) people again. They were cleaning the park. ( B )old woman was collecting trash and cans in a plastic bag near him. Akio talked to her, “Hello. I ④ saw you here a few days ago. Do you often clean this park?” “No, not often. Only a few times in ( C ) month," she answered. He asked, “Do you have to do this?” “Oh, no. We just want to," she said and showed him the bag. “We collect trash and cans, and clean the park. We like this park. A lot of people come to this park and enjoy their That makes us happy," the woman said. She smiled and went back to the group. In the park some little (child) were playing, and the trees were beautiful. He thought, He ran to the group and said, “Excuse me! Do you have another ( ⑧ )?" (注) collect trash and cans ごみや缶を集める plastic bag ビニール袋 time. 7 (1) 下線部①, ③が示しているものを, ①は2語, ③は3語で,それぞれ本文中から書き抜きなさい。 ① ③ (2) 下線部② の that はどのようなことを表していますか、 次の[ ] に適切な日本語を書きなさい。 ひできが 〔 (3) 下線部 ④, ⑥の()内の語を, それぞれ適切な形にかえなさい。 ④ ⑥ C 〕こと。 (4) ( )A~Cに, a, an, the のうち適するものを書きなさい。 いずれも必要がない場合は,× を書きなさい。 B A (5) 下線部⑤で 「そのことで私たちはうれしくなるのよ」とありますが、 「そのこと」 とはどのようなことですか。 文中からさがして, 日本語で書きなさい。 (6)本文の内容から考えて, ⑦に入る最も適切なものを、次から選びなさい。 ア I will never talk with Hideki again. ウ That woman shouldn't clean this park. I have to play with them. エ Hideki is right. [ ] (7)本文の内容から考えて, ()⑧に入る最も適切なものを、次から選びなさい。 ア can イ bag ウ park I group (8)次の質問に対する答えの英文を, 5語で書きなさい。 Where were Akio and Hideki going when they saw the group in the park? NAVI ⑥ 〈長文読解〉代名詞などの指示内容は, 前の部分からさがすのが鉄則。 (1)3は複数。 (2)会話の流れに着目。 (3) ④直後の people は複数 (5直前の1文に着目。 (6)主題(ボランティアに対するあきおの考えの変化)や前後の文 の流れから考える。 (7) 自分も活動に参加しようとしている場面。 (8)主語を正しい代名詞で受ける。

