


英語 中学生


Unit Activity 守りたい日本の動物たち 動物名 [主な生息地 現在の数 絶滅危惧の 主な原因 ECK STEP 1 紹介したい動物を選ぼう 下のカードの中から、紹介したい動物を選びましょう。 Name Habitat P Population ► ●統合 ○ イリオモテヤマネコ おきなわ 沖縄県 約 100頭 交通事故 (traffic accidents) 日本ではどんな動物が絶滅の危機にひんしているのでしょうか。 世界に向けて彼らの現状を知らせるための記事を書きましょう。 STEP2 英語で情報を整理しよう 選んだ動物について、例にならって, 英語で記事をまとめましょう。 ○ シマフクロウ ほっかいどう 北海道 約 140羽 ばっさい 森林伐採 (destruction of forests) 例 Let's Help Toki Survive! Toki are one of the endangered animals in Japan. They live in Niigata. There are about 300 in Japan now. Other Information of hunting and development. They became endangered because 環境省のウェブサイトなどから 自分の好きな動物をさがしてもいいよ。 動物名は難しければローマ字で書こう。 □ タンチョウ 北海道 約1,500羽 しつげん 湿原の開発 (development of wetlands) STEP 3 自分の意見や考えを加えて記事を完成しよう んだ動物を守るために必要だと思うことや、自分の考えなどを加えて、記事を完成しましょう。 J1 I think it is important for us to protect the environment. 12 I want people in the world to know about toki. Let's Help Unit 3 題材 世界の絶滅のおそれのある動物について知り、自分たちにで きることを考える。 〔題材 nn Survive! 芽 (

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英語 中学生


次の英文は、中学生の航が英語の授業で発表するために書いている原稿である。 航が一度書 B. C. Dの問題に答えなさい。 2 次のA. わた。 A になったつもりで、 下線部の語句をそれぞれ正しい形に直して書きなさい。 felt = feel の過去形 (注)soup =スープ set up~=~を準備する surprised = 驚いて Yesterday ais my mother's birthday. dinner for her. I cooked curry and soup. So I made I started to cook after school and finishedoto cook at7 p.m. And then, I set up the table. When she ecome home and opened the door, she was very surprised and said, “Wow! Thank you!" I felt happy. B 中学生の聡(Satoru) が, アメリカ人の留学生ポール (Paul) と次の表を見ながら話をしている。 の に入れるのに最も適当なものを, 下のア~クからそれぞれ一つ選び, 記号 の で答えなさい。 (注)meat =肉 table = 表 kind = 種類 delicious = おいしい 訪日外国人が最も満足した食べ物 Korea (韓国)Taiwan(台湾) Hong Kong (香港) China (中国) America(米国) 15.3% 17.3% sushi 23.1% 26.8% 10.3% 27.3% 14.7% 12.8% 14.7% 13.2% ramen soba/udon 9.7% 5.2% 2.8% 3.9% 6.2% 16.6% 24.0% 18.4% 7.3% meat 22.8% 16.1% 23.6% fish 7.6% 14.6% 20.4% others 24% 26.5% 23.8% 22.9% 28.1% (国土交通省観光庁資料 「H27 訪日外国人の消費動向」より) Satoru : Look at this table. For people from Korea, is the most popular food. Paul : Yes. People from America like it, too. But look! About 27% of people from Taiwan like Satoru : You're right. It's very interesting. I thought sushi was the most popular Japanese food for people around the world. How about you? What food do you like? Paul :I like all kinds of Japanese food, but I like fish (3 It's delicious. Satoru : Oh, really? Fish is the most popular food for people from (4 I like fish, but I don't usually eat it at home. My mother likes meat very much. ア China イ Hong Kong ウ sushi エ the best オ カ キ fish ク as well as more ramen

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英語 中学生

塾の先生が答えを忘れてしまい、丸つけができないです😭 急ぎではありますが解いてくれる方いますか??💦

比較(1) 5 次の文の内容にもとづく比較の文になるように, (1) Amy is 160 centimeters tall. Her sister is 165 centimeters tall. (2) Kenji is 13 years old. Billy is 15 years old. Tom is 16 years old. に適する語を書きなさい。 Amy is than her sister. → O Kenji is → 2 Tom is than Billy. → 3 Tom is Billy. of the three. (3) Mr. Kimura is 35 years old. Mr. Nakata is 35 years old, too. → Mr. Kimura is (8月) Mr. Nakata. (4) This tree is 16 meters tall. That tree 20 meters tall. → This tree is as that one. Tonon) 6 次の各組の文がほほ同じ内容を表すように, に適する語を書きなさい。 My pencil is longer than yours. Your pencil is than mine. ciro and Car Ken is older than Emily. Emily is bat than Ken. 0 0e じan Math is easier than English for me. than math for me. English is Australia is not as large as China. China. (4){ Australia is Australia. China is age This bag is newer than that one. this one. That bag isn't 7次の絵の表す内容と合う英文にはO, 合わない英文には×を書きなさい。 Takuya (1) Mari is older than Takuya. Mari Aki (2) Mari is the oldest of the three. (3) Takuya is younger than Aki. (4) Aki is the tallest of the three. (5) Mari isn't as tall as Takuya. さい。 (6) Mari is older than Aki. (14歳) (16歳) (13歳) in duly. ay is sumnor in Ria de Jeneca d Cenle

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

四角のところ make the timeではだめですか?

の更たが テ校祭での英語者の凍 (actvity) kav、 部に所属していクピー >なさい< ウ れを読んで, 問いに なるいゆい? 5 上67 CZ2P2^天Me 話の授業で. 蘭 庁 次の蘭文は 蘭 の 。 レーチをていろ場面のの2 bers of the Engiish 6 *pupils every year. で ll you about Td like to (6 en to 6 aches English tO P yersatiO stival Our club te Hello. everYOne- held jn our school fp 0 Re year, (he pupils enjoyed our 8 いい at the meeting because 1 joined the actiyi fhe pupils WhOJ9回計 ty yanted to make the pupils relaxe 明る 、 so we Were Th about a goo。 year were very "nerVOUS and spoke Englishin48 meeting Kaori, one of the memb i ivity this ye2T・ fore entering a junior hi way to make them relaxed in the activitY / 軸時 years befor ha *jntroduced Red Nose Day′ inthe U.K. She jived there fo 3 Jes on that day. She dm 。chool in Japan。 Kaori remembered that people WOre 4 Jring a red ball and "laughed whe。 know why people wore but she and her friends enjoyed We ming back to Japan, She learnea rhey Iooked at their faces, because they looked like *clownS. ANe co CI tat two people in the ULK. started "Red Nose Day′aboutthirDy Ye Sa 3 hrough Jaughing. They thought that a red noSe Ui by clowns was story waS Very intereSting, SO We deci d 8 Ro D9 1 ) On the day of the activity, we put a red ball pupils, “Hellol Nice fo meet you. V when they saw us, but soon they their noses. When all the pupils 0 we said, How are You the pupils Jooked relaxed. TH the end of the activi (wanfed / tell / she A week Iater, we name js Masao. 了 a Dicture Of the pe English we taught Year and we agr We enjoyed our so welimprove直 | 7hank you for Before our school festival We ルン 注) pup(S) 電音和 actualjy 実際に clown($s) 道人 se有Eintrodi Hi

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