

次の英文は、中学生の航が英語の授業で発表するために書いている原稿である。 航が一度書 B. C. Dの問題に答えなさい。 2 次のA. わた。 A になったつもりで、 下線部の語句をそれぞれ正しい形に直して書きなさい。 felt = feel の過去形 (注)soup =スープ set up~=~を準備する surprised = 驚いて Yesterday ais my mother's birthday. dinner for her. I cooked curry and soup. So I made I started to cook after school and finishedoto cook at7 p.m. And then, I set up the table. When she ecome home and opened the door, she was very surprised and said, “Wow! Thank you!" I felt happy. B 中学生の聡(Satoru) が, アメリカ人の留学生ポール (Paul) と次の表を見ながら話をしている。 の に入れるのに最も適当なものを, 下のア~クからそれぞれ一つ選び, 記号 の で答えなさい。 (注)meat =肉 table = 表 kind = 種類 delicious = おいしい 訪日外国人が最も満足した食べ物 Korea (韓国)Taiwan(台湾) Hong Kong (香港) China (中国) America(米国) 15.3% 17.3% sushi 23.1% 26.8% 10.3% 27.3% 14.7% 12.8% 14.7% 13.2% ramen soba/udon 9.7% 5.2% 2.8% 3.9% 6.2% 16.6% 24.0% 18.4% 7.3% meat 22.8% 16.1% 23.6% fish 7.6% 14.6% 20.4% others 24% 26.5% 23.8% 22.9% 28.1% (国土交通省観光庁資料 「H27 訪日外国人の消費動向」より) Satoru : Look at this table. For people from Korea, is the most popular food. Paul : Yes. People from America like it, too. But look! About 27% of people from Taiwan like Satoru : You're right. It's very interesting. I thought sushi was the most popular Japanese food for people around the world. How about you? What food do you like? Paul :I like all kinds of Japanese food, but I like fish (3 It's delicious. Satoru : Oh, really? Fish is the most popular food for people from (4 I like fish, but I don't usually eat it at home. My mother likes meat very much. ア China イ Hong Kong ウ sushi エ the best オ カ キ fish ク as well as more ramen
C 高校生の麻耶 (Maya)と由加里 (Yukari) が, 学校の掲示板で次のようなチラシを見ながら (注) international =D国際的な be interested in ~=~に興味がある meat pie = ミートパイ baked potato = ベークドボテト all over the world = 世界中で bring~=~を持ってくる apron = エプロン Come to “International Cooking Class" Are you interested in cooking food of the world? Then come to our cooking class! We have a class at Midori High School on the first Sunday of every month and 1oom cooking from teachers from all over the world. In the next class, we'll have toacher from Australia and cook a meat pie and baked potatoes. After cooking, we'll enjoy eating and talking. The class will start at 10:00 a.m. and finish after lunch. Please bring your own apron. If you are interested, please call Ms. Yamada. Phone Number:096-× × ×-x×× 1 に入れるのに最も適当なものを, 下のア~エから一つ選び, 記号で答えなさい。 麻耶と由加里の対話 Maya : Are you free next Sunday? Yukari : That's great! Let's take the class. I'll call Ms. Yamada. アI didn't know you're from Australia イ I have to go to the class to learn English ウ I want to cook a meat pie エ I like to take your class with Ms. Yamada 2 チラシの内容と合っているものを, 次のア~エから一つ選び, 記号で答えなさい。 ア 料理教室は毎週日曜日に行われている。 イ 次回の料理教室の先生はオーストラリア出身である。 ウ 次回の料理教室は朝の 10時から昼食の前まで行われる。 ī 次回の料理教室にエプロンを持ってくる必要はない。
Sara: I like museums very much. So I want to take the Yellow Route. 1 2 次は、チラシを見ている沙良(Sara) に,クラスメートのテッド(Ted)がロンドン市内を ウ People need only one ticket for all routes. ア Students can buy only l-day ticket. エ People can get off the bus at any stops, but they can't get on at the same イ There are more than 50 stops on the Red Route. D 問いに答えなさい。 sight =(観光などの)名所 route = ルート,路線 (注)sightseeing = 観光 explore ~=~を探検する top deck = パスの屋上 open top =屋根の開いている get off~=~から降りる stops. more than ~=~以上上の stop = 停留所 get on ~=~に乗る ticket =チケット pound = ポンド (英国の貨幣単位) hotel = ホテル adult = 大人 information office = 案内所 City Sightseeing Bus Let's explore London! 話が成り立つような英語を3語以内で書きなさい。 Visit London and see the interesting sights of the city from the top deck O a: That's nice, If vou take the route vou should go to Park Hotel because open top bus! The bus routes have more than 50 stops, and you can get on a get off the bus at any stops. there Route Time Date Red Route 8:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Every Day Blue Route 8:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m. From Monday to Friday Yellow Route 10:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday Red and Blue Routes * There are 20 stops on each route. * The bus leaves Green Park every 30 minutes. Yellow Route * There are 12 stops. (The bus stops at all the popular museums.) * The bus leaves Park Hotel every hour. Tickets * 1-day ticket : Adults 30 pounds, Students and Children 10 pounds * 2-day ticket: Adults 50 pounds, Students and Children 18 pounds * You can use a ticket for all routes. * You can buy a ticket at the City Information Office.


