


ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น

เราทำถูกมั้ยค่ะหรือถ้าทำผิดตรงไหนรบดวนช่วยแนะนำหน่อยน้าค้า💖 (ป.ล. เราใช้ Verb to do 50% นะค่ะ ส่วนอีก 50% คือ Verb to dav<เดา>ค่ะ 5555556... อ่านต่อ

REEZE A Will be going to be ving 2023.pdf will not ( won't) have an English exam tomorrow morning. I have to study all night. Exercise: Use will or be going to in the blanks 1. We 2. 3. Joseph 4. Waiter: What would you like as a starter, sir? Man: I have lentil soup, please. you open the window, please? It's hot and humid here in the classroom. fly to Berlin for a company project next week. 5. A: Look at that woman over there. She is very fat. B: She has only a big belly because she 6. I don't think my parents 14. I don't think there have a baby. give me permission to go to the school trip. tell it to anybody. 7. Can you tell me your secret? I swear I 8. The scientist says people 9. Don't worry about the Maths homework. I 10. Who do you think 11. My father 12. Look at those fierce dogs! They're running wildly. They 13. OK. I do the washing up for you. be an agreement on the new budget. 15. No, I __let you eat my hamburger. You've already eaten yours. 16. Hey, that man is crossing the road at the red light. He produce artificial organs by the year 2070. write it for you. win the box tournament? visit the dentist at 9:00 am on Wednesday. attack those cats by have an accident.

เคลียร์แล้ว จำนวนคำตอบ: 1
ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น


Join the pronouns with the correct possessive adjectives. WE MY I ITS HER HIS OUR YOUR THEIR Complete the sentences with HIS, HER, ITS, or THEIR. hair is brown. sweater is green. skirts are yellow. hair is blond. bow tie is red. Jears are big. HE YOU THEY IT SHE Choose the correct words 1. It is she/her house. 2. / my have a dog 3. This is our / we farm. 4. They love they / their school. 5. We our live in Spain. 6. Has she/her got a ruler? 7. Those are his / he glasses. 8. He is my grandfather. your sandwich. 9. That is you 10. It's Its legs are short. 11. He has a car. Her / his car is red. 12. I have a dog. Its his tail is long. Complete with the right possessive adjective 1. You have a nice watch. I like watch. 2. Bob has a cat. cat is very cute. 3. I have a new backpack. backpack is big. 4. Clara has a new bag. new bag is brown. 5. Sara and Ann have two cousins. cousins live in Seville. 6. Dave has a brother. brother is short. 7. Tommy has a dog. color is yellow. 8. We live in London. city is the capital of England. bikes are in the garage. 9. They have bikes. 10. She has a tablet. 11. My dress is pink but 12. I have two rabbits. tablet is pink. buttons are white. ears are very long. house. 13. My brother and I love Correct the underlined words 1. I have a sister. His name is Mandy. 2. We are classmates. Ours teacher is Mr. Jackson. 3. It is a squirrel. It tail is long. 4. Jason has a brother. Her brother is older. 5. You have a turtle. Its turtle is green. 6. They live in a flat. His flat is on the second floor. 7. She has a cat. Its cat is white. 8. It's Lucy and Ann's birthday. Her birthday is in June. 9. It's Ben's party today. It's its birthday. 10. My dogs are happy. It's its birthday today. HOPPY Birthday! Choose the correct words 1. They have two daughters. 2. 3. 4. We have a puppy. We love 5. Sally has a wallet. 6. Look at the parrot. 7. Mrs. Ward has a baby. 8. Look at the giraffe. 9. I know James. 10. Lisa and Paul have a truck. 11. My sister and I have a piano. We like [ 12. You look tired. eyes are red. daughters are pretty. new shoes. are comic books. puppy. wallet is expensive. feathers are beautiful. baby is very cute. neck is long. brother is my classmate. truck is great. piano. He has new shoes. These are I have some comic books. These 88 w‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ 88 Complete with the right possessive Jenny and Nick are from Bath. surname is Bell. friends, Tom and Amanda, are [ from Bath too. Jenny's eleven and brother Nick is tail is twelve. Chip is dog. short. school is in Park Street. name [ is Park Street School. Jenny likes Maths. Paul. teacher's name is teacher's name is Nick likes Science. Amanda. parents are teachers too. SCHOOL 111 11

เคลียร์แล้ว จำนวนคำตอบ: 1
ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น


74 น หนังสือเรียนวิทยาศาสตร์โลกทั้งระบบ ช่วงชั้นที่ 3 ใบบันทึกกิจกรรมที่ 3.2 วิเคราะห์คำถามที่จะนำไปสู่การวิจัย 1. นักเรียนควรใช้วิธีการใดเพื่อจะหาคำตอบให้กับคำถามต่อไปนี้ คำถามที่ 1: ทำไมไข่หอยเซอรี่เป็นสีชมพู วิธีการหาคำตอบ คำถามที่ 2: ถ้าไม่มีน้ำ คนเราจะอยู่ได้หรือไม่ วิธีการหาคำตอบ คำถามที่ 3: ทำไมชาวบ้านต้องปักไม้ไว้ในแม่น้ำ วิธีการหาคำตอบ: คำถามที่ 4: ดินมีกี่ชนิด วิธีการหาคำตอบ คำถามที่ 5. หญ้าแฝกปลูกไว้เพื่ออะไร วิธีการหาคำตอบ คำถามที่ 6: ในน้ำมีอากาศหรือไม่ วิธีการหาคำตอบ คำถามที่ 7: คลองมีความกว้างและลึกเท่าใด วิธีการหาคำตอบ คำถามที่ 8: น้ำจะท่วมโลกจริงหรือไม่ และเมื่อไหร่จะเกิดเหตุการณ์นี้ขึ้น วิธีการหาคำตอบ คำถามที่ 9: น้ำในคลองขุ่นได้อย่างไร วิธีการหาคำตอบ คำถามที่ 10: การเปลี่ยนแปลงของฤดูกาลมีผลต่อสิ่งมีชีวิตในทุ่งหญ้าบริเวณนั้นอย่างไร วิธีการหาคำตอบ คำถามที่ 11: พืชที่ปกคลุมดินและร่มเงามีผลต่อสมบัติของดินหรือไม่ อย่างไร วิธีการหาคำตอบ คำถามที่ 12: ถ้าอุณหภูมิของอากาศเพิ่มสูงขึ้นจะมีผลต่อดิน สิ่งมีชีวิตในดินบริเวณนั้นหรือไม่ อย่างไร วิธีการหาคำตอบ

เคลียร์แล้ว จำนวนคำตอบ: 6
ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น


Qrlist She pa grandmother is a(n) 2. paintings. She has colorful 3. _peร She draws in her notebook when she gets a good idea. Chloe does not she uses to draw with, 2. Are her eyes bl' ge But Chloe knows that -- No, they know her grandmother's 4. she is very old because of her white hair. Chloe loves to paint. too โร 3. She wants to teach others about painting. So, she wants to be a(n) - No, it teacher. 5. โร - No.9 4. 1. a. aunt b. Cousin C. sister d. mother b. teacher C. pilot C. dictionaries 2. a. artist d. singer 3. a. pens b. rulers d. folders 4. a. address b. email C. name d. age 5. a. geography b. art C. history d. Science Circle the 1.Who) M (2.Unscramble the words. Then use the words to complete Chloe's art blog. 3. Where Listen 1. Davi 2. Day cilnpe sked enp noucsi clasaster 3. Da Penal Desk Pen ClEวินที่ 4. 1. 2. 4. Cousin 3. 5. 5. ปี http://www. chloesartblog.com CHLOES ART BL00 2:00 PM Welcome to my art blog! Here are some of my pictures! This tiger picture is done in 6. This is a drawing of my house in blue 7. This is a drawing of Amanda. She's my moms sister's daughter. That makes her my 8. ! She is great at skateboarding. The boy is Jacob. He is my 9. We are in the same class this year. The last picture is of my room. You can see my 10.

เคลียร์แล้ว จำนวนคำตอบ: 1
ภาษาอังกฤษ มัธยมต้น


Voca Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs. (4) Co an 1 A What ' are you reading (you/read)? B A postcard from my dad. He 2. (Work) in Montreal at the moment, so we only 3 ...(see) him on weekends. 2 A 4. (he/like) Montreal? B Yes, he lOves it. He 5. (look) for a new home for us there, but my mom doesn't want to gO. All our friends and family 6 the US, and she 7. (not speak) any French. A3. (you/speak) French? B Well, we 9 School, but people in Quebec always 10 really fast. | 11. (not understand) very much! 3 (live) here in (have) French classes every day at (talk) * * * * Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs. ceek eat go learn live not do not listen play visit watch 1 My dad uรually cooks our dinner, but tonight we.in a restaurant. 2 We.about China in geography class right now. 1.3 billion people . in China! 3 They. to their new CD. They . 4 She.judo on Thursdays. She . Volleyball. 5 |.to school in Connecticut, but today we. a movie. Sp a museum in New York. (6 1.1 3 Make sentences and questions. 1 he / love / play / basketbal He loves playing basketball. 2 you / enjoy / run? 3 she / not mind / go / by bus 4 you / hate / lose 5 |/ not like / learn / French 6 he / prefer / study / computer Science? 7 they / can't stand / listen / to rap music D

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