


英語 中学生


[2] The coronavirus has become a very big problem around the world. Because of this, handwashing with *soap has become very important. (A) Parents, teachers, and leaders are [7. their hands 1. a day I. to wash . everyone many times ]. Many telling famous people have made songs and videos about handwashing. Handwashing is important, but it is not easy for some people in the world. "Handwashing with soap is one of the cheapest and most effective things you can do," said a *director at *UNICEF. "It can protect you and others against coronavirus and other diseases." However, there are billions of people in the world who cannot (B) do this. UNICEF says that 40 percent of the world's people, ( C ) 3 *billion, do not have a handwashing place with water and soap at home. Also, 47 percent of schools do not have a place for handwashing, and 16 percent of healthcare centers do not have handwashing places for patients. Many people in developing countries are getting sick because they cannot wash their hands. Until now, UNICEF has taught people in developing countries the importance of handwashing. But even now, developing countries still need help. Japan and other countries should give help so that all people around the world can wash their hands. Notes: soap 石けん director 局長 UNICEF ユニセフ、国連児童基金 問 3 空所 (C)に入る適切なものを次のア~エから1つ選び記号で答えなさい。 7. and 1. or .but I. for billion 10 億

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


次の左利き(left-handed)と右利き (right-handed) についての英文を読んで, 1~5の問いに答え なさい。 =~する可能性が高い rate (s) =割合 serious injuries =重傷 (注)life span (s) 3D寿命 feel down = 落ち込む be likely to ~= data = データ allergies = アレルギー advantage = 有利な点 academic success = 学問的な成功 president (s) =大統領 Are you left-handed or right-handed? Do you use your right hand or left hand when you do some activities? In this world, some people usually use their right hand, and others use their left hand. Is there any difference between these people? Some scientists) have discovered an interesting fact, about the life span of left-handed people and right-handed people. They. say that left-handed people have a shorter life span than right-handed people. This idea comes from Da study in 1991 It showed that the population of left-handed people becomes smaller with age. The scientists said that left-handed people live in ② a world for right handed people. Some things, such as a knife, a guitar, a baseball glove, and a keyboardof personal Computers, are made for right-handed people. Left-handed people are more likely to have trouble using those things, and have-accidents and serious injuries.. In 1992, one scientist, that the life spans of left-handed people are about nine years shorter than those of right-handed people. Were left-handed people given a bad hand? If you are a left-handed person, don't feel down. In 2000, a scientist showed that ④ Coren's idea was not. true. Here is the reason: some elderly right-handed people started as left-handed people, but their parents and teachers changed them into right-handed when they were children. That means many of left-handed people died as right-handed. Like this, there are some questions about Coren's data, so we cannot say that left-handed people have a shorter life span. Also, other studies showed that the life spans of right-handed people and left-handed people are not so different. Stanley Coren, said that these make their life spans shorter. He found Still, some people say that there are some bad points in being left-handed. Because they live in a world for right-handed people, left-handed people may have higher rates of some diseases such as mental disease,and allergies. However, we can also find a lot of good points in being left-handed. They have an advantage in sports like_tennis and baseball. Also, they are likely to have more academic success and higher IQs. Five of America's last eleven presidents were left-handed people, though ( 6 11人の5人

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

問2までは無理矢理やったんですけど3からわからなくて。。。 1と2も間違ってたら指摘してください!

四 mez (表量のみ) 次の圏、回に答えなさい。 genetically modified food) 還 次の英文は ジョューンス先生(Mr Tones)がクラスの生徒たちと遺伝 子組み換え食品( と農薬(agricultural chemicals) について話している場面のものです。これを読んで 1 ーーーーで| There are toOo many people Kota : ] wat blems last night. mwatched a TV program about food proble mn in the future. liVing in the world, so there wont be enough food for all of the Saki : IT saw it,too、The food problems are more difficult than math problems. | Kota : 1 think farmers should produce more "CrODS. for people to eat. | Saki : My "parents are farmers、They say their job js to produce enough cropS TTP 。 | They wull also | Crops will die i there are *weeds around them or they have diSeaSe- | die if there are many bad weather days. | | Kota : Does that mean itS not easy to produce more crODS? SNSIT6S difficult。My parents always worry about their CrODS. ら 過 IMr Jones : Do you think genetically modified food wi help to produce HOTE CTODS: | Saki 1 dont know much about it. Mr.Jones : We have *genes that come from our parents. They carry informa lants, too. Short legs or long legs or black hair or red hair. GeneS are found in all animals and pla | Kota : My father has long hands and I have long hands, to0. tion about you,Such aS | IMr jones : And some *scientists put a gene into crops and it could make the croDS StrOngeT against |15 agricultural chemicals。 When farmers “spread the agricultural chemicals over their | genetically modified crops, weeds die but the crops dont | Eota : Thats greatl They will help your parents with their work. Sakt | Mr Jones : Butthere are some problems. People see fewer "honeybees In America now. Agricultural chemicals may be *killing them. Kota : Really? Honeybees put *pollen from one flower on another one to help it to *grow. Without honeybees, we wi not have fruits, *vegetables. and other plants. | ] Saki : We will die soon without food. And now in many parts of the world. (alot of / die / mare / children / because / there / who) there isnt enough food for them to eat. IKota : Yes, and *at the same time, there's a lot of *unsold or leftover food in restaurants. food |25 Ia | Stores, and even at home, Tlearned it when 1 watched the program last night. 1 couldnt believe there was more leftover food at home. Mr.Jones : Do you know a "food bank? There are many food banks in America. They *gather such food and give it to people *in need. Tread about it im the newspaper. There are some in japan、too. 1 hope all of us 30 each other and can eat enough food、 YYe should think of the best way to do so. 農家(の人) crop(s) 作物 parents 両親 weed 雑草 disease 病気 子 。 mformation 情報 scientist 科学者 spread まく honeybee(s) みつばち pollen 花粉 grow 育つ Vegetable 野菜 atthesametime 同時に - 売れ残り と食べ残しの食糧 "food bank フードバンク gather 集める 英記

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