


英語 中学生

こういう英語の長文の解き方教えてください🙏 いっつもテストの時時間かかってしまって… 回答よろしくお願いします…!

5 Alice: Do you believe in horoscopes? Moe: Horoscopes? What are they? Alice: A horoscope has 12'star signs. Your star sign is decided by your birthday. Moe: Oh, I think it's hoshiuranai in Japanese. Alice I see. Each star sign represents a different personality. I'm a Cancer. A Cancer is kind and careful. Moe: That's true! I want you to tell me the English name of my star sign. My birthday is April 15. 10 Alice: You are an Aries. An Aries is brave and always helps friends. * believe in ~ ~を信じる horoscope: 星占い star sign 星座 personality: 性格 Cancer かに座の人 Aries おひつじ座の人 represent 表す 萌の星座の人はどんな性格だと言っていますか。 答えを表す1文に下線を引きなさい。 [80 words] ゆみ 5 速読 由美が行ってみたい国についてスピーチをしています。 I want to go to Thailand. It is located in Southeast Asia. About seventy million people live in the country. Thai is spoken there. I have a friend from Thailand. His name is Dao. He tells me a lot about his country, so I'm interested in it. Thai food is loved in Japan, and there are some Thai food restaurants in our town. I like eating at one of them, but Dao tells me that the food at that restaurant is a little different from *real Thai food. When I visit Thailand, I want to have real Thai food. * Thailand: タイ [99 words] Dao: ダオ (人名) Thai : タイ語, タイの Southeast Asia : 東南アジア real : 本当の be different from ~~と違っている 美がしたいと思っていることを1つ選び、記号を書きなさい。 タイ語を勉強すること タイに住む友達に会いに行くこと 本場のタイ料理を食べること nine

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

🚨至急🚨 間違っている問題を教えてください!

5 次の対話文を読んで,あとの各問いに答えなさい。 Rika: Hi, Vanessa. Are you free after school tomorrow? Vanessa: Let me see.... I don't think I have anything special. Do you have any plans? Rika: 5 Vanessa: Rika: Vanessa: 10 Rika: I'm planning to have my birthday party tomorrow and I *want you to come. Actually my birthday is March 5, but.... That's today! Happy birthday, Rika! Thanks. But today is Thursday and I have my piano lesson going to have the party tomorrow. 3 That's a good idea, because we don't have any classes tomorrow afternoon. That means we can stay together longer. You're right. The party will start at two. for us. That's my favorite. That's my favorite, too. Oh, I can't wait. I'm also going to invite some of my friends in this class. Let's have a wonderful time together. Can I take my little sister with me? *I don't think she's ever been to such a party in 5 SV 0 Japan. Why not? I have a sister, too, so they can play together. want... to ~ ・・・に~してほしいと思う Vanessa: Rika: 15 Vanessa: Rika: 〔注〕 問5 問6 My mother is going to make chocolate cake I don't think she's ever been to 〜 彼女は今まで〜 へ行ったことがないと私は思う 問1 下線部①と同じ文型の文をア~オから1つ選び, 記号で答えなさい。 ア The news made her sad. イ He always buys me flowers. ウ She looks very nice in her new dress. エ Do you know the tall building over there? . オ Every morning he walks in the park before breakfast. 問2 下線部②とほぼ同じ内容を表すように, に適する語を[]内から選んで書きなさい。 any every all〕 Thursday [ some every 問3 ヴァネッサ (Vanessa) が下線部 ③ のように思った理由を日本語で答えるとき, ()の部分を補いなさい。 (金曜日の午後は2人とも予定がない 午後は2人と から。 問4 下線部④とほぼ同じ内容を表すように, My mother is going to make に適する語を書きなさい。 us 下線部⑤が第何文型であるかを答えなさい。 on Thursdays. So I'm 本文の内容と合うように,次の問いに英文で答えなさい。 What is Rika and Vanessa's favorite? a big chocolate cake. chacolate cake it 〔エ〕 第〔3〕 文型

解決済み 回答数: 1