


理科 中学生

理科の天体の問題です。(3)(4)が分かりません。ちなみに、(3)の答えはカ、(4)の答えは、冬至の日、、エ、夏至の日、、、イです。 よろしくお願いいたします。

E C R4-B-rika.pdf 図 4 zenkenmoshi.jp/files/uploads/R4-B-rika.pdf 点P 〔観察2] X 〔観察3] R4-B-rika pdf 5 太陽の動きについて調べるため, 日本のある地点Xで,次の 〔観察1] から 〔観察3] までを 行った。 [観察1] ① 冬至の日に, 図1のように,直 角に交わるように線を引いた厚紙 に透明半球を固定し, 日当たりの よい水平な場所に東西南北を合わ せて置いた。 ② 午前8時から午後4時までの1 時間ごとに, サインペンの先端を 透明半球の上で動かし, サインペンの先端の影が透明半球の中心と重なるように して、 透明半球上に点をつけ, 太陽の位置を記録した。 図2 ③②で記録した点をなめらかな線で結び, さらにその線を透明半球の縁まで伸ばした。 このとき, 図2のように, 透明半球の縁まで伸ばした 線の端をそれぞれ点P, 点Q とした。 ④③で透明半球上に結んだ 線にビニールテープを重ね、 点P,Q, ②で記録した 太陽の位置をビニールテー プに写し 各点の間の長さをはかった。 1 9 / 13 図2の点は、点Oを通る南北の線と線分PQとの交点 である。 また、図3は、図2の透明半球を真横から見たも のであり、図4は、[観察1] の④の結果を示したもので ある。 ただし, 図3では, 透明半球上に記録された太陽の 位置を示す点は省略してある。 100% 図 1 南 x /南 —(8)― H 図3 東 東 10 O 南 H 南 西 ① 冬至の日に,図5のように, 直角に交わ 図5 棒 るように線を引いた厚紙上の交点Rに棒を 垂直に立て, 日当たりのよい水平な場所に 東西南北を合わせて置いた。 東 ② 午前8時から午後4時までの1時間ごと に,棒の影の先端の位置を厚紙に記録して, なめらかな線で結んだ。 ③ 夏至の日に, ①, ② と同じことを行った。 透明半球 シロ 3.8cm 4.0cm 4.0cm 4.0cm 4.0cm 4.0cm 4.0cm 4.0cm 4.0cm 3.0cm /R 北 西 厚紙 北 点Q ● 〔観察1] で用いた透明半球を使って, 春分の日と夏至の日にそれぞれ 〔観察1] と 同じことを行った。 北 P 厚紙 一北 M4 (816-35) X E 8 FUJIT30

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


2 次の英文は咲 Saki) と貴 (Takashi) が 知人で来日中のスミス氏 (Mr.Smith) と 会話をしている場面と、その後に咲がスミス氏に送ったメールの一部である。 これらを読んで、後の各問に答えよ。 Saki: Mr. Smith: Takashi: You started a Japanese cooking Jug class in London, right? 1011 radiom Yes. I began to think about this class when I was working as a chef in Fukuoka. Look at this. It is a picture of my class. 144. Yem Oh, "Washoku Cooking Class", is that the name of your class? ℗¹) In London, I think it is ( you / better / to / name / for ) say “Japanese food cooking class" THOM mu woy 920 COD Takashi: Mr. Smith: Washoku Cooking Class TADT. bia Mr. Smith: Well, that name was not enough for me. You know what Was Saki: Takashi: 1910M Washoku means, right? XUDA ng of evad i bar it hard tontos I woa loodo Yes, it means traditional Japanese food culture. We learned about it in home YSHIONY economics class. 2 There is some special food (for /is/ you / eaten / which ) annual events, Mr. Smith: Wow, you learned that at school. Many people in London like sushi or tempura, but they don't know a lot about Washoku. AO LOY TENT Do you think people living in London can learn and enjoy Washoku? I have seen that many times in my class. We understand more about Washoku by cooking Japanese food and eating it. We also enjoy the Szasla sousi seasons through the colors and shapes hapes of the food and dishes. be colorat Suoy two VaRar ook buitius mods storw WORD 320 TIRSALT I see. I haven't tried to show Washoku to other people before, but now I want to introduce it to the foreign people around us and enjoy it together. Saki:oo Good idea! Let's do it! We'll tell you about it later, Mr. Smith. T

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


問題10 【思考・判断・表現】 (2×9=18) 健(Ken)はクラスの友達に切手 (stamp) と地図 (map)を見せながら、ブータン王国 (Bhutan)に住む文通相手 (pen pal)のタシ (Tashi)との交通についてスピーチをしてい ます。 次の英文を読んで、あとの (ア) ~ (ケ)の各問いに答えなさい。 ow or W atploaoro to Yo ont bib SW (1) Hi, everyone. I'm going to talk about my pen pal. Please look at this stamp. Have you ever seen a big stamp like this? It's samm not a Japanese stamp. Then (0)? Tashi, my pen pal no Satologado tuodo in Bhutan, sent it to me last week. Bhutan has interesting stamps. I'll talk a little about (E) Syobot Bhutan. Please look at this map. Bhutan is between China and India. It's bigger than Kyushu and has many high mountains. People in that country have clothes like Japanese kimonos, and they grow and eat rice. Tashi and I became pen pals last year. I've never seen him, (2) I've seen his father. His father came to Japan to study at college, and my mother was his Japanese teacher. When she brought him to our house, he told me about his family. He said, "My son is as old nh's Snipsd as you. He wanted to come to Japan with 3me, but he had to stay in Bhutan. He is very Cbil yohl(5) (5) interested in Japan and wants a Japanese friend. If you write a letter to him, he will be very (4)." Tashi's father also told me about his country. It was very interesting. So I Estoloporis sver of sent a letter to Tashi, and we started writing letters to each other. We write letters in English. I didn't like writing English before, but now I enjoy it. Tashi writes English very well because teachers in Bhutan usually speak English when they teach. He sometimes uses difficult words in his letters, so I need a ( 5 ) to read them. We write about our countries, schools, families, and friends. He uses beautiful stamps to him, too. Thank you for listening.

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

問6でなぜunderstoodではだめなのですか? わかるではないということですか? 教えてほしいですお願いします🙏

(注) Graph 1 TAIと一緒に働くことに抵抗がありますか」 に対する (アメリカ) 20.7 5.3 4 拓也 (Takuya) さんは、 クラスメートの彩 (Aya) さん ジュディ (Judy)さんと 「科学技術と人々の生活」をテーマとした高校生による国際会議 (international conference) の発表者として選ばれました。 国際会議で発表する前に、拓也さんは発表の 内容についてクラスの生徒たちに説明しています。 グラフ(graph)とクラスでの説明の原 稿を読んで、あとの各問に答えなさい。 46.4 (62%) 27.5 ■非常にある ある程度ある □あまりない □まったくない 領域別学習判定 34.0 Graph 2 「Aと一緒に働くことに抵抗がありますか」 に対する回答結果 (日本) 17.8 19.9 MESEN BION 45 S AI AI air conditioner: エアコン BM (単位:%) 28.3 ■非常にある ある程度ある □あまりない □まったくない (artificial intelligence) Graph 3 「今後取得したいAIを活用するための力 技能等は何ですか」 に対する回答結果(複数回答可) 50 40 30 20 evaluate: 評価する performance be ready to 〜 : 〜する準備ができている 10 a - 5 - 23.5 19.9 Al $ AI M するための力作る技能 Al 活用方法を 考える力 I'm Takuya. My classmates, Aya and Judy, and I decided to talk about AI in our lives at the international conference. AI is like a brain in a machine. In our lives, we can see many kinds of machines with AI like smartphones, robot cleaners, and air conditioners. Last weekend, I found a robot with AI at a new shopping mall. It said, " "I said, "Where can I buy a CD here?" Then the robot answered the question quickly. I was very surprised. At the international conference, we are going to show examples of machines with Al first, and then we are going to talk about a difference between Japanese and American people. Aya found Graph 1 and Graph 2 on the Internet. The question in あ of the American them is, "How do you feel when you have to work with machines with AI? The graphs show the answers to the question. Graph 1 shows that about people are not happy to work with machines with AI. In America, people are often evaluated by their work performance. So they are afraid of losing their jobs when job than them. Graph 2 shows that more than 50% of the (2) machines with Al do Japanese people think it is OK to work with machines with AI. Judy found another graph. It's Graph 3. People over 20 years old answered the % of the Japanese people think they don't question on the graph. It shows about need to learn any skills to use AI. I believe the Japanese people will need to learn the I think Japanese people skills. We should do something to improve the situation. should be ready to live with machines with AI. But from the graph, we can also see that some of the Japanese people want to (A) AI and think about how to use it. I'm B) a lot of ( C ) Japanese people are interested in AI. Machines with AI are part of our lives. We should think about how to ( D ) our lives by using AI. Aya, Judy and I are going to ask the students some questions about living with AI at (3) the conference. What questions will we ask at the conference? We haven't We are going to talk about the questions later. Thank you for listening. 15.2 力や技能を 身につける ■アメリカ □ 日本 brain : shopping mall : ショッピングモール T

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