


英語 中学生

この問題の(4)なのですが、 I will try anything faster than any other student in my class. どんなことも他の人(クラスメート)よりも早く挑戦する と解答したのですが、あっていますか? 添削お願いします。

19 ハルナ(Haruna) がヒューズ先生 (Mr. Hughes) と話をしています。この対話文を読んで、 [1]~[(3) に入る最も適当なものをそれぞれあとのア~エのうちから一つずつ選び、その 符号を書きなさい。 また、対話文の内容に合うように、 (4) に入る言葉を英語で書きなさい。 ただし、語の数 は10語程度(.?! などの符号は語数に含まない。) とすること。 Haruna Mr. Hughes, do you have time ? Mr. Hughes Of course. Do you have any questions? Haruna:Yes, at the end of the class, you said, "Be the first penguin." (1) Mr. Hughes: All right. You know penguins, right? Penguins are birds that cannot fly but car swim in the sea. Haruna Yes, of course. I have seen them in an aquarium. Mr. Hughes : Some people say that there is no leader in the world of penguins but that is not true. When they catch food or run away to a safe place, one penguin moves first, and then the rest of them (2) Haruna Mr. Hughes: Wow, that's very interesting. For example, (3) | to jump into the sea to catch food because there is sometimes danger in the sea. But when one brave penguin jumps into the sea, all 0000/r

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英語 中学生

大問2の英作文(4点満点)と大問3の英作文(5点満点)を採点して点数をつけて欲しいです!お願いします! 大問2の英作文 I chose D.The way is easy very much for me, so it's better than others. 大問3の英... 続きを読む

次の資料1は, せんと博物館 (Sento Museum) の利用案内の一部である。 また, 資料2は,ま ほろば駅 (Mahoroba Station) から, せんと博物館への行き方を【A】~【D】の4通り示したもので ある。各問いに答えよ I droice wasatin adi of og worlife 資料1 menom od ni donut send oj soalq ou si mad Museum Hours O E net li mortete sdotodely to dix jest gilt sen bfrade no? The museum is open from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Last admission is 30 minutes before closing time. te adorodlalá moi amoen wil nety of 181 9800 oy II Holidays The museum is closed from December 28 to January 1. 資料2 Special Exhibition The "Kano Eitoku" Special Exhibition will be held from April 1 to October 31, 2023. TangP Others HA1~1 to 311075 [A] [B] The restaurant is on the second floor, and it is open from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 Eating and drinking is allowed in the garden. 2 ICI [D] ( 一般選抜 ) in.q 00:2 in COST2 edotoel in ste Doy (注) (2023年) - 9 Take a train from Mahoroba Station to Sento Station. [about 7 minutes] Take bus number 1 in front of the East Exit of the station and get off at the "Sento Museum" bus stop. [about 9 minutes] Then, walk to the museum. [about 3 minutes] Ren p.m. Take a train from Mahoroba Station to Sento Station. [about 7 minutes] Use the East Exit of the station and walk to the museum. [about 27 minutes] admission A open (店などが) 開いている closed (店などが) 閉まっている exhibition Take bus number 2 in front of the East Exit of Mahoroba Station and get off at the "Sento Museum" bus stop. [about 42 minutes] Then, walk to the museum. [about 3 minutes] closing: 閉館の Take a taxi in front of the West Exit of Mahoroba Station to the museum. [about 25 minutes] allow: 許す exit

解決済み 回答数: 1