


英語 中学生

リーディングの問題です。 色付き下線部の英文の訳し方がよくわかりません。 どのようにして,回答のようになるのか教えて下さい🙇‍♀️

3 Jill, Ellen, Bob, and Edward lived near a lake/They could go for a swim every day. A man named Mr. Black lived near the lake, too./Sometimes Mr. Black went swimming with the children. One day they asked him to go for a swim with them./Mr. Black said "We can't go for a swim. We may never swim in the lake again." "Why not?" asked Edward. "Because the lake is polluted," said Mr. Black. "There's a new sign at the lake. It says No Swimming, Polluted." "What is polluting the lake?" asked Jill. "Let's go down to the lake and look at it," said Mr. Black. (ア) Mr. Black and the children went to the lake on a sunny Sunday. They looked into the water. It wasn't clean/They walked around the lake and they saw why it wasn't clean. “Look at that *garbage in the water," said Jill. "That's what's polluting the lake.” Edward saw oil floating on the water./"That oil pollutes the water, too,” said Edward. "It comes from boats on the lake." "Come here," said Ellen. "Take a look at this. There are tires in the lake !" "Why would people throw tires into a lake ?" asked Bob. "They just don't stop to think," said Mr. Black. "But they are not the only ones who pollute the lake. The people who run that factory pollute the water, too." Bob looked at Mr. Black/"What can we do? How can we stop the pollution ? he asked. "Well, we must get help from other people. We can't do it alone," said Mr. Black. Mr. Black had a friend who worked for a newspaper company. He asked him to help. The next day the story about the pollution was reported in the newspaper. Many people read about the story. They talked of the pollution. They talked of ways to clean it up. people met at the lake./They came to clean it up./ They cleaned out the garbage. Then they cleaned out the tires./They set up big cans. Then they put signs on the cans. The signs read, "Put Your Garbage Here." /People who lived near the lake came to help./People who had boats came to help./And, people from the factory also One day (イ) came to help. They knew that it would take a long time to get the lake clean again. But they did not give up. They all hoped that someday the "No Swimming” sign would come down and the people could swim in the lake again. 注) 〒garbage=ごみ

解決済み 回答数: 2
英語 中学生

このページ助けてくださーい、 解説無しでもありでもOK! ( ᐛ )

世界の諸地域 (アジア州,uーロッパ州) 次の問いに答えなさい。 地図 地図I 1) 地図I中のAの国について、正しく述べている文を選びなさい。 た。 首都のプリュッセルにはヨーロッパ連合(EU)の本部がある。 2ルール地方の石炭とライン川の水運を背続に、ヨーロッパ有数の工業地域が発達した。 富都はバリで、農業大国であり、小麦の自給率は100% をこえている。 世界で最初に産業革命がおこり、「世界の工場」といわれていた。 3 (2) 地図I中のXの海の沿岸部では、地域の気候を生かした農業がさかんに行われていま す。この気候と農業について述べた文として適切なものを選びなさい。 らくのう (冷源な気候を利用して,乳牛を飼育して牛乳からチーズなどをつくる酪農がさかんで ある。 2 夏の降水量が少なく冬の降水量が多いことから、夏はオリープなどを、冬は小麦など を栽培する農業がさかんである。 さいば 3 冷涼な気候を利用して,夏はオリーブなどを、冬は小麦などを栽培する農業がさかん である。 夏の降水量が少なく冬の降水量が多いことから,乳牛を飼育して牛乳からチーズなと をつくる酪農がさかんである。 グラフIは、地図I 中の①~④ のいずれかの都市の気温と降水 クフノ」 音表しています。あてはまる都市を選びなさい。 年平均気温27T 20年時水量232 9mm 20 10 気 10 温-0 14710 一理科年表2021年

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