


英語 中学生

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にする英語を書き、思い出の ① トリル □入学式 -entrance ceremony ① 私は新入生です。 ② 佐藤先生は親切です。 ③ 小学校では徒歩通学でしたが、中学校では自転 車通学をしています。 ⑤ 私は速く走ることができます。 ⑥ 私のクラスは強いチームで有名です。 ⑦ その試合はとてもわくわくしました。 ⑧ 私たちは3試合しました。 ⑨ 私たちはすべての試合に勝ちました! ① 私たちは英語の歌を歌いました。 私は一生懸命に練習しました。 私たちはいっしょに映画を作りました。 その上演はすばらしかったです! 私たちはすばらしい時を過ごしました。 ①I 2 Mr. Sato 31 go to junior high school 運動会 スポーツ大会 - sports day ④ 今年は9月20日に運動会がありました。 4 We September 20 this year. ⑤ Icon fast. □文化祭 学校祭 school festival 私たちの学校は11月に文化祭があります。 - ⑥ Our closs is ⑦ The game ⑧ We played We □好きなもの my favorite things ⑩ 私はマンガとアニメが好きです。 ①7 私の大好きな教科は数学です。 私はテニスが大好きです。 to elementary school, but now Ⅰ Our school 17 My 18 I melementary school 小学校 student. a sports day November. ① We sang* a song in 12 I 13 We ⑩ The performance 15 We for our strong very games. 0 the games! #fast 速く class クラス very hard. a movie a school festival sang sing の過去形 hard 一生懸命に manga and anime. subject is math. tennis very

解決済み 回答数: 4
英語 中学生

この問題の(3)が分かりません。 教えて下さい! 見えにくいかもしれません。

I especially like Japanese anime and manga. They are very colorfal and exciting. Many people all over the world love Japanese anime and manga. There are many kinds of anime and manga in the world, but I think Japanese anime and manga are special. There are three reasons. First, in Japan there are many anime and manga not only for children but also for adults. Second, their pictures are beautiful and delicate. Third, their stories are very interesting. For example, we can enjoy history, comedy, friendship, sportsmanship, battles, and so on. What kind of anime and manga do you like? I like Princess Mononoke the best. My younger sister Judy likes Spirited Away, and many poeple in the world love the Ghibri anime. I read Japanese manga every day when I was in the U.S. I like One Piece the best of all Japanese manga, so I choose Kumamoto to study Japanese. I heard that statues of One Piece characters such as Luffy are standing in Kumamoto. I want to visit all the statues during my stay in Kumamoto. Now I see many anime and read many manga in Japanese every day, so I can learn Japanese culture from them. Thanks to reading Japanese manga, I become able to speak Japanese little by little. And I like Japanese food, too. Japanese food is usually healthy and delicious, so many people in the U.S. eat it to lose weight. Sushi, soba, udon, and tofu are very popular there. I like most Japanese food, but of course I don't like a few things. For example, I don't like natto very much. I think natto is healthy but the smell is too strong for me. About a month ago, we had natto at school lunch. First I couldn't eat it, but 3 many of my Japanese freinds looked happy when they ate it, so I tried it. The smell was not good, but the taste was better than I thought. Now I eat natto at school lunch with my friends. I thought it was important to challenge everything たくさんの日本の友達は幸せそうに納豆を食 (1) 次のア~オの英文の中で、本文の内容と合わないものを2つ選び, 記号で答えなさい。 7 Ann likes Japanese anime, but she doesn't like Japanese manga. 1 Ann says the stories of Japanese anime and manga are very interesting. Ann's favorite Japanese anime is Spirited Away, I. Ann says Japanese food is healthy and delicious. P. 7 * Ann doesn't like natto very much but she can eat it at school lunch. (2) ①,③の英文を日本文にしなさい。 ただし③ではitの意味がわかるように具体的に書きなさい。 (3) ② の文を Japanese anime and manga を主語にして同じ意味になるように書きかえなさい。

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

英語の和訳をお願いします。 第1段落と第2段落がうまく訳せません。 特に第1段落のThree of them 以下や、第2段落の第1文のManga 〜 in Japanese.やIt describes以下です。 It describesのItもなにを指しているか混乱してま... 続きを読む

回 海外で発行されている日本のガイドブックに、漫画とアニメの記事が掲載されています。 記事を読んで、あとの問いに答えなさい。 People around the world now know and love Japanese anime. Some characters are familiar to people who do not usually read manga or watch anime. One of the reasons for this success is the adjustments that were made for viewers overseas Three of them involve titles, characters, and content. 2 Manga and anime titles are, of course, originally in Japanese. Some, like this does not work with all titles. For example, Knights of the Zodiac is originally Seinto Seiya in Japanese. It describes just the main character, but in English, the title was changed to something that relates to the whole story. This made it more attractive to viewers in foreign countries. Characters' names are often changed in manga and anime that are mainly for children. It is hard for children to remember unfamiliar names. With familiar names, children can focus on the story. For example, the character Satoshi in Pokemon becomes Ash in English. The name Ash uses three letters from S-a-t-o s-h-i. Japanese customs are sometimes adjusted for non-Japanese viewers. The adjustments can be small or large. Consider this example of a small adjustment. In anime in Japan, characters eat onigiri. In Western versions, they eat cookies. In manga, they don't change the pictures. Instead they add short explanations. This way, foreign readers can understand Japanese customs and behavior. A large adjustment might be a change in the setting. Consider Kyojin no Hoshi, an anime from the 1970s. In it, the main character Hyuma trains very hard and becomes a professional baseball player. In the Indian version, its main character plays cricket, a popular team sport in India. In short, perhaps anime became more popular because of these adjustments. The language and customs were adapted a little to fit each culture. Think about your favorite manga or anime. The original is probably different.

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