


英語 中学生

英検2級 2022年 第二回リスニング だれか点のところ分かる人いませんか?

ウンロード Question: What does the woman want to buy? 2022年度 第2回 一次試験リスニング ★: Well, we have many different colors and sizes. What are you looking for? Actually, a really big one would be great. He likes to hug one. ★: We should have some that are as big as large pillows. Let me check if we have what you're looking for. No.8: My plant looks a little yellow. Do you think I used the wrong kind of soil? The soil looks too wet to me. How often have you been watering it? Don't water it too much. Leaves can turn yellow when a plant gets too much water. Question: What does the woman suggest doing about the plant? ★ Every two days. I recently put it in a bigger pot and moved it . too. No. 9 James, did you buy the meat for the barbecue? ★ Oh, no. I forgot! I'll get it tomorrow on my way home from work. ☆ ★ OK. Please don't forget. Everybody is coming at six. call me at work tomorrow Can you :? You know how bad my memory is. Question: What did James forget to do? No. 10: Welcome to Jessie's Comic Books. How can I help you? ★ I'd like to buy some old copies of a comic I used to read when I was a kid. It's called Wild Cowboys. 16 2022年度 第2回 一次試験リスニング Oh, that comic book when I was young, too. Unfortunately, you'll have trouble finding it at most stores. You should look for used copies online. ★ OK. I'll try that. Question: How will the man try to find a copy of the comic book Wild Cowboys? No. 11 Honey, you were running for longer than usual. What took you so long? Well, I was running on Forest Avenue when I saw a big, brown dog. It didn't look very friendly. ★: Did it try to bite you? No, but it was scary. I turned around and went the other way for a while. I a longer way home, just in case. Question: What do we learn about the woman? No. 12: Hello? ★ Hi, Liz. It's John. Can I talk to you about your boyfriend? Sure. What is it? ★ You know I'm doing a history report with him, right? Well,. . . I'm doing all the work. I see. Well, he's not lazy, but he's the kind of person that waits to be told what to do. I'll try talking to him for you. Question: What is one thing the girl says about her boyfriend? No. 13 No! The other team scored again. That's the second time this inning. 17

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