


歴史 中学生

1問目途中で消えててすいません💦 全て教えて欲しいです

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 第一次第一次第一次第一次第一次第一次第一次第一次第一次第一次 第一次第一次 第一次 第一次 問題 1882年に成立した, ドイツ, オーストリア, イタリアの 次 三 . 1907年に成立した, イギリス, フランス, ロシアの三 次国で結ばれた協約を何というか。 列強の利害と民族、宗教の対立がからまり紛争が絶え 次なかったバルカン半島は何とよばれていたか。 1914年, オーストリアの皇太子夫妻がセルビア人の青 次年に暗殺された都市はどこか。( こうたいしふさい 1914年, オーストリアの皇太子夫妻が暗殺されたこ とをきっかけに始まった戦争を何というか。 だいいちじせかいたいせん れんごうこくがわ 日本はある同盟を理由に第一次世界大戦に連合国側とし 200360 XBO 次て参戦したが, それは何か。 SECNICHSENICA 1917年にロシアでおきた,労働者や農民による世界で しゃかいしゅぎかくめい 次 初めての社会主義革命を何というか。 ロシア革命の指導者はだれか。 しゃかいしゅぎこっか INT ロシア革命の結果, 1922年に成立した社会主義国家ater 次を何というか。 GENSENS536 こうわかいぎ パリ講和会議で1919年に結ばれた第一次世界大戦の講 3X80 和条約は何か。 こくさいきょうちょ 間内。 1920年に世界平和と国際協調のためにジュネーブを本 次部として設立された組織は何か。er 国際連盟の設立を提案したアメリカ大統領はだれか。 アメリカ大統領ウィルソンが主張した 「各民族は自分た ちのことは自分たちで決める」 という考えを何という か 1921年から翌年にかけてアメリカで開かれた海軍の せいげん 14 軍備の制限などをきめた国際会議を何というか。

解決済み 回答数: 2
英語 中学生

至急!!!!! この問題を教えてください🙏

読解力をつけよう 516 Words 目標6分 ◆次の英文は、高校生の次郎(Jiro) さんが、 英語の授業中に自分の祖父(grandfather)について発表したもので す。これを読んで、 あとの間いに答えなさい。 My grandfather is great. I'm going to talk about him. He always tries to study new things. After retiring from his job, he has studied sign language, calligraphy and so on. Now he is studying how to use computers. He also studies English hard. He likes studying very much. First, I'll tell you about him and computers. There was already one computer in my house, We used it to do many things. But my grandfather never tried to use it. One day I got a ticket for a trip 5 for him on the computer. He said, “Thanks. I'm surprised. It is very easy to get a ticket on the R (徳島改) computer!" I said, "Yes, it is." A few weeks later, I was using the computer to make my report with some pictures. My grandfather came to me, and said, “You have made your report with pictures. It is very good and beautiful." OHe became interested in computers. 10 He started to study how to use computers in a class for senior citizens, and bought some books about computers. He also bought a new computer. He enjoyed the class, and he studied for about two hours every day. When he first began to study, he couldn't use computers well, so he asked me many questions. Now he can use computers better than me and enjoys using them. He can get tickets for his trips or look for good hospitals on the Internet. On the computer, he can make leaflets with pictures and is also going to make a web page for the senior citizens group in his town. When he showed the leaflet he made to the members of the group, 15 they said, “You've made it! It is very wonderful and beautiful." He was very happy to hear that. My grandfather said to me, “I'm going to make a web page for the group. I want to study more about computers to make a good web page. When we learn more, we can do more.” Now he is trying to 20 make it. Next, I want to tell you about (2my grandfather and English. He traveled to Canada with his friends last year. When he came back, he showed me many pictures of Canada, and said, “I enjoyed visiting many beautiful places. When I went shopping, I tried to use English. It was difficult for me to speak English, but I tried it. I was very happy because the clerk understood me. If I can speak English 25 better, I can enjoy the trip more. I've decided to study English every day.” He studies English very hard. He repeats English words and sentences he has learned from books and CDs. He said, “This is a good way for me to study English. I want to go to many countries and talk with people in English." He said, “I like and enjoy studying new things because I can get different ideas and new information. 30 That makes my life fruitful. It is interesting for me to study.” I think his words are true. I want to enjoy studying new things as he does. | retire (retiring) 退職する senior citizen (s) 高齢の人 sign language 手話 calligraphy 書道 report レポート leaflet(s) ちらし web page ホームページ clerk 店員 sentence(s) 文 fruitful 実り多い

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

下線部の意味はbreakfastの単語を見ると2つの単語からできているとこがわかるでしょう。 という意味になります。 イを私はmakeにしてしまい答えはmadeでした。 なぜmadeになるかおしえてください

5 次の英文を読んで, 各問いに答えなさい。 "Breakfast is the most important *meal of the day." Many people "agree with this idea. but Some ünd it ishard te eat in the morning. Junior and senior high school students in Saitama were asked about breakfast. About 70% of them said they ate every morning and about 10% of the students said they always *skipped breakfast. Students who don't eat breakfast often say, I don't have time to eat." or "Im not hungry in the morning." People think in different ways about breakfast, but let's *find out why it is so important. If you look at the word “breakfast," you will ( )) that it is( ) up of two A The first word ~break” means "tó stop." and the second word "fast" means "a words. period of eating no food." So, the morning meal, "breakfast," means to stop_eating no food. After dinner, your body keeps working and using "energy, even while you sleep. In the morning, you need to eat breakfast to "get your energy back. People who eat just before going to bed or people who go to bed very late may not want to eat breakfast in the morning because they don't feel hungry. But eating breakfast *plays a big part in everyday life. If you eat breakfast in the morning. you will have energy and can begin your day feeling 0od. If you do not eat breakfast and always feel hungry, you will not have enough energy to do uch. For example, you may not want to have fun with your friends. It may also be difficult you to "concentrate on your first period English class. Some *experts say that students who breakfast every morning do better in class than students who skip breakfast. It is good for students to think about breakfast. so some schols startod to tooo

解決済み 回答数: 2