


英語 中学生


(6) 彼らは明日の今頃はそのレストランで昼食を食べているでしょう。 They will ( ) lunch at the restaurant about this time tomorrow. ア. have イ be having ウ, having (7) 兄は私にフランス語を学ぶようアドバイスしました。 ウ. would (8) 彼は私がそのパスケットボールチームに入ることを強く要求しました。 He insisted that I ( ) join the basketball team. ア. could I should ウ. would My brother advised me that I ( ) learn French. ア. could イ should (9) その計画は成功する可能性が高い。 (10) その子どもを助けるなんて、君は勇敢だった。 The plan has a good chance of ( ). ア. result イ effort ウ. experience エ success (1) 彼女は攻撃を耐え抜いた。 You were ( ) to save the child. ア. honest イ brave ウ. gentle エ. sensitive (15) (12) 私の母は夕食の準備をするのに忙しい。 My mother is busy ( ) dinner. 7. reaching 1. searching preparing I. rolling She ( ) the attack. ア. surprised イ, surveyed ウ. surrounded エ survived (13) 彼女の最新小説の題名は『動物園』です。 The ( ) of her latest novel is "Zoo." ア. topic イ. label ウ title エ. information (14) 都市に住むことと、 いなかに住むことと比較してみなさい。 ( ) living in the city with living in the country. ア. Conduct ⓘ Compare ウ. Attack I. Decorate (19) 古紙はすべて再生利用している。 We ( ) all our waste paper. ア. prefer, hate ウ. divide エ recycle (16) 多くの人々がその戦争で死んだ。 Many people were ( ) in that war. ア. hurt イ killed ウ. attacked エ. wounded (7) これらの古い本を保存しておこう。 Let's () these old books. ア, deserve イ. observe ウ. reserve エ preserve (18) これは根本的な重要性に関わる問題だ。 This is a question of ( ) importance. ア. typical イ. individual ウ fundamental I. certain 彼は封筒の裏に自分の名前を書かなかった。 He didn't write his name on the back of the ( ). ア. title イ. copy ウ envelope I. paper

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英語 中学生


知識・技能 3 CD の関係 A:Bの関係と同じになるよう、( )に適する語を書きなさい。 A: woman. dark B women darkness tooth beautiful 3 Ilost my pen, so I need to buy ( 4 May I have two () of water? 15 My mother and Ⅰ ( ) in the kitchen then. 6 This room ( ) cleaned every day. 1 4 ①と②の表す数を足したものを、数字で書きなさい。 ① five billion, six hundred and seven million ② eighty million, two hundred and four thousand, three hundred and ten 7 What () sent to you this morning? D (1) (2) [1点x2] 5 日本語に合うように、( )に適する英語を書きなさい。 [1点×11] 1 We had ( ) rain last month. 先月はほとんど雨が降らなかった。 2 ( ) bike can run faster than mine! ぼくのより速く走れる自転車はないよ! [2点] ). ペンをなくしたので、買わなくては。 水を二杯いただけますか。 (cup は使わない) 母と私はそのとき台所にいました。 この部屋は毎日清掃されています。 今朝あなたに何が送られてきたのですか。 試合はもう始まったのですか。 8 Has the game started ( )? 9 The train has ( ) left. 電車はちょうど出たところです。 10 Do you recommend any places ( ) particular? 特におすすめの場所はありますか。 11 Akita is known () its delicious rice. 秋田は美味しい米で知られています。

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英語 中学生

至急お願いします 解けるところだけでいいので教えてください

5 次の英文を読んで, 1, 2, 3, 4の問いに答えなさい。 o niw ninuh dond ni o ood t o What can we use to make *buildings? Some people will use *wood, and other people will use oh t *cement. Do you know we can use paper to make a building? In 1994, many people in *Africa *lost their houses in a *war. They started *cutting down trees to build their houses. A lot of trees were lost. A team from *the United Nations gave them *aluminum *tubes for their houses, but the people didn't use them. They *knew that aluminum tubes were expensive, so they *sold them. Then the team gave them paper tubes. The people in Africa started using paper tubes for their houses. They didn't sell them because paper tubes were not expensive. A Tmas bot undestand h Paper tubes are not expensive, and they are very strong, We can make and get them easily. They are B so we can *carry them easily. When we make a building with paper tubes, we don't need many *tools. These are good points of using paper tubes for buildings. There is another good point. When buildings are *dismantled, there is so much *waste. It is not used again, but paper tubes can be used again. There was a *church in Kobe. It was *destroyed by an earthquake in January, 1995. Eight months later, a new church was built. It *was made of a lot of paper tubes. Many people loved the.church. Ten years later, the church was dismantled and *moved to a city in *Taiwan. We can see the church there still now. nrld. Sho [注) *building(s) =D建物 *cement =セメント Africa =アフリカ *cut(ting) down=切り倒す *tube(s) =筒 *wood =木材 lose(失う)の過去形,過去分詞 *the United Nations =国際連合 *lost = *war =戦争 o1od *aluminum =アルミニウム *knew = know の過去形 *sold = sell(売る)の過去形 *carry =運ぶ *tool(s) =道具 *dismantle(d) =解体する *waste =ごみ *church =教会 *destroy(ed) =破壊する pet *be made of ~=~で作られる *move(d) =移動する *Taiwan =台湾 1 本文中の A に入るものとして,最も適切なものはどれか。 ア They stopped cutting down trees. イ They bought a lot of aluminum tubes. ウ They started using aluminum tubes. エ They started cutting down trees again. elish bonks Iwan hd moro dieult に入る語として,最も適切なものはどれか。 エ tall 2 本文中の B ア large d イ light わウ heavy 度も~しない Amer リカん 3 下線部の指す内容は何か。 具体的に日本語で書きなさい。 urpriscd know 4 本文の内容と一致するものはどれか。 ア People in Africa started cutting downalot of trees to sell them to other countries. イ People in Africa didn't use aluminum tubes for their houses because they were not expensive ウ We need many tools when we make a building with paper tubes. エ In 2005, the church in Kobe was dismantled and moved to Taiwan.

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