


英語 中学生

英作文の添削をお願いします🙇‍♀️ ①You should visit in summer.②The summer festival is held. You can play games and eat delicious foods.

about Easter ? Easter is an important holiday in the U.S., and its date changes every year. Iil 次は、アメリカ (the U.S.)に住む,あなたの友人である Peter から届いたメールです。こ 以上の英語を書きなさい。 (4点) ) to the center again? MD FUX picture book for them. Miku: That sounds interesting! ( Miku: Oh, I see. Can I see it when you finish ? Joseph: Of course! o 5 を読んで,間1~間3に答えなさい。 *印のついている語には, 本文のあとに[注)があい (12点) Thank you for your e-mail last week. How are you ? Easter. Do you knon Last Saturday, I went out with my family to buy new clothes for 2019, it was on the third Sunday of April. Easter eggs are al On Easter, many families wear new clothes and buy "Easter eggs. symbol of Easter. Many families in the U.S. *prepare Easter eggs, and a lot of children Inm looking for Easter eggs that their families *hide for them. I have a little sister, so this week Im going to prepare some Easter eggs for her. Last year, I put Easter eggs in the garden, bu. this year, I'm going to hide Easter eggs in the house. There are a lot of good places to hide l them. For example, I can hide them under tables, on chairs, or behind doors. My little sister loves looking for Easter eggs. I like spring the best because of Easter. I think spring is a good season to visit the U.S. How about Japan ? If I visit Japan, which. season should I visit in ? hope I can see you soon. 【注) Caster… …イースター(復活祭) Easter egg……イースターエッグ (イースターに贈り物とする彩色した卵, チョコレートで作った卵) 19r symbol…象徴 prepare ~ ~ を準備する hide 開1 Potor t …………….を歴 十 n010 の

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英語 中学生


Mary is from Canada。She someimes says 1 ml@ my friend Es (2) 私は木の下にすわって、ままきを読みま ! SsQot undGr the tree and [9Qad abook たc7z7ma IN OnG Of the traditional Japanese 1OyS nging ば もいる」 は、 some others 山室環表科半p.1らを読んで 次の問いに英語で答えよう |) Wherc did Lisa see (he beautiful cherr ry blossoms? リサはどこで美しいさくぐらを見ましたか。一本文らー3行| She sqw ihem in Sakura Park. Were any pcoplc singing under the cherry trees? 語る3ホので豆っていましたか。 一本コン5 間義RS6MWBYGHINIS Whar do American people have in spring? た証人守があはまでの< 本文フー8行目 スターほ, 呈 季生にかけられ ストが後に復活したことを *。 たまご(Eoster egg) と 持ってくるといねれるウサ ster bunny )がつきもので。 に陽されたたまごを探して う Eoster egg huntingなど 行われる。 | 選 で 記 ー の ろ 1 いい ) Lgst Sundgy, ! wos cleaning my room at nine in the mornnd. 1 was N る plgying fhe pigno ot five in the afternoon. | 、 吉 (この重の日曜日. 私は午前9時に自分の部屋を掃除していました。 午後5時にビアノをひいていました。) の (例) Lost Sundoy, ! wos running in the park at nine in the mornin9. IN に wotching q DVD ot five in the qfternoon. 0 本 T was regding 77Z7gg qf five in The affernoon.

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