


英語 中学生


5 次の英文は, 中学生の明(Akira) について書かれ に答えなさい です。これを読んで、 一(⑦の問い Tast summer Aldra visited America, and he stayed at "the "Hi famihy's house for five days Mr. His Akira's father's friend. They worked together in America ten years ago. "Mrs.Hili music teacher at a junior high school Akira talked wid Mr and Mrs. HH on his frst day in America. Mr. Hill said to Akira, “We tike "sing very much. and we enjoyed ir in Nagano three years ago、 We stayed there for two weeks. Japanese people there hejped us [ ]、WenikeJapan veny much。、Now we are happy because you are sfaying at our house." Akira *felt happy. too。 During his stay, 人Akira got up at seven every morning, and he walked with Mr. and Mrs.Hillina park near their house. They enjoyed that very much. One moring。 Akara and Mr and Mrs Hill meta boy in the park。 The boy was walling. He was Mrs Bills sident and she talked to him。Then, the boy said to them。*Good morming.” Akira said fo him, *Good morning* too。Then。 the boy said to Akira。*My name is Mike.Are you from Japan 2" Akira said, “Yes, Tam. My name is Akira. Now Tim staying at Mrs. Hil's house.” Mike Yas (A) Prious。 so hie asked many things about Japan。Akira "told Mike about them。 Mike enjoyed his ston。 Mike said, 24zigg7o。 Tlearned this Japanese word from a book. 1 enjoyed your story ve much rg) TEwas very interesngr* Akira said, "Youre welcome" Mr and Mrs。 有H衣 made a nice dinner for Akira at his Viast night。Then, Mike isited their Houise and had dinner wi them, so Adra felt very happy。 At dinner, Mr Hi said to Akira, "You "Aira said, "Thanks to you ! area( 。 ) ofourfamily now. Please come to America agah could have a farmihy and a friend here in America。 Thank you." 【注】*the 一 family : 一一家 "Hi: ヒル(人の姓) “Mrs.一:一夫人 "ski : スキーをする <felt : feel の過去形 。 “told: elの過去形 “last: 最後の *ihankss fo : のおかげで

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