


英語 中学生

大至急お願いしますっ、 この問題解いてください‼︎ 答え教えて欲しいですっ!

5 10 (1) How long did the students stay in Guam? They in Guam for TEC (2) Why was the manager surprised when he saw the students on the beach? cleaning the Because they CON AND RIDINNON als (3) What did the manager hear from the teacher? He heard that the smolowa 文法 odt to pablo I hope (that) 主語 + 動詞 「~であることを 望む」 the I hope you had a good time. 「皆さま方が 楽しいときを過ごされたことを望みます。 (楽 しく過ごされたのであればいいのですが。)」 I think (that) 主語 + 動詞 「~であると思う」 ▸ I think you want to clean the beach. さま方が海岸をそうじをしたがっていると思いま す。」 that はよく省略されます。 (4) What will the manager do if the students go to Guam next year? srl 1: obuXxM He will the the students. ODOZI AM Sie ad uuds youe of new tymas) 1601: INDT Asew ixan amit yus in moot 'errosot edt ni om laiV Just bood: ob ST plodov Samoine ezpls visHT dapat me to asib Tofto M Hliw I obuM voy AndT: T flood of sond polarob vilnosu Wrigin is abiejuo list of mud e'll oilzoY eidtovil vale art 絶対重要表現 □have a good time 「楽しいときを過ごす」 nidt t'abo □ during + 期間 「(ある特定の期間)の間に」 at first 「最初は」 Hone of 複数名詞「 01 millid obux Mood SM(t); odo ²: M JUNOY Dol vile boon esmismoe W: larg □ be impressed 「感動する, 感銘を受ける」 □hope to do 「~することを望む」 Wel □ Best wishes, 「ご多幸を祈ります」(手紙の (+229] (FAO) 結びの言葉) od of a 1章 第2章 総仕上げテスト

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

問3の(1)は go でもいいですか? 答えにはvisitと書かれていました。

対話文 ■平成25年度問題 3 次の英文は, 明子 (Akiko) と拓也 (Takuya) , グリーン先生 (Ms. Green) , 放 課後に会話をしている場面である。これを読んで、後の各問に答えよ。 解答は,各問の答 の欄に記入すること。 Ms. Green: Akiko, what's in your hand? Akiko : [1] I'll take it to the kindergarten next week. Takuya : We'll go there together. Ms. Green: Oh, that's nice. I've been to a kindergarten to teach English before. Young children like picture books. I think they will enjoy yours. Akiko : I'm glad to hear that. [2] There is one on every page. Ms. Green: Akiko, you know what young children like. Well, what are you going to do, Takuya? Takuya : I want to do something active with the children, but I haven't decided yet. Ms. Green: Let's see. Takuya, ( playing, to, how, soccer, about ) with them? You are good at it. Takuya Akiko Takuya Ms. Green: I don't think they can use it because the ball may hurt them. Akiko : A small and soft ball is better. [4] It's easy. : That sounds nice. : Shall I show you how to make the ball? It's (of, made, ball, by, a`) milk cartons. Takuya Akiko : That's a great idea. I'll take my soccer ball there and use it for them. : Wait. [3] They were using a small and soft one. : Really? I didn't watch the program. My soccer ball may be too big and too hard for young children. Takuya : Yes, please. Thank you, Ms. Green and Akiko. You've taught me important things. I have to know people's wishes and what they can do. When we do something for people, we should understand such things. Ms. Green: I agree. (E) kindergarten.. ・幼稚園 are good at ~•••~が得意である hurt- ・・傷つける active・・・・・・ 活動的な ・硬い hard. milk cartons ・牛乳パック

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


IIl meet you at the airport with my family. I want to visit many places Thank you for your e-mail. I'm really excited that you are going to come to に答えなさい。 (11)8点()4点](徳島-改) H, Mariko. with you. I hope I can hear from you soon. See you, Becky メールB) 真理子さんが日本に帰った後のもの Dear Becky, How are you doing? I'm home now. Thank you for everything you did for me. I had a wonderful time with you. When I arrived at the airport and saw you and your family, I was so happy. All of you had to wait for a long time because my flight was two hours late. But you said to me, “No problem.” Ill never forget it. I enjoyed talking with you and visiting many places. I'm going to send you some pictures I took in front of the science museum. Mariko (注) airport 空港 hear from ~ ~から連絡をもらう flight 飛行機の便 (1) 下線部について, ベッキーさんはどのようなことにわくわくしているか。日本語で書き なさい。 (2) 次の英文の に適切な英語を入れて, 〈質問〉に対する〈答え〉を完成させなさい。 (質問)Where did Mariko take the pictures she is going to send to Becky? 〈答え〉She took them に入る挨拶としてふさわしくないものを, ア~工から1つ選び, 記号で答えなさい。 エ Take care あいさつ ウ Bye for now ア Best wishes イ A long time ago She took them 45

解決済み 回答数: 1