


歴史 中学生

I can't understand Japanese so please help me

1 右の年表を見て、次の問いに答えなさい。(5点×168(12)は完答) □(1) AとBについて、平将門や藤原純友はそれぞれ一族や家来を 従えて集団をつくっていた武士だった。 この集団を何というか。 □(2) について,後三年合戦が終わった後、 北方との交易などで栄 え、拠点である平泉に中尊寺金色堂を建立した武士の一族を何と いうか。 □ (3) D について,院政を行ったのはどのような存在か,次のア~エ から1つ選びなさい。 イ ア 天皇 せっしょう ウ かんぱく じょうこう 上皇 白 エ寺社 摂政・ せとないかい □ (4) E について,平清盛はある貿易を行うために瀬戸内海の航路や 兵庫の港の整備を行った。 その貿易にあてはまるものを,次のア 〜エから1つ選びなさい。 にちげん ア 日元貿易 にっとう ウ 日貿易 にっそう イ日宋貿易 にちみん I 日明貿易 できごと 年代 935 平将門の乱が起こる(~940) 939 藤原純友の乱が起こる (~941) 1051 前九年合戦が起こる(~1062) 1083 後三年合戦が起こる (~1087) 1086 院政が始まる 1156 ①が起こる しょうえん ア 国ごとに守護を置き, 公領や荘園ごとに地頭を置いた。 イ国や公領ごとに守護を置き, 荘園ごとに地頭を置いた。 ウ国や荘園ごとに守護を置き, 公領ごとに地頭を置いた。 エ公領や荘園ごとに守護を置き, 国ごとに地頭を置いた。 □ (6) G について、 右の資料1は御成敗式目の一部である。 資料 1 □にあてはまる朝廷で使われていた法律を ごせいばいしきもく ちょうてい 資料1の 表す語句を漢字2字で書きなさい。 1159 ②が起こる だいじょう 1167 平清盛が太政大臣になる 1185 源頼朝が守護・地頭を置く 1221 ③ が起こる ほうじょうやすとき 1232 北条泰時が御成敗式目を定める ごけ にん 生活が苦しくなった御家人を助けようとした。 資料2 の法令を何というか。 1274 元寇が起こる (1281) そくい 1318 後醍醐天皇が即位する 1392 南北朝が合一される きんき 1428 近畿地方で一揆が起こる 1467④が起こる (~1477) 1488 北陸地方で一揆が起こる 各地で戦国大名が活躍する かつやく ......... B (7) Hについて,次の ①・②に答えなさい。 げんこう ていく □① 元寇を起こしたのは, モンゴル帝国の第5代皇帝にあたる人物だった。 この人 物はだれか。 かまくら □ ② 元寇の後、鎌倉幕府は右の資料2の法令を出して 資料2 ・E みなもとのよりとも □(5) F について, 源頼朝が守護・地頭を置いた場所について正しく述べているものを,次のア~エから1つ選び なさい。 ・K ・M 女性が養子をとることは, ■では許されてい ないが,頼朝公のとき以来現在に至るまで, 子ども のない女性が土地を養子にゆずりあたえる事例は, 武士の慣習として数え切れない。 御家人以外の武士や庶民が御家人から買った土地に ついては、売買後の年数に関わりなく、返さなければ ならない。 □(8) I について,次ページのア~エはすべて後醍醐天皇に関係することがらである。ア~エを年代順に並べかえな さい。

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


1 次の対話文を読み, 問いの答えとして最も適当なものをア~エの図の中からそれぞれ1つ選 んで、符号で答えなさい。 (1) (2) Kate: Wow, Japanese convenience stores are interesting! Sota: Why don't you buy something? Kate: I'm thirsty, so I'll get something to drink. Hmm.... Let's see.... I've drunk green tea before, and I can't sleep at night if I drink coffee. Oh, I like apple juice best! I'll have this! Sota: That's a good choice! Question What did Kate choose to buy? ア ORANGE ア Yuriko: When does school usually start in Australia? Sophie: It starts around late January to early February. My school starts from January 31st, so I'll leave Japan on Sunday, January 22nd Question When are they going to meet? Yuriko: Can we meet before you leave? Sophie: Sure, why not? Yuriko: How about January 16th to 20th? When is convenient for you? Sophie: I have to get ready for school, so let's meet on Wednesday! CCCC January 16 CCCC January 18 APPLE ウ COFFEE CCCC January 20 -1. January 22 (3) (③) ( ⑦ )にあてはまる最も適当な語を, 次の5語の中からそれぞれ選んで、正し い形にかえて答えなさい。 (4) (5) (6) I give call use have lose 1 下線部④が指すことを, 日本語で説明しなさい。 下線部⑥に入る最も適切なものを下のア〜エから選んで, 符号で答えなさい。 7 Good bye. I hope to see you again. That's all right. Thank you very much. I'm sorry. I can't help you. Welcome to Canada. Nice to see you again. 本文の内容と一致するものを下のア〜エの中から1つ選び、 符号で答えなさい。 7 When the Canadian students came to school in Japan, the Japanese students spoke English very well. Akira stayed in a dorm with his friends while he was in Canada. When the Japanese students visited the school in Canada, Akira enjoyed lunch after singing a song. I Akira felt Japanese and Canadian people had the same heart through his own experience.

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


次の英文[A]. [B] を読み、 その文意にそって (21) から (26) までの ( ) に入 ysteries efAmber V3日は美しく 12 れは、樹がら 14| けて輝くな 2れるのに最も適切なものを 1,2, 3,4の中から一つ選び、 その番号を解答用紙の Amber is a beautiful, shiny, yellow stone, Swhich has been used to make jewelry since ancient times. It is made of a substance called resin that comes from trees and has hardencd over millions of years l. shiny, yellow stone, whuh hass heen used! 24|= 所定欄にマークしなさい。 The Mysteries of Amber 2の4 を 。 a In the 19th century. people began to ( SO, they found that amber often contains fossils the remains ot ancient plants and animals. However, unlike normal fossils, which aie hard and usually found in rock, amber is able to rescrve soft materials, too. Millions of years ago, leaves, insects, a ometimes got trapped in resin. After the resip bject inside would be protected as a fos bjects, scientists are able to study the ble ogs, and lizards that are now extinct. ( uch as feathers and hair, are preserved means that the colors and shapes of th Dserved in the fossils. In 2015, Lida Xing, a Chinese scid nall, 99-million-year-old dinosaur in am - bone structure, were kept in perfect co iced that the tail had feathers. This anim fop of the tail and lighter feathers unde |size of these, Xing believes that thi cad, its feathers were for warmth and d 21 When they did his kind

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

これの(②)に一語を文章から抜き出していれるんですけど、quickはだめですか? 答えはearlyでした。

When I first moved to Japan, my new life was like an adventure, and full of surprises. Ive forgotten a lot of small things, but I'll never forget the first party I gave. 1was teaching English at a university in Japan. I decided to have a party for some Japanese students at my apartment which was near the school. The party was at 7:00. I was rushing to get ready, cleaning the room, checking the food, and so on. And finally at about 6:45, I was about to take a quick shower and get dressed. Perfect timing, I thought. But just then, the doorbell rang. The students, in one big group, were already at my door! In America nobody comes early, and in fact, most people come a little late on purpose, usually alone or in pairs. We call Oit being “fashionably late." I had to ask them to wait outside for about 15 minutes. “The party starts at 7:00!" I said, This was a real life lesson for them and for me about cultural differences. They learned they should not come to my parties ( ② ) again, and I learned I should be ready a little (2 )just.in.case. So at 7:00, everyone came in, with my second surprise. ③They showered me with all kinds of presents! I was happy to get so many presents, of course, but I really didn' t want them to come together. I was very busy because I had to find vases for the flowers, bowls for the snacks, and try to say Thank you' for their gifts. People usually take something likea bottle of wine to an American-style party. But I felt. more. appreciated by my_guests in Japan. It was more like my birthday or Christmas than a simple homeparty. FinallyI sat on the sofa and talked with them. Everyone was having a good time. Though I have lived in Japan for more than ten years, I m still surprised at many things. Life is full of surprises.

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