


英語 中学生

至急⚠️ 2枚目の答えを教えて欲しいです

Think U 朝美はさらにガンディーについて知るために,伝記を読んでいます。 ? What is the main idea of Gandhi's movements? イギリスで弁護士の資格を得たガンディーは、23歳のときに南アフリカに渡ります lawyer in Gandhi moved to South Africa to work as a 1893. It was under British rule at that time and there was a lot of discrimination. For example, Indians could not go out at night freely or walk on the sidewalk. There were also hotels that did not accept Indian guests. In 1906, the British made a law that was even more unfair to Indian people. Indians in South Africa got angry and stood up against the law. Gandhi decided to lead a movement to protect their rights. His message was "Don't follow the law, but don't use violence, even if you are arrested." Soon the jails became full of Indians, and Gandhi himself was sent there. Finally, in 1914, after many years and much effort, the law was removed. It showed that non-violent movements can be effective. staldis ne 1900 red a lot of people [139 words] 5 A Legacy 10 ガンディーの非暴力のたたかいは、祖国インドでも続きます。 Gandhi returned to India in 1915. India was also a British colony. In those days, there was a law that the British made for salt. According to the law, only the British could produce or sell salt. They put a heavy tax on it. The Indians were very poor, but they had to buy expensive salt. The money went to the British. Gandhi thought it was unfair. S 800 In 1930, Gandhi decided to walk to the sea and make salt himself. He started with 78 followers. Thousands of people joined him on the way. After walking almost 400 kilometers, he reached the sea. This non-violent march was called the Salt March. News of the march spread around the world. It showed people a new way to fight against discrimination. Gandhi's peaceful fight continued after that. In 1947, 15 India won independence. Non-violent protest is the legacy that Gandhi left. It has influenced famous leaders, such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela. [161 words / 300 words]

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英語 中学生


74 教科書 p.47-53 Lesson ④ 文法のまとめ 基本表現のまとめ -Part-1 関係代名詞の文(主格の who) DO Oda Mikio was an athlete who won a gold medal. Part2 関係代名詞の文(主格の which [that]) De I have a magazine which has many photos. Part 3 関係代名詞の文 (目的格) □ The book that you gave me was interesting. The □ (2) あそこで走っている子どもたちを見なさい。 Look at the □ (3) 中国語が話せる生徒をごぞんじですか。 Do you know a (4) 一生懸命練習する選手が勝つでしょう。 The 確認問題 1 次の日本文の意味を表すように,空所に適する語を書きなさい。 □(1) 昨夜私を訪ねてきた少女はユカリです。 音声を聞いて、表現を音読する 意味を確認する □ 教科書 | p.47-49 織田幹雄は金メダルを取ったスポーツ選手です。 □ 教科書 | p.50-51 私は写真のたくさん載っている雑誌を持っています。 □教科書 | p.52-53 あなたのくれた本はおもしろかったです。 I'm in the □ (2) 父は1990年にドイツでつくられたカメラを持っています。 My father has a □(3) 博物館がある町に住んだことはありますか。 Have you ever lived in a □ (4) ジョンは泳げるイヌを飼っています。 John has a PA 2 次の日本文の意味を表すように, 空所に適する語を書きなさい。 □ (1) 私は大きい窓のある部屋にいます。 (4) I couldn't answer the question. (The man asked it.) me last night is Yukari. ■(3) Have you eaten the cake yet? (She made it yesterday.) hard will win. running "over there. *over there あそこに speak Chinese? a big window. (2) I'll give some books to my brother. (I finished reading them.) 3 次の文の下線部のあとに that を用いて( )内の説明を加え, 全文を書きなさい。 □(1) The bus arrived late. (He took it this morning.) swim. RO made in Germany in 1990. a museum? 30 1 次の文の( )内から適するものを選び, 記号で答えなさい。 ウ she) is singing a song is Maya. イ which ウit) was sold at that store.. ウ who) was sent from Canada. イ she is wearing イ which made イ which (1) The girl (ア who (2) I bought a bike (ア who (3) She got a letter(アit イ that (4) The dress (ア who is wearing (5) Ⅰate a cake (ア that made ウ that wearing) is nice. ウ made) by Jane. 2 次の英文を日本文にしなさい。 (1) My mother will buy a computer which is useful for her work. ( (2) You have to use a dictionary that has many words. ( (3) I'm looking for someone who can play the violin. ( (4) She was surprised at the news her friends told her. ( ③ 次の日本文の意味を表すように、()内の語(句) を並べかえなさい。 □(1) 彼女は助けが必要な子どもたちの世話をしています。 (care / she/who/takes/the children/help/need/of) . □ (2) 私はたくさんの写真が載っている本を読んでいます。 (pictures/I'm/ a book / that/ a lot of /has / reading ). □ (3) 田中先生が昨日私たちに出した宿題は終わりましたか。 (homework / you / done/yesterday/have/Mr. Tanaka/gave/your /us )? □ (4) あの建物はこの都市でいちばん大きな図書館です。 (which / that building/alibrary/in/biggest/is/is/ the / this city ) . 4 次の日本文を英文にしなさい。 □ (1) メダルを獲得した少女は14歳です。 (who を使って) □ (2) あれはいろいろな野菜を売っている店です。 (which を使って) 口 (3) 私は知っている何もかもあなたにお話しします。 (that を使って) 75 □(4) 私が昨夜テレビで見た映画はわくわくするものでした。 (関係代名詞を使わずに) ) )

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