


英語 中学生


2 〈不定詞 動名詞〉 (ア) A : Isaw your brother in the park last Sunday. B: (イ) A: B: (ウ) A: B : (エ) A : Oh, did you? He went (1. to 2. taking 3. of 4. there 5. take 6. pictures) flowers. I hear your dream is to be an actor. That's right. But my (1. is 2. to 3. wants 4. be 5. father 6. me) a teacher. Do you have any plans for tomorrow ? Yes. I'll join an event for children in the hospital. We (1. singing 2. are 3. to 4. sing 5. enjoy 6. going) with them. Do you think( 1. books 2. lot 3. are 4. reading 5. a 6. is) of fun ? B: Yes, I do. I like to read love stories. (オ) A: Please (1.watch 2. me 3. your 4. tell 5. see 6. let). I left my smartphone at home. B: All right. Here you are. (ア)3番目〔5〕5番目〔6〕 (1) 3番目〔3〕5番目〔4〕 (ウ)3番目〔3〕5番目〔4〕 (エ) 3番目〔 [] 5番目〔2〕 (オ) 3番目〔2〕 5番目〔 1〕 3 〈接続詞〉 (ア)A: I called you about 2:00 yesterday, but no one answered the phone. B: Sorry. I was (1. that 2. you 3. called 4. Bob 5. visiting 6. when) me. (イ) A: Do you have any plans for this weekend? B: Yes. I'm going to play baseball with my friends (1. on 2. sunny 3. is 4. if 5. will 6. it) Sunday. (ウ) A: What's your dream, Masami ? B: I want to be a (1. like 2. because 3. teacher 4. I 5. music 6. but) singing and playing the piano. エ) A: I'm sorry, I can't go shopping with you today. I have a headache. B: That's too bad. Lisa, (1. you 2. hope 3. after 4. will 5. that 6. I) be fine soon. (イ) 3番目〔5〕5番目〔1 (エ) 3番目〔4〕 5番目〔5〕 (ア) 3番目〔6 〕5番目〔3〕 (ウ) 3番目〔2〕 5番目 [ ] 〈文型〉 ■ A: Keiko, I heard you took many pictures in Okinawa. Can (1. to 2. I 3. them_4.me 5. show 6. you) ? B: Sure. A: You have a sister, right ? B: Yes. Her name is Akiko, (1. her 2. I 3. calling 4. Akko-chan 5. but 6. call). A: I want to give a birthday present to my mother. B: Great! A : Hi, Dad. B: All right. I'm sure (1. makes 2. will 3. it 4. her 5. make 6. happy). Mom hasn't come back from work yet. I'm hungry. Jim, (1. to 2. you 3. make 4. something 5. I'll 6. for ) eat. (イ) 3番目〔 3 (ア) 3番目〔 (ウ) 3番目〔 〕5番目〔4〕 [] 5番目〔6〕 (エ) 3番目〔6〕 - 22 — 5番目〔4〕 5番目〔 〕 1

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

黄色で印を付けている部分についてです. Have you ever heard of it ? という質問に対して、No , I never have. とありますが、何故haveの前にneverが来るのでしょうか ( ᵒ̴̶̷᷄ᵒ̴̶̷᷅ ) I have never h... 続きを読む

次の対話文を読んで、あとの各問いに答えなさい。 Today is Mike's birthday. His uncle, George, comes to his house. Mike's mother and uncle are now in the living room. Mike comes in. Mike Ⓡ ・対話文 ③ George : Happy birthday, Mike. How old are you now? Mike George : I'm now twelve years old. I liked reading when I was a boy, and I read a lot of books. I think you should read good books, too. So I bought you some good books that I have once read. I hope you'll like them. Mike : I have begun to read one of them. George : Oh, have you? I'm glad. Mother: Mike doesn't read many books. I sometimes George : Hello, Uncle. Yesterday I got the present you sent to me. Thank you for nice books. : Dick Bob George George : Mother : I hope so, too. It's very important for boys and girls to read good books. I hear George will take you for a drive, Mike. Mike : Yes. Bob and Dick will join us, too. Where will you take us, Uncle George? George : Well, we are going to go to the Seaside Tower. Have you ever heard of it? Mike : No, I never have. It was opened last month. It is the new tower built near the sea. The *view from the tower is very beautiful. Mother: I have read about it in a newspaper. Is it far from here? George : No, not so. It takes about an hour to go there. Bob and Dick come to Mike's house. Mike's mother takes them to the living room. Bob and Dick : Hello, Mike. Happy birthday. Mike : (books/tell/to/him/read), but he likes *magazines better. I hope he will read all the books you sent to him. : Thank you. This is my uncle, George. He will take us to the Seaside Tower. Do you know it? : Yes. I've wanted to go there. It must be an interesting place. : I know it too. But I have never visited it. Can we go up the tower? Yes, we can. I think it. Shall we start now? Mike (7) magazine : Yes, we let's go. you you know about it well. So it is not necessary to tell you about join view ll dmi house necessary 必要な

解決済み 回答数: 1
公民 中学生

公民のちがいのちがいという所でこのカード9枚のうち5、6、3、7の4つをあってもいい違いなのかあってはならない違いなのか意見を教えて頂きたいです🙇🏻‍♀️⸒⸒ どうしてそう判断したのかもお願い致します!

ちがいのちがい 次の9枚のカードには, さまざまな「ちがい」が挙げられています。 これらの 「ちがい」 は, 「あってもよい。 がい」か、「あってはならないちがい」かについて, 「効率」と「公正」の観点に着目して考えましょう。 導入の活動 コード 7 カード 国民が選んだ代表者が物事 を決めている国もあれば、 国王が一人で全ての物事を 決めている国もある。 1 かく カード 核兵器を持たない国もあれ 4 ば、 核兵器を持つ国もある。 IX [NO] 国や地方の議員の選挙で 外国人が投票できる国と. できない国がある。 投票所 投票所 カード イスラム教徒は豚肉を食べ ず、ヒンドゥー教徒は牛肉 を食べない。 2 X O ぼ しゅう |カード 保育士を募集する広告に, 5 「女性のみ」 と書いてあった。 保育士募集 女性のみ " カード あるレストランには, ペッ トの犬は入れないが,盲導 もうどう 8 けん かいじょけん 犬などの介助犬は入れる。 レストラン NO カード 日本では、ほぼ全ての 3 カード 9 いっぱん カード 一般人の個人情報は守られ 6 もが小中学校に通うが 海外では働かざるを得ない 子どももいる。 での話し合いの中、 考えが変わった場合でも、最初の分類は消さず、別の分類 り返り、自分の考えをまとめましょう。 るべきだが,芸能人の場合 はファンのために公開され ても仕方ない。 (税込) タレント A の住所は 東京都○○区 加え Imagazinel looo [00 O 高層マンションでは日当た りが良く.となりにある家は、 一日中日当たりが悪い。 レス 000 S (1) それぞれの「ちがい」が「あってもよいちがい」か「あってはならないちがい」か、理由もふくめて各自で考え、 右のページの表(マトリックス) を使って分類しましょう。 た理由をグループで発表し合い,それぞれに分類したカードに、どのような共通点があるか, グループでま

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

英語分からないので教えてください🙇‍♀️ お願いします🙇‍♀️

長文問題 1 決めるのは君だ! What is the best way to improve your English? ( A ) is no In fact, people have different opinions about this. Some people say, "Increase your vocabulary easy answer to this question. by memorizing lots of words." Other people say, “X単に文法と翻訳だ けを勉強しなさい。” 2 What do you do to improve your English? Do you (1 English songs? Do you (r you (w a diary in English. 3 If you want to improve your English, you have to communicate in English. Studying vocabulary and grammar, reading and listening to English material, and writing in English are all very important. At the same time, you need to realize that (2) doing these will not automatically make a good communicator of English. If you want to be able to communicate in English well, you have to experience actual live conversations. 2 1 Unit ) to ) novels or magazines in English? Maybe English videos on the internet or even ( k ) Target ① be 動詞・一般動詞 ② 進行形・命令文 ③比較 improve 上達させる in fact 実際に increase 増やす vocabulary grammar and translation 文法と翻訳 material at the same time でもやはり actual live conversation 現実のなまの会話 4 Y あなたは今, 尋ねていますか, “What does it mean to have actual live conversations?" This means that you need to take every opportunity to speak English. (3) Don't say, "I don't have any opportunities to speak English." You live in a world with endless possibilities. 5 (B) are so many tourists from all around the world in Japan now. Also, people from other countries live in Japan. When you see them, why not strike up a conversation? (4) When you don't know where they are from, you can use English. ZEALADAT. They will be happy to speak with you. 6 The internet has opened up the world to you as well. With e-mail and social media, you can get in touch with people all over the world. Guess what language comes in handy? That's right! It's (5) ). 7 You can always speak with your English teachers at school. (6)Speak with them in English not only during class time but also during other times of the day. You may have other friends who want to practice English like you. Create an English conversation club. Maybe an English teacher will help you. opportunity endless 無限の strike up 始める social media ソーシャルメディア get in touch with ~ ~と連絡をとる come in handy 役に立つ

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

この問題の空欄部分を教えてください。 調べても、見つけられませんでした。

Let's try a test! ( 76 英語は私たちの共通言語だ。 77 ある特定の年齢のグループ 78 地価の上昇 79 我が国の人口は減少しつつある。 80 生ごみの量を減らす 81 その学生を2つのグループに分ける。 82 少子化 83 若者がその集団の70%を占める。 84 高野山は世界遺産に登録されている。 85 21世紀に 86 発電 87 私たちが乗ったバスが2時間遅れた。 88 その雑誌の最新号 89 前日の朝 90 異なる視点から 91 シングルルームを2泊予約する 92 デザートは別腹だ 93 室内スポーツ施設 ers. > 94 私たちの新居は建設中です。 95 身長順に並ぶ 96 反対の方向に歩く 97 長距離を歩く 98 ロシアの経済状況 99 調子が良い 100 英語を話す機会がある English is (common accertain ) age group an ( soaring ) in land prices Our country's population is (declining (Reduce ) the amount of garbage (Divide ) the students into two groups the declining birth ( ) Young people ( of the group. Koyasan is ( Heritage Site. in the 21st ( the ( ) language for us. the ( the ( ) for 70% regis tered as a World con tury power Our bus was (d latest befor from a different point of ( book a single ( room have (hungry ) for dessert indoor sports(facility ) Our new house is under (construction ) ) of electricity ) two hours. ) issue of the magazine ) morning view ) ) for two nights ) line up in order of ( height walk in the opposite( direction) walkalong (distances ) ) in Rus the economic ( situation be in good (condition) have an (opportunity) to speak

解決済み 回答数: 1