


英語 中学生

⑦に入る2語を答える問題です! 答えがfour hoursなのですが、なぜそうなるのですか?私はeight hoursだと思いました!!

10 15 20 5 6 次の英文は Olango という森の中にあるいくつかの村に住む動物たちの対話です。 これを読んで、あとの問いに えなさい。 Ay 40 was ' Kabbu is head of the Post Office of Olango, a forest. Many kinds of animals live there. Kabbu and his tea carry letters all over Olango and to other forests. Kabbu's Post Office is very popular among all animals there. Ullu: Why are you so sad? Kabbu: *Probably we'll have to lose my job. Have you heard of the Internet? Ullu: Have humans planned to catch us with a new kind of net? Kabbu: No, no. I hear the Internet is new *technology. All the computers can talk to each other through the Internet. We can talk with everyone around the world by a computer. Leo has the newes computer. He is always using it. He has also made many friends through the Internet and talk with them for hours. Ullu started to think about the Internet after he listened to Kabbu's long report about it. Ullu: Tell me, Kabbu, why will you have to lose your job because of the Internet? Kabbu: Leo is now sending e-mails all over Olango and to other forests. He says everyone in this village will be able to use his computer and send e-mails from his computer. Now, if everyone starts sending e-mails, ① 私たちはどうすればよいのかわかりません。 45 Ullu: Wait, wait. Now what is 'e-mail'? I haven't heard of it. Kabbu: It means *electronic mail'. It is used to send every kind of letter from one computer to other computers through the Internet. It takes only *a second and it is almost free. Ullu: I can't believe it. Kabbu: It is true. So I am very sad and worried about it now. With a sad face, Kabbu flew away. Kabbu was the oldest animal in Olango and was respected a lot by Leo Ullu decided to go and meet Leo and talk with him. At Leo's house, Leo was sitting in front of his computer. Ullu: Leo, can you give me a few minutes? I have to talk about something important. Leo: What is it? Ullu: It is about Kabbu, but I think it may be about all of us. Leo: OK, tell me about it. Ullu: But Leo, I think 50 55 1 60 Ullu told Leo about Kabbu. Leo: Well, Kabbu's *concerns will be real. We usually think high speed and *efficiency are very important, so there is little *chance for old ways. I can send a message in a second through the Internet. But Kabbu and his team need a few days to carry one. Why should I *depend on them? And the *price of their mail is much higher than the price of e-mail. Ullu: But, Leo, what will happen to Kabbu and his team? Leo: They will have to 3 The Internet will become more important in the future and e-mail will be one of the most useful things. 4 trains in the future." But now, "No one will go to see a movie." But both... Leo: You may have a lot of things to say about it, Ullu, but soon e-mail will make Kabbu's mail *useless. Kabbu and his team should start looking for other jobs *after all! For example, when a plane was invented, people said, "No one will see trains still continue to run. When a TV was invented, everyone said.

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英語 中学生

すみません(. .`) 英語の宿題で未来の自分へのメッセージを書くものがあるんですけど、それを例に書いてあるような内容を自分に合う仕事について書きます。 薬剤師について書きたいので、時間がある方お願いいたします🙇⋱

STEP 3 自分に合うと思う仕事について考えて,「10年後の自分へのメッセージ」を書きましょう。 【例】 Dear future me, 未来の自分へ 導入 I am writing from 2021. How's everything? 2021年から手紙を書いています。元気ですか? When I watched the baseball game on that day, あの日の野球の試合をみたとき,わたしはとても I was very excited. Do you remember the game? ワクワクしました。あの試合を覚えていますか?選 The players were great and the team won the 手は素晴らしく,チームも勝ちました。彼らのような game. I want to be a baseball player like them. I 内容 選手に私もなりたいです。毎日野球を練習し, 良 will practice baseball every day and be a good い選手になります。もし私が野球選手になること player. If I can be a baseball player, I want to play ができたら,アメリカでプレイしたいです。だから, in the U. S. A. So, it is important to study English 英語を熱心に勉強することが大切です。 hard. Are you a baseball player now? あなたは今,野球選手ですか? まとめ[結び) Take care, 体に気をつけて Keisuke ケイスケ

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英語 中学生

問2教えてください。 A→エ B→ア になります。 出来れば理由もお願いしますm(_ _)m

ミ文を読み、後の問いに答えなさい。 il / the language / in ) js Po 5 Maria ives in a HOle vilage in Brazl. (Cspoken / BragiL/ the language んin ) ie Portugue。 but Next year, she is going to teach Rngji She can speak BEngish too, and she is an English teacher 0 Sc ghsh ar 6 0 時 8 8 。 き 8 Junior high schoo】 in Japan for one year. So'she Wants 1O 3 teacher in her village に he hasnt found a Jap et、 3 textbook and a Japanese dictionary, but gi Jay Bedco One day she said to her brother Pedro, 1 A 「 Thenextday to town 本 \ い Ne n Center*, but it had no Japanese teachers. They asked a人5識 Car First, they went to the Education C* > 1 tcity” he said、 “but ji at the center about tbe nearest Japanese class. “There's (②one the next city, d, “but its one hour 合om your Yilage by train.” し B "said Maria. “Then, TII take lessons on the Internet.” They used the centers 3 anese teal Computers to search for Japanese teachers oniine. There were no Jap chers who spoke Tortuguese, but there were some teachers who spoke English. 婁 Name | Hours Price | skahasi | 1 8 ) Ms. Suzuksi 2 2 1 W50 | Ms. Akita ] 4 $90 村 Ms. Mos | 5 $100 She bought ten hours for $200 with a teacher named When Maria and Pedro got home, they used Maria's computer to send an email to the teacher. Two hours ater, she anSwered: Dear Maria, Thank you for your e-mail. be glad to teach You Ja panese before you go to Japan. (⑧Jt is important for young people to go to foreign countries. (④You can ask me(toknow/ anything / want/ you ), for example, about Ja panese food、 music、 movies, and so on. Please tell me when YOu are going to start the firs t lesson with me. Best wishes*, 問1 下線者 順に並< 間4 間

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