
I think we should use Eco bag.
Because they are eco-friendly.
So,I almost use they.

Do Formance me final test ner with he United Dear Ryota, ールの内容である。 Thank you for your help during my stay in Japan. Going to the sea with you is a special memory. I learned very much about Japanese culture. Also, I was very happy because I had good classmates and they always helped me. They were very kind to me and taught me about Japan. After returning to my country, I enjoyed playing with my brother. We were happy to play with traditional Japanese toys together. I want to say thank you for making them with me. I think doing something for someone is a good thing. So I have tried one more thing. I learned how to cook okonomiyaki from my host family. Yesterday, I cooked it for some of my friends. I wanted them to try some Japanese food. When they ate it, they said, "It's delicious. Thank you, James." I was glad to hear that. Have you ever done something good for someone? Please tell me about it. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours, James (1) このEメールの内容と合 7 James thought it was g
James に伝えたい内容を一つ取り上げ、 Hello, James, Thank you for your e-mail. I enjoyed reading it. I have a lot of good memories. I especially enjoyed making traditional Japanese toys and going to the sea with you. I'll try to answer your question. You asked me, "Have you ever done something good for someone?" My answer is yes. I'll write about it. I'll tell you some other stories in the future. I'm looking forward to seeing you again. Your friend, Ryota Kenta: Steve That's right. Rumi: Is there anything I'll give yo Steve: Yes. help? SHI Aika : Steve: I say, "Thank yo- Yes. We also situation. Oh, I remembe Rumi : (3) Aika: Tell us about it. Rumi Sure. When I Mr. Brown about seat." I couldn't u Steve : It means "Pleas Aika : That's interesti them more often b Rumi: Should I use the Kenta: Well.... Aika : What do you th Kenta: When I talk wit understand me. * : I see. Aika Steve: And the We sho * spe
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