

どのような3 “FANTASTIC” Nakamura Yukori DERFUL” Uchida Makoto Family and friends are my freasure. N… Nothing is so Thank you very much for a lot of happy memories, and some sad memories. …They all taught me the 1… importance of love. · Cheers! F nat a wonderful three years! ゴ friends, w friends, t forget me. erything inds me of astic days. o the sky, friends, fly together. A precious as them. T A S T C Kimura Daigo “MEMORY” Catherine Barnes many tests math lessons were there? embering them makes me cry. friends, how about you? Many thanks to my friends. Enjoy your new lives! M … My wish is keeping O M) E . our friendship forever. R Remember I'll always be Y…your friend. O7mas
Readiag 以下の4人の詩を読みましょう。それぞれ,どんな3年間を過ご “WONDERFUL” Uchida Makoto “FANTASTIC What a wonderful three years! W Old friends, new friends, don't forget me.. E… Everything . reminds me of F… Family c A are my t . Nothing Thank y .a lot of r N N D T A R - fantastic days. U S * Some sc T… They all 1… importar Cheers! F Up to the sky, friends, D… let's fly together. C “HARD” Kimura Daigo “MEMORY" · Many tha Enjoy yo · My wish our friene Rememb M How many tests A… and math lessons were there? R… Remembering them makes me cry. D… Dear friends, how about you? H E M O R Y . your frier


