


数学 中学生

この問題の(5)で、連立方程式を作って交点を求める時、妹はy=-60x+2400兄はy=75x-750の式の、2400と-750になるのはなぜですか?教えてください、! あと、なぜ23分20秒となるのかも教えて欲しいです。 写真は答えと問題文を載せてあります。

兄と妹が, 1200m離れた家と学校の間を1往復 した。 家と学校は一直線の道路で結ばれており, 妹は 一定の速さで歩き続けた。 一方,兄は、妹と同時に家を出発したが、学校に向 かう途中, 家から450mの地点で10分間立ち止まって 休んだため、妹より家に着くのが2分遅くなった。 右の図は、 妹につ いて, 家を出てから の時間と家からの距 離の関係を示したも のである。 また, 兄 は休んでいるとき以 (家)・・・ 外はつねに一定の速さで歩き続け、学校に着いたらす ぐに家に向かったものとする。 このとき、次の問いに答えなさい。 〈福井〉 (5点×6) (1) 妹の歩いた速さは分速何mか求めなさい。 (m) (学校)・・・ 1200- 1000 800 600 400 200 (m) | (学校)・・・ 1200 __ (2) 兄の歩いた速さは分速何mか求めなさい。 (家)・・・ (3) 兄について, 家を出てからの時間と家からの距離 の関係を表すグラフを,下の図にかき入れなさい。 A 0 0 (妹) 20 40(分) 10 30 40 (分) CHANTING (4) 2人の間の距離が最大となったのは出発してから 何分後か。 また, その距離は何mか求めなさい。 20 出発してから 100NOCHEME (5)2人が、歩きながらすれ違ったのは,出発してか ら何分何秒後か求めなさい。 15

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英語 中学生

このプリントの元の教材が知りたいのですが なんて教材かわかる方いますか?

5 5 be 動詞は変身大好き! 10 am / is / are 思い出してね。 「は~です」の文を He / She / It のときは We / You / They のときは のときは 作るときは am is are be 動詞の出番だよ。 We are 疑間文間 be 動 前に 出てる friends. She is a doctor. I am a teacher. be 動詞は主語にあわせて変身します。 変身に失敗しないようご注意!! 1 1~10 の語を適切な代名詞 ( he/she/it/we/you/they)に変えてみよう。 1. Yumiko ( ) 2. my brother ( ) 3. Mrs. Brown ( 4. Tom's sisters ( ) 5. you andI( ) 6. your bag ( 7. you and your brothers ( )8. Tom's friends ( 9. Ken's shoes ( ) 10. my parents and I ( へ 2 日本語を参考にして, ()に am/is/are のいずれかを入れてみよう。 )a kind girl. 1. あなたは親切なお嬢さんです。 You ( 2. 私の姉は医者です。 My sister ( )a doctor. ) hungry. 3. 私たちはおなかが空いています。 We( )rainy today. ) tired now. 4. 今日は雨です。 It ( 5. 私は今,疲れています。 I( 6. 明日は日曜日です。 Tomorrow ( ) Sunday. 7. スミス夫妻は教員です。 Mr. and Mrs. Smith ( ) teachers. 3 下線部に気をつけて, 次の英文を日本語に直してみよう。 1. I am very happy today. 2. Today is my mother's birthday. 3. Our cat and dog are good friends. 4. My brother's car is very expensive. イクスペンスィヴ 5. My sister andIare high school students. アース サイエンス 地学:earth science フィズィックス 物理:physics パイア(-)ロディ ア(ー)プラフィ 地理:geography ケミストゥリィ ヒストリィ 化学:chemistry 生物: biology 22 教料 歴史:history

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 中学生

答えがない高校の過去問です。 回答確認のために教えてほしいです。

【1】 次の英文を読んで, 下の各設問に答えなさい。 These days, many people say that *agriculture is very important. We have( ① ) many kinds of things, such as rice, fruits and vegetables for a long time. Through agriculture, a lot of foods are produced, so we are able to have food every day. Agriculture is necessary for our lives in many ways. の In Japan today, more and more people are thinking about agriculture. People want to get safe food for their health. Some people ask, “Where do these carrots come from?” or “Do the farmers use *agricultural chemicals?” So, many people like to buy fruits and vegetables produced near their homes.It is called chisanchisyo in Japanese. In the United States, they have the *movement called *Community Supported Agriculture (CSA).. People give some money to the farmers( 3) in their *local area. They can get fruits or vegetables from the farmers *instead of going to the stores. In other words, *consumers support the farmers in their own community. 4) Chisanchisyo and CSA have good points for both consumers and farmers, For consumers, frst, they can know where the fruits and vegetables were produced. Second, those products are fresh and taste delicious because ⑤ thev [farms/ are/ in/ stores / carried / to/ from」 a short time.*In addition, consumers can choose the farmers who don't use agricultural chemicals. For farmers, first, they can understand consumers' needs quickly. Second, farmers can make a lot of **profit because they can cut back on *distribution cost. They can sell ther products which they cannot send to supermarkets. 6 So these kinds [ better / a chance for / give consumers / of movements/ can / getting」 products. Farmers are careful about the safety of food: Agricutural chemicals are used to *protect firuits and vegetables from *insect pests, but (O) too much chemicals is sometimes bad for people. So, some farmers are trying to produce fruits and vegetables( agricultural chemicals. Instead of agricultural chemicals, they use sonme kinds of insects and special plants. For example, some farmers use *ladybugs. They like to eat *plant lice. Plant lice are insect pests of vegetables. Iffarmers do not take action, 'many vegetables will be eaten by them. So the farmers hope that ladybugs will eat many plant lice. *companion-plants. They are plants which help to reduce insect pests and make vegetables better. Green onion is one plant that reduces plant lice on tomatoes. Plant lice don't like the strong smell of green onion, so farmers protect vegetables by planting them near tomatoes. As a result, farmers don't need to use any agricultural chemicals. Farmers are trying to produce vegetables which don't use agricultural chemicals. To get safe and healthy foods, consunmers and farmers need to help each other. Also, we are nowthinking about using not only natural ways but also new technology such as robots. Other farmers use

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 中学生

左が本文です  右が問題です この問題教えてください!!!

D回 日 時間 25分 実力問題 Step(3 次の英文を読んで、あとの問いに答えなさい。 Agriculture is very important. We have( A) many kinds of things, such as rice, fruits and vegetables, for a long time. Through agriculture, a lot of foods are produced, so we are able to have food every day. Agriculture is necessary for our lives in many ways. In Japan, today, more and more people are thinking about agriculture. One of the reasons is the safety of food. Some people ask, “Does this carrot come from our local area?” or “Is this cabbage s produced with agricultural chemicals?" Some people like to buy fruits and vegetables produced near their homes. It is called chisamatia in Japanese. This means “to consume the farm products in the area that has produced them” In the United States, they have the movement called Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) People give some money to the farmers ( B ) in their local area, and get fruits or vegetables from 1n them. In other words, consumers support the farmers in their own community. Chisanchisho and CSA have some good points for people. First, consumers know which farm the fruits and vegetables come from. Second, the fruits and vegetables are fresh and taste delicious because they are carried for a short time from farms to stores. In addition, consumers can choose the farmers who don't use agricultural chemicals. OSo (a chance for / give consumers / can / 15 getting better / of movements / these kinds) products. Farmers are also careful about the safety of food. Agricultural chemicals are used to protect fruits and vegetables from insect pests, but using agricultural chemicals too much is sometimes bad for people. So, some farmers are trying to produce fruits and vegetables( 2 ) agricultural chemicals. Instead of agricultural chemicals, they use some kinds of insects. 20 Plant lice are insect pests for vegetables. If farmers do not do anything, many vegetables wIll De eaten by them. So some farmers use ladybugs. Ladybugs like to eat plant lice. So the farmers nope that ladybugs will eat many plant lice. As a result, they don't use any agricultural chemicals. Through agriculture, we can get many foods from nature. So agriculture is necessary for our I When we think of our future, we should be more careful about our foods to improve our lives. 医 語句 agriculture 農業 chisanchisho 地産地消 fresh 新鮮な plant lice plant louse (アプラムシ)の複数形 vegetable 野菜 local 地元の agricultural chemicals 農薬 Community 地域社会 consume 消費する protect~~を守る insect pest 害虫 Consumer 消費者 insect 昆虫 ladybug テントゥムシ

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 中学生

問2までは無理矢理やったんですけど3からわからなくて。。。 1と2も間違ってたら指摘してください!

四 mez (表量のみ) 次の圏、回に答えなさい。 genetically modified food) 還 次の英文は ジョューンス先生(Mr Tones)がクラスの生徒たちと遺伝 子組み換え食品( と農薬(agricultural chemicals) について話している場面のものです。これを読んで 1 ーーーーで| There are toOo many people Kota : ] wat blems last night. mwatched a TV program about food proble mn in the future. liVing in the world, so there wont be enough food for all of the Saki : IT saw it,too、The food problems are more difficult than math problems. | Kota : 1 think farmers should produce more "CrODS. for people to eat. | Saki : My "parents are farmers、They say their job js to produce enough cropS TTP 。 | They wull also | Crops will die i there are *weeds around them or they have diSeaSe- | die if there are many bad weather days. | | Kota : Does that mean itS not easy to produce more crODS? SNSIT6S difficult。My parents always worry about their CrODS. ら 過 IMr Jones : Do you think genetically modified food wi help to produce HOTE CTODS: | Saki 1 dont know much about it. Mr.Jones : We have *genes that come from our parents. They carry informa lants, too. Short legs or long legs or black hair or red hair. GeneS are found in all animals and pla | Kota : My father has long hands and I have long hands, to0. tion about you,Such aS | IMr jones : And some *scientists put a gene into crops and it could make the croDS StrOngeT against |15 agricultural chemicals。 When farmers “spread the agricultural chemicals over their | genetically modified crops, weeds die but the crops dont | Eota : Thats greatl They will help your parents with their work. Sakt | Mr Jones : Butthere are some problems. People see fewer "honeybees In America now. Agricultural chemicals may be *killing them. Kota : Really? Honeybees put *pollen from one flower on another one to help it to *grow. Without honeybees, we wi not have fruits, *vegetables. and other plants. | ] Saki : We will die soon without food. And now in many parts of the world. (alot of / die / mare / children / because / there / who) there isnt enough food for them to eat. IKota : Yes, and *at the same time, there's a lot of *unsold or leftover food in restaurants. food |25 Ia | Stores, and even at home, Tlearned it when 1 watched the program last night. 1 couldnt believe there was more leftover food at home. Mr.Jones : Do you know a "food bank? There are many food banks in America. They *gather such food and give it to people *in need. Tread about it im the newspaper. There are some in japan、too. 1 hope all of us 30 each other and can eat enough food、 YYe should think of the best way to do so. 農家(の人) crop(s) 作物 parents 両親 weed 雑草 disease 病気 子 。 mformation 情報 scientist 科学者 spread まく honeybee(s) みつばち pollen 花粉 grow 育つ Vegetable 野菜 atthesametime 同時に - 売れ残り と食べ残しの食糧 "food bank フードバンク gather 集める 英記

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