

【1】 次の英文を読んで, 下の各設問に答えなさい。 These days, many people say that *agriculture is very important. We have( ① ) many kinds of things, such as rice, fruits and vegetables for a long time. Through agriculture, a lot of foods are produced, so we are able to have food every day. Agriculture is necessary for our lives in many ways. の In Japan today, more and more people are thinking about agriculture. People want to get safe food for their health. Some people ask, “Where do these carrots come from?” or “Do the farmers use *agricultural chemicals?” So, many people like to buy fruits and vegetables produced near their homes.It is called chisanchisyo in Japanese. In the United States, they have the *movement called *Community Supported Agriculture (CSA).. People give some money to the farmers( 3) in their *local area. They can get fruits or vegetables from the farmers *instead of going to the stores. In other words, *consumers support the farmers in their own community. 4) Chisanchisyo and CSA have good points for both consumers and farmers, For consumers, frst, they can know where the fruits and vegetables were produced. Second, those products are fresh and taste delicious because ⑤ thev [farms/ are/ in/ stores / carried / to/ from」 a short time.*In addition, consumers can choose the farmers who don't use agricultural chemicals. For farmers, first, they can understand consumers' needs quickly. Second, farmers can make a lot of **profit because they can cut back on *distribution cost. They can sell ther products which they cannot send to supermarkets. 6 So these kinds [ better / a chance for / give consumers / of movements/ can / getting」 products. Farmers are careful about the safety of food: Agricutural chemicals are used to *protect firuits and vegetables from *insect pests, but (O) too much chemicals is sometimes bad for people. So, some farmers are trying to produce fruits and vegetables( agricultural chemicals. Instead of agricultural chemicals, they use sonme kinds of insects and special plants. For example, some farmers use *ladybugs. They like to eat *plant lice. Plant lice are insect pests of vegetables. Iffarmers do not take action, 'many vegetables will be eaten by them. So the farmers hope that ladybugs will eat many plant lice. *companion-plants. They are plants which help to reduce insect pests and make vegetables better. Green onion is one plant that reduces plant lice on tomatoes. Plant lice don't like the strong smell of green onion, so farmers protect vegetables by planting them near tomatoes. As a result, farmers don't need to use any agricultural chemicals. Farmers are trying to produce vegetables which don't use agricultural chemicals. To get safe and healthy foods, consunmers and farmers need to help each other. Also, we are nowthinking about using not only natural ways but also new technology such as robots. Other farmers use
need to help each other. Also, we are HUW (注)*agriculture 農業 *instead of ~ *local 地元の *agricultural chemicals 農薬 *consumers 消費者 *protect ~を守る *movement 運動 *community 社会 ~の代わりに *distribution cost 流通コスト *plant lice アブラムシ (plant louse の複数形) *in addition さらに *insect pests害虫 *companion-plants コンパニオンプランツ (共生植物) *profit 収益 *ladybugs テントウムシ (1) 本文中のD,③, ①に当てはまるそれぞれ適当な動詞を下の【】 内から選び,必要ならその形を変えて書きなさい。 【 ive use / teach grow leave (2) 本文中ののの理由を表す内容を読み取り, 下の表のあ~に入るそれぞれ適切な日本語を書きなさい。 自分たちの(あ)のために、 農作物が( )であるかどうかを知りたいから。 農作物の( )がどこなのかを知りたいから。 農作物に農薬が( ② ) されているかどうかを知りたいから。 (3) 本文中ののについて, 「消費者」 と「農家」にとっての利点をそれぞれ2点日本語で書きなさい。 (4) 本文中の6, ⑥について, 本文の内容に合うように[ のみ書きなさい。 ]内の語句を正しく並べかえて書きなさい。ただし, 解答欄には並べかえた語句 (5) 本文中の8に入る最も適切な語を1語で書きなさい。 (At。 0へ塩く)
(6) 本文の内容として最も合うものを, 次のア~カの中から2つ選び,その記号を書きなさい。 ア、 Consumers can choose safe foods by chisanchisyo or CSA. イ. In USA, many consumers support the local stores to get safe foods. ウ. To be careful about our foods, we should use more agricultural chemicals. エ.. More and more farmers are interested in the local way to produce fruits and vegetables. オ., Chisanchisyo and CSA are good for farmers, but they are bad for nature and consumers. カ These days, a lot of farmerstry to plant tomatoes near some vegetables to reduce ladybugs. (7) 最近では, ロボット (robots)などの技術を活用した「スマート農業」も本格化しています。そこで, 下記の英文の問いに 意見を理由を含めて30語~40語の英語で書きなさい。 Do you think it is good to use robots in agriculture?


