


数学 中学生


関数 y=ax² ~いろいろな関数の利用 単元対策テスト (7) 1 次の場合について、とyの関係を式に表しなさい。 また,yが の2乗に比例するものには○を,そうでないものには×をつけ なさい。 □(1) 底辺がcm,高さが底辺の4倍である三角形の面積をycm²と する。 口(2) 1辺がxcmの正三角形の周の長さをycmとする。 ✓ y = 12x4x² □(3) 半径zcm,中心角180℃のおうぎ形の面積をycm²とする。 た だし, 円周率はとする。 180 3600 2 右のグラフは,yがこの2乗に □比例する関数のグラフである。 グラフが通る点の座標を読み とって ①~④の式を求めなさ い。 □ (4) 30kmの道のりを時速kmで行くときにかかる時間を3時間 とする。 2 ② Tyl 10 ・8・ +6 4 +2 -2 -4 -6 -8- (4) (2 TUXY ₂ T²₂ 6 (3) ③3 次の問いに答えなさい。 □(1) 関数y=1/12/22について,この値が2から4まで増加するときの 変化の割合を求めよ。 (1) (2) (2) 関数y=-1/23について,ェの変域が-6≦1のときのyの 変域を求めよ。 192x² =9 aga 2 □(3) 関数y=ax2 についての変域が-2≦x≦6のときのyの変域 が0≦y12であった。 α の値を求めよ。 12=369 3ka1221 a=+3 ひろし (3) Y = 2² 17²³² (4) 9=9a ③ Ⓡy=x² → act 3 -4=1bu (la =-4 |(1) (2) 8 2/36 T6 Y = --4x² y=-2x² a =4 ●得点 (3) a= 数学中3 教科書 P.93~126 3 8= ba 169 9= 3 tosys - 1/2 /100 各5【20点】 8 -8=49 49 =-8 ok 各5 [20点】 a=-2 各6【18点】

解決済み 回答数: 2
英語 中学生


問題10 【思考・判断・表現】 (2×9=18) 健(Ken)はクラスの友達に切手 (stamp) と地図 (map)を見せながら、ブータン王国 (Bhutan)に住む文通相手 (pen pal)のタシ (Tashi)との交通についてスピーチをしてい ます。 次の英文を読んで、あとの (ア) ~ (ケ)の各問いに答えなさい。 ow or W atploaoro to Yo ont bib SW (1) Hi, everyone. I'm going to talk about my pen pal. Please look at this stamp. Have you ever seen a big stamp like this? It's samm not a Japanese stamp. Then (0)? Tashi, my pen pal no Satologado tuodo in Bhutan, sent it to me last week. Bhutan has interesting stamps. I'll talk a little about (E) Syobot Bhutan. Please look at this map. Bhutan is between China and India. It's bigger than Kyushu and has many high mountains. People in that country have clothes like Japanese kimonos, and they grow and eat rice. Tashi and I became pen pals last year. I've never seen him, (2) I've seen his father. His father came to Japan to study at college, and my mother was his Japanese teacher. When she brought him to our house, he told me about his family. He said, "My son is as old nh's Snipsd as you. He wanted to come to Japan with 3me, but he had to stay in Bhutan. He is very Cbil yohl(5) (5) interested in Japan and wants a Japanese friend. If you write a letter to him, he will be very (4)." Tashi's father also told me about his country. It was very interesting. So I Estoloporis sver of sent a letter to Tashi, and we started writing letters to each other. We write letters in English. I didn't like writing English before, but now I enjoy it. Tashi writes English very well because teachers in Bhutan usually speak English when they teach. He sometimes uses difficult words in his letters, so I need a ( 5 ) to read them. We write about our countries, schools, families, and friends. He uses beautiful stamps to him, too. Thank you for listening.

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


問題10 【思考・判断・表現】 (2×9=18) 健(Ken)はクラスの友達に切手 (stamp) と地図 (map) を見せながら、ブータン王国 ( Bhutan)に住む文通相手 (pen pal)のタシ (Tashi) との交通についてスピーチをしてい ます。 次の英文を読んで、あとの (ア) ~ (ケ)の各問いに答えなさい。 0275 300q sit zow stoloporlo to roteir sdt bib 9W (1) Hi, everyone. I'm going to talk about my pen pal. Please look at this stamp. Have you ? Tashi, my pen pal ever seen a big stamp like this? It's not a Japanese stamp. Then ( 1 )? TIDS Satplopo tuodo in Bhutan, sent it to me last week. Bhutan has interesting stamps. I'll talk a little about Syobot pluqoq Bhutan. Please look at this map. Bhutan is between China and India. It's bigger than Kyushu NW (E) and has many high mountains. People in that country have clothes like Japanese kimonos, and they grow and eat rice. Tashi and I became pen pals last year. I've never seen him, ( 2 ) I've seen his father. in the Meiji pen His father came to Japan to study at college, and my mother was his Japanese teacher. t in Japan. They tre When she brought him to our house, he told me about his family. He said, "My son is as old LA 111. SIDIO Snipsd as you. He wanted to come to Japan with 3me, but he had to stay in Bhutan. He is very bih wohl (S)make interested in Japan and wants a Japanese friend. If you write a letter to him, he will be very ( 4 )." Tashi's father also told me about his country. It was very interesting. So I Sstoloporio svori ot sent a letter to Tashi, and we started writing letters to each other. We write letters in English. I didn't like writing English before, but now I enjoy it. Tashi writes English very well because teachers in Bhutan usually speak English when they teach. He sometimes uses difficult words in his letters, so I need a ( 5 ) to read them. We write about our countries, schools, families, and friends. He uses beautiful stamps to him, too. Thank you for listening.

回答募集中 回答数: 0