


英語 中学生


10 15 2 次の英文は,中学生の久美子 (Kumiko) と母の対話です。 これを読んで,あとの各問いに答えなさい。 Mother: Yesterday morning, when I met some students, they said in *loud voices, “Good morning.” I felt very ( 1 ). Kumiko: I think they are students from my school. We always *greet each other when we meet. So I always greet everyone every day. 5 Mother: You are nice. People feel very good when they *exchange *greetings with each other. Kumiko: I agree. (2) Mother: That's right. I'll tell you another thing. Greetings can be the first *step in communication. If you start talking to people with a greeting first, you can talk with them more. Kumiko: Well .... I have one thing to tell you. Last Monday, we got a new student from Tokyo. Her name is Mika. She looked *nervous because that day was her ( ③ ) day in our class. (4) Mother: Kumiko: No. I wanted to talk with her, but I could not say anything. Then my friend Yuri said to her, “Hello. I'm Yuriko. Everyone calls me Yuri. Nice to meet you.” Soon Mika smiled and started talking to us. We really enjoyed talking with her. Greetings are very useful for opening people's *minds. I learned that from Yuri. I'll never forget this important experience. 6 〔注〕 loud (声音が大きい greet あいさつする exchange やり取りする step 一歩 nervous 緊張して mind 心 (1) ( ① ), ( ③ )に適する語の組み合わせをア~エから選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア ① surprised (3) easy 1 glad ③ important ウ 1 sad ③ exciting I ① happy ③ first 〔土〕 (2) 対話が成り立つように, ⑥ に適する文をア~エから1つずつ選び, 記号で答えなさい。 ア So it was difficult for us to greet her. イ After that, we told her many things about our school. ウ A nice greeting can make them happy. エ You should work hard to have a better school life. (3) 対話が成り立つように, ④に適する疑問文を書きなさい。 (4) 下線部⑤とほぼ同じ内容を表すように, に適する語を書きなさい。 I am called Yuri by everyone. (5) 下線部⑦ が指す具体的な内容を日本語で答えなさい。 greeting あいさつ ②〔ウ] ⑥[イ] 日の ARNOX

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