


英語 中学生


[2] The coronavirus has become a very big problem around the world. Because of this, handwashing with *soap has become very important. (A) Parents, teachers, and leaders are [7. their hands 1. a day I. to wash . everyone many times ]. Many telling famous people have made songs and videos about handwashing. Handwashing is important, but it is not easy for some people in the world. "Handwashing with soap is one of the cheapest and most effective things you can do," said a *director at *UNICEF. "It can protect you and others against coronavirus and other diseases." However, there are billions of people in the world who cannot (B) do this. UNICEF says that 40 percent of the world's people, ( C ) 3 *billion, do not have a handwashing place with water and soap at home. Also, 47 percent of schools do not have a place for handwashing, and 16 percent of healthcare centers do not have handwashing places for patients. Many people in developing countries are getting sick because they cannot wash their hands. Until now, UNICEF has taught people in developing countries the importance of handwashing. But even now, developing countries still need help. Japan and other countries should give help so that all people around the world can wash their hands. Notes: soap 石けん director 局長 UNICEF ユニセフ、国連児童基金 問 3 空所 (C)に入る適切なものを次のア~エから1つ選び記号で答えなさい。 7. and 1. or .but I. for billion 10 億

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英語 中学生


あと 次は,中学生のタケシ ( Takeshi) が書いたスピーチの原稿 の1~6の問いに答えなさい。 I am going to talk about my interesting experience. I went to London during this summer vacation with my family. This was my first trip to a foreign country. I wanted to know about London, so I looked for information about it on the Internet. I was able to see many famous things on the Internet before the trip. In London, we went to some popular places, for example, Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge. I already saw them on the Internet, but they looked bigger and more beautiful to me when I saw them directly. I was ( )! When I walked around, I saw a lot of people from different countries, too. Then, we went to a restaurant to eat local dishes. They were very new to me, but I enjoyed them. When we finished our dinner and left the restaurant at about nine in the evening, I found 2one strange thing. It was not dark outside! I was very surprised. In Fukuoka, it is dark at nine in July, but it is not in London! This was the most interesting thing to me. I enjoyed this trip very much because I was able to discover new things. After the summer vacation, I told my classmates about my trip to London in an English class. Many of them liked my story and I was glad. After school, one of my classmates came to me and said, "I really enjoyed your story. I love Harry Potter, and I'm very interested in London. Can you tell me more about your trip ?" In fact, 3 was surprised when she came to talk to me. Before that, we didn't talk, and I though she was not interested in foreign countries. But that was not right. She knew a lo about London. We talked about my trip and Harry Potter. When we were talking she said to me, "Going abroad is a good way to study, but I have ( ) to Foreign country. I was glad to talk with you." I discovered new things about her o hat day. ) ( 4 You can get information about many things on TV and the Internet, and you ofte hink you know about people around you before talking to them. But you can discove ew things when you experience something directly. I want to remember this idea ar xperience a lot of things in the future. 主) foreign: 外国の Buckingham Palace: バッキンガム宮殿 Tower Bridge: タワーブリッジ directly : 直接に local dishes : その土地の料理 outside: 外で discover : 発見する Harry Potter: ハリー・ポッター

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

この問題の空欄部分を教えてください。 調べても、見つけられませんでした。

Let's try a test! ( 76 英語は私たちの共通言語だ。 77 ある特定の年齢のグループ 78 地価の上昇 79 我が国の人口は減少しつつある。 80 生ごみの量を減らす 81 その学生を2つのグループに分ける。 82 少子化 83 若者がその集団の70%を占める。 84 高野山は世界遺産に登録されている。 85 21世紀に 86 発電 87 私たちが乗ったバスが2時間遅れた。 88 その雑誌の最新号 89 前日の朝 90 異なる視点から 91 シングルルームを2泊予約する 92 デザートは別腹だ 93 室内スポーツ施設 ers. > 94 私たちの新居は建設中です。 95 身長順に並ぶ 96 反対の方向に歩く 97 長距離を歩く 98 ロシアの経済状況 99 調子が良い 100 英語を話す機会がある English is (common accertain ) age group an ( soaring ) in land prices Our country's population is (declining (Reduce ) the amount of garbage (Divide ) the students into two groups the declining birth ( ) Young people ( of the group. Koyasan is ( Heritage Site. in the 21st ( the ( ) language for us. the ( the ( ) for 70% regis tered as a World con tury power Our bus was (d latest befor from a different point of ( book a single ( room have (hungry ) for dessert indoor sports(facility ) Our new house is under (construction ) ) of electricity ) two hours. ) issue of the magazine ) morning view ) ) for two nights ) line up in order of ( height walk in the opposite( direction) walkalong (distances ) ) in Rus the economic ( situation be in good (condition) have an (opportunity) to speak

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

3枚目の写真のような問題って どうやって解くんですか? 私はいつも段落の最初と最後を見てるんですが 一問間違えてしまいました。ぼぼ勘だったりもするので教えて欲しいです🙇‍♀️

いる。 各問いに答えよ。なお, [1] Have you ever seen the 2D codes which have a special mark on the corners? For example, you can find the 2D codes in your textbooks. When you scan them with a tablet computer, you can see pictures or watch videos. Today, a A lot of people around the world use them in many different ways. This type of (2 2D code was invented by engineers at a car parts maker in Japan. [2] When cars are produced, many kinds of parts are needed. Car parts makers have to manage all of the car parts. About 30 years ago, car companies needed to produce more kinds of cars, and car parts makers had to manage many different kinds of car parts for each car. At that time, they used barcodes to manage the car parts, but they could not put a lot of information in one barcode. So, they used many barcodes. Workers had to scan many barcodes. A worker at a car parts maker had to scan barcodes about 1,000 times a day. It took a lot of time to scan them. The 0 000742 221101 barcode (バーコード) workers needed some help to improve their situation. [3] The engineers at a car parts maker in Japan knew the situation of the workers. They started to learn about 2D codes because 2D codes can contain more information than barcodes. There were already some types of 2D codes in the U.S. One type could contain a lot of information, but it took a lot of time to scan that type. Another type was scanned very quickly, but it contained less information than other types. The engineers at the car parts maker did not use these types. They decided to create a new type of 2D code which had both of those good points. The engineers needed a long time to create this new type which could be scanned quickly. Finally, they thought of an idea. They thought, "If a 2D code has a special mark on the three corners, it can be scanned very quickly from every angle." In this way, the new type of 2D code with special marks was invented by the engineers at a car parts maker in Japan. 2D code

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