


英語 中学生

仮定法のwouldとcouldの違いを教えてください。 couldは(〜できるのに)wouldは(〜しただろうに)はわかるんですけどこの写真の問題みたいに〜できるのに、〜しただろうにではなくて〜するのに、〜いいのにの場合はどうやって区別するのですか?教えてください

つことを教える がう (=仮定) d study more. の過去形 ない ( = 仮定) ead the book. 形 その本を読めるの は話せない(=願望) lk. はちがう (=願望) -oday. 2 次の英文を (1) I will study more. (「もし私があなたなら」という仮定の意味を加えて) →If I were, you, I would もし私があなたならもっと勉強するでしょう。 237 (2) If I have time, I can read the book. (現実とは異なる仮定の文に) →If I were had time, I [もし時間があれば,その本を読めるのに。 ] □ (3) I will travel abroad. study more.b 仮定法 「もし~ならば , ・・・するのに」 の文。 んよつ。 could it [今日が日曜日ならいいのに。 ] (「お金があれば」 という仮定の意味を加えて) read the book. SO were →If I were had money, I could. 〔もしお金があれば, 海外旅行をするのに。〕 would 238 (4) My dog_can talk. (「~ならいいのに」という文に) →I wish talk. 〔私のイヌが話せたらいいのに。〕「~ならいいのに」 は I wish~ my dog Would coute 239 (5) It's Sunday today. (「~ならいいのに」という文に) →I wish would Sunday today. 仮定法 If I had time, I co 過去形 the book. (もし時間があれば, 読めるのに。) → 「現実とは異なる 「話」をしている。 travel abroad. C U ★仮定法は動詞 ことで,「現 や「残念な気 ➜> 解答・解説 答

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英語 中学生

長文読解なんですが、5と6を教えて欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします🙏

3 次の会話文と英文は, 拓也 (Takuya) と 彼の家にホームステイしている留学生の高校生マーク (Mark) と が話したときのものです。 1~7の問いに答えなさい。 Takuya : Hi, Mark. What are you reading ? Mark: I'm reading a letter from my sister, Emily. Takuya : Oh, really? How is she? Mark: She's fine. She's now studying to be A veteri...? What does it mean? A veterinarian. It means a doctor for animals. Oh, I see. I think it's a hard job. Does she like animals? Yes, she does. What (2 k Takuya : Mark: Takuya : Mark: Takuya : Mark: You can read this letter. Takuya : Really? Thank you. Takuya : Mark: Takuya : Mark: Takuya : Da Mark: Takuya : veterinarian. And she also loves nature. She joined a group she likes very much. ) of group did she join? Dear Mark, How are you? Are you enjoying your life in Japan ? I have big news. Three weeks ago, I joined a volunteer group ( 3 ). We usually go to mountains or rivers near our town and clean them, because birds and animals sometimes eat the garbage there. We know it is not good for them. Also, in winter, we will go to one of the lakes and see how many birds there are. I heard there were about 500 birds last year. I hope this winter we will see more birds than last winter. We only do small things, but I believe that doing small things is important. Last night, I told my grandmother about our group. She enjoyed listening to me. She loves flowers and birds very much, but she uses a wheelchair now. She doesn't go out very often to enjoy nature. Then I came up with an idea. I am going to ask our volunteer group to go hiking with people like her and help them. It will be (5 if we can do so! I think she will be 6 to go with us. I will write about it next time. (it) hard kitc Love, Emily 01 ** a ウ I 02 書 03 Oh, she's so nice. I think so, too. Is volunteer work popular in Japan ? Yes. There are a lot of people who are interested in it. I want to join a volunteer group that does something for nature like my sister. I've been thinking the same thing. My mother joined a group. Her group collects used kitchen oil and makes soap from it. Oh, it's good for nature. Do you think we can join the group? I don't know. Shall I ask her about it?

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