


英語 中学生


□ (3) □(4) □ (5) □ (6) 4. 現在完了 演習問題 次の疑問文の答えとして適する文をあとから選び,記号で答えなさい。 □(1) Have you washed your face yet? How long have you studied English? Has she ever skied? □ (4) How often have you visited Okinawa? ア Yes, I have. イ No, she hasn't. ウ Several times. I For three years. □ (2) 2 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ内容を表すように, □(1) It was cold yesterday, and it is still cold. It cold She went to London, and she is not here now. She □ (2) □ (3) to London. I lost my camera, and I don't have it now. I my camera. This is the biggest dog I have ever seen. I have such a big dog before. He came to Japan ten years ago and he is still in Japan. He Japan We have had no rain here for a month. Her mother died six years ago. □ (7) Her mother Six years 3 次の文を ■ (1) に適する語を書きなさい。 ROOM rained here for a month. yesterday. dead for six years. since her mother died. They have finished the work. ( 疑問文に) bratasy の英文を日本文にしなさい。 I have been to Nagano twice. 私は2回名古屋に行きました。 内の指示に従って書きかえなさい。 He has already finished his homework. (否定文に) He has hot already finished his homework, 2) They are listening to music. (文末に for two hours をつけて現在完了進行形の文に) J She has lived in Kyoto since 1992. (下線部をたずねる疑問文に) ten years. 次 2) 3

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英語 中学生

この9問の答えを教えてください! 至急デス!

ニ ◇臨海セミナー小中学部 中3・英語科 カリキュラムテスト (夏期①) [関係代名詞(主格①] 氏名: 内から適する語を選び、[ BARE 1 ]に記号で答えなさい。 (1) I have a bag(ア who イ which) was made in Japan. (2) Mr. Takahashi is a teacher (アwho イ which) teaches us English.idesdalTMA (3) Do you know those children who (ア is イ are) playing soccer in the park? [ (4) He has a chair which ア was イ were) broken by Ken. 2 次の日本文の意味を表す英文になるように、(1) に適する語を書きなさい。 ただし、that 以外の関係代名詞を使うこと。ne. tallcing with Ken (1) これはトムによって書かれた手紙です。 This is a ( and modif) (asw ( 中ホーゼ TAK ) was written by Tom. (2) 先生と話しているその生徒は私の兄です。 The (mai orase yr) (Diw gaillat ei ( The l (3) 机の上にある何冊かのノートはメアリーのものです。 Some (Mens lesbaru) 16 ( (4) 佐藤先生は私たちに英語を教える先生です。 Mr. Sato is a (araitand au arol) ( ONLINE ) is talking with my teacher is ) sai aidT (5) 丘の上に建っているあの建物は私たちの学校です。 That (fonde 100 ai llid) (it no abusta ( JUSER C ・brother. 1-\<HOR ) are on the desk are Mary's.mo? 3 次の日本語を英語に直しなさい。 (81~100)18) my ) teaches us English.) s si ots2 M ) stands on the hill is our school. すでに、もう alrfody.t

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英語 中学生

すみません、至急お願いします。 問1から問9まで教えてください🙇‍♀️

Unit 4 長文問題] もしも時間を戻せたら? ) able to change the past? If you 1 Do you ever wish you (2) had that ability, maybe you would spend more time practicing soccer, learn the instrument that you always wanted to play, study harder for that big test, or try to save more money for the future. 2 What would you do if you had the ability to turn back the clock? This was a question which Mr. Woodall, a high school teacher in Philadelphia, asked his students. Mr. Woodall wanted to know what was important to his students but was pleasantly surprised to see the results. I think their answers will be very interesting to you, too. Hou 3 Mr. Woodall expected to see answers (which were connected to the own good of the students, but (3) he was wrong. The majority of the which he received from his students were for the good of answers (う) others. Target ① 関係代名詞 ②仮定法・間接疑問文 66 4 A very common answer he found was, “(4)If I could turn back the clock, I would take back some things that I said to a friend.” Apparently, many of the students regretted saying something (5) friends and wanted to change that. Surprisingly, close to 40% of the students answered this way. 7) hurt their 5 (7) (6) Another common answer was about pets. "If I were able to turn back the clock, I would spend more time with my dog," or "I would be nicer to my cat," were some common answers. Almost 25% of the students missed their pet very much and wanted to show more love. These pets included dogs, cats, birds, rabbits and other animals. turn back and M (時計を) 巻き戻す pleasantly 心地よく expected to 6 There were other answers about reading more books, studying harder, or eating less junk food. However, Mr. Woodall was quite impressed with his students and their concern for others. He decided to share all of the answers with his students, and the students enjoyed hearing the different answers. Mr. Woodall decided to try this activity with his students every year. By asking, he felt he would learn a lot about his students. 〜するだろうと思う good majority , t take back 取り消す apparently close to どうやら~らしい t be nice to 〜にやさしい de 問 1 (1) ( 問2 問3 い。 1.9 ( junk food ジャンクフード concern for . 〜への気遣い、配慮 (4

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英語 中学生

英語分からないので教えてください🙇‍♀️ お願いします🙇‍♀️

長文問題 1 決めるのは君だ! What is the best way to improve your English? ( A ) is no In fact, people have different opinions about this. Some people say, "Increase your vocabulary easy answer to this question. by memorizing lots of words." Other people say, “X単に文法と翻訳だ けを勉強しなさい。” 2 What do you do to improve your English? Do you (1 English songs? Do you (r you (w a diary in English. 3 If you want to improve your English, you have to communicate in English. Studying vocabulary and grammar, reading and listening to English material, and writing in English are all very important. At the same time, you need to realize that (2) doing these will not automatically make a good communicator of English. If you want to be able to communicate in English well, you have to experience actual live conversations. 2 1 Unit ) to ) novels or magazines in English? Maybe English videos on the internet or even ( k ) Target ① be 動詞・一般動詞 ② 進行形・命令文 ③比較 improve 上達させる in fact 実際に increase 増やす vocabulary grammar and translation 文法と翻訳 material at the same time でもやはり actual live conversation 現実のなまの会話 4 Y あなたは今, 尋ねていますか, “What does it mean to have actual live conversations?" This means that you need to take every opportunity to speak English. (3) Don't say, "I don't have any opportunities to speak English." You live in a world with endless possibilities. 5 (B) are so many tourists from all around the world in Japan now. Also, people from other countries live in Japan. When you see them, why not strike up a conversation? (4) When you don't know where they are from, you can use English. ZEALADAT. They will be happy to speak with you. 6 The internet has opened up the world to you as well. With e-mail and social media, you can get in touch with people all over the world. Guess what language comes in handy? That's right! It's (5) ). 7 You can always speak with your English teachers at school. (6)Speak with them in English not only during class time but also during other times of the day. You may have other friends who want to practice English like you. Create an English conversation club. Maybe an English teacher will help you. opportunity endless 無限の strike up 始める social media ソーシャルメディア get in touch with ~ ~と連絡をとる come in handy 役に立つ

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