


英語 中学生

英語の質問です。 (1)の問題で答えは「ア」になります。「イ」ではダメな理由を教えてください🙏

Edition 47,124 PARTNER TIMES Wednesday, June 25, 2021 153話 Police Warning Neighbors There were two reports of *burglary Cases at apartments on Sunset Street this burglary case in the same area. This month. Police say the *suspects are the time, one neighbor saw the burglars. He said the suspects used *ropes. He saw a woman and two tall men in black clothes same in both cases. On June 15th, *burglars *broke into an apartment on Sunset Street. Police are asking the neighbors in the area what the suspects look like. According to one neighbor, she saw three people in dark Police are *warning the neighbors to gray *clothes. Two tall men and one woman with *blonde hair. And they all have blonde hair. Police can't tell why the suspects are *targeting apartments in the same area. keep the doors and windows locked *at all times. せっとう burglary case: 窃盗事件 suspect:容疑者 burglar:窃盗犯 break into~:~に侵入する clothes: 衣服 blonde:金髪の rope:ロープ target:狙う warn:警告する at all times:常に 概要をつかむ (1) この記事はどんなことを伝えていますか。 ア サンセット通りにあるアパートに窃盗団が潜伏している イ サンセット通りで窃盗事件が相次いでいる ウ サンセット通りのアパートに窃盗予告があった obVal

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英語 中学生


54 読解問 題(2) く京都教育大附高》 1 次の英文を読売んで, あとの問いに答えなさい。 Do you know any stories of Sherlock Holmes? The writer of all Sherlock Holmes stories was *Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. One day. he was in *Paris. He took a taxi from the stauo to a hotel. He was going to stay at the hotel. He arrivedat the hotel. He got out of the taxi and gave money to the driver. The arive 5 smiled and said, "Thank you very much, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle." Sir Arthur Conan Doyle *was very surprised and said. “How do vou know my name? “Well, Sir, I read in the newspaper yesterday that you were coming to Paris from u *south of *France. You arrived here on a train and the train came from the soutn ot France. When I saw your hair, I also found that vour hair was cut bv a *barber in the 10 South of France. When I saw your *clothes, I knew that you were *English. I *put all these together and I knew that you were Sir Arthur Conan Doyle." Sir Arthur Conan Doyle said, “That is wonderful! Were you able to know me by only those *facts?" The driver said, “Yes, but of course, your name is written on your bag and that also 15 helped" (注) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle アーサー ·コナン·ド,イル卿 Paris パリ be surprised 驚く south 南 France フランス barber 床屋 clothes 衣服 English イギリス人(の) puf together ~をまとめる fact 事実 口(1) 下線部のについて, 次の問いに英語で答えなさい。 Why was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle very surprised? Because (2) タクシーの運転手が読んだ新問記事の内容を日本語で答えなさい。 アーサーコた、ビイルPがフランスの向からパ11に来といるということ。 hs mme is konun to the drīver. (3) 下線部②について, その事実の内容を3つ, 日本語で答えなさい。 1. 2. 3. り下線部②のほかにどんなことが役に立ったか, 日本語で答えなさい。 バックに頭がかれていたこと。

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