


英語 中学生


次の英文を読み、以下の問いに答えなさい。 Cow. Chicken. Grass. Which two are in the same group? Your answer depends on where you were born and raised. T fedt af gnofed For a long time, *research psychologists have had an idea that East Asians and Westerners think about the world in different ways. There was not enough scientific *evidence to support this idea until recently. In the past 15 years, however, researchers have learned a lot about different thinking styles and the cultural differences that produce them. The story begins in 1972, when *Liang-Hwang Chiu, a professor of *educational psychology at *Indiana University, tested more than 200 Chinese and 300 American children. He showed some cards to each child. Each card had pictures of three things. One card, for example, showed a cow, a chicken, and grass. Chiu asked the children to say which two things were in the same group. Most of the American children picked the chicken and cow. They explained the reason by saying that "both are animals." Most of the Chinese children, however, put the cow and grass together because "cows eat grass." solib - People didn't think Chiu's study was very important in the years after its *publication because $*psychological scientists at that time paid little attention to cultural differences. In the 1990s, however, *cross-cultural psychology became 2"hot" and Chiu's findings were paid attention to again. 3 Researchers at the University of Michigan did Chiu's study again by testing college students from China, Taiwan, and the United States. Without using pictures, the researchers gave the students with and asked them to say which two three words shampoo, hair, and conditioner, for example 20 were in the same group. The Americans were more likely than the Chinese to say that shampoo and conditioner go together because they're both hair care goods. The Chinese were more likely to say that shampoo and hair go together because "shampoo washes and cleans hair." Why do East Asians and Westerners think differently? Most researchers believe the answer can be Taplapo 77 Step A Step B Step C

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英語 中学生

答えがないんです、、答え合わせがしたいので 答え教えてくれる方いませんか???🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

I 次の文は,日本の祝日である「みどりの日 (Green Day)」について, アメリカ人留学生マイク (Mike) さんと日本人高校生ゆか (Yuka) さんが会話をしている場面です。 それを読んで, あとの問いに答えなさい。 Mike : I heard tomorrow is a national holiday. Yuka: Yes, that's right. It's “Green Day". Mike : Why do you call it “Green Day"? Do Japanese people wear green clothes? No, we don't. Before, the holiday was called the Emperor Showa's birthday. But in1989, the name of the holiday was changed to “Green Day” ( 1 ) he loved botany and was interested in the natural environment. Yuka: That's good tokmow that. In America, we have Saint Patrick's Day on March 17. My hometown, New York, has one of the biggest parades on that day. Itis an Irish holiday, but Americans also celebrate it. People wear green elothes on that day. Mike: Yuka : That sounds very exciting! Do you wear something green, too? Of course I do. People think green is the color of Saint Patrick's Day because it is the national color of Ireland. We also enjoy some other traditional Irish customs. Mike : Yuka : What are (2) they? We play traditional Irish music and eat traditional Irish food. Before, it was a 3-day holiday, but now it is a 5-day holiday. Mike : Yuka : Wow! That sounds very exciting. Yes, it is. Our family lives with my grandfather and he is from Ireland. So, (3) 【 enjoy | than / it / other families / we / more K celebrating 】. We decorate everything in our house with something green, too. Mike : Yuka : Wow, that's ice! Iwant to dothat! We Mike : Yuka: That will be amazing. I really want to go. (注)Emperor Showa 昭和天皇 botany 植物学 parade(s)パレド 3-day Saint Patrick's Day セントパトリックデー Irish アイルランドの Ireland アイルランド 3日間の decorate A with B AをBで飾る (1)に入る適切なものを, 次のア~エから1つ選んで, その符号を書きなさい。 ア when 1 イ as ウ if エ but 2 下線部(2)のthey が指しているものを, 英語5語以内で答えなさい。 3 (3)の[ 1の語句を正しい順に並べ替えなさい。 4 に入る適切なものを次のア~エから1つ選んで, その符号を書きなさい。 ア Shall we decorate everything in our classroom with green things? イ How about putting on some green clothes tomorrow'? ウ Please visit our house someday and enjoy Saint Patrick's Day with us! エ American people love to celebrate holidays with their families.

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