


英語 中学生

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td, I remembered your words, so I got up and started running One day, I said to my father, “I don't want to run in the 100-meter race on sports day. I I always look at this picture when I have some problems. Then I can remember the practiced for three weeks. He said,“Naoki, now you can run faster. But please *remember member of the *track and field club when I was a student.” I said, “Oh, really? What We started to practice running together in the park near our house the next day. My should I do to run faster?" He said, “You should *move your *arms more *quickly. Also, not good at sports.” He said, “If you practice running every day, you can run faster. You Hello, everyone. Look at this picture. My father took it on *sports day when I was father *ran very fast. I asked him, “Why can you run so fast?" He answered, “I was a can't run fast.” He asked me, “Do you practice running?” I *answered, “No, I don't. *Im feel like ~(~のように感じる)の過去形 don't look at the *ground when you're running.” My father *knew a lot about running. We 下の英文は, 男子中学生のナオキ(Naoki) が英語の授業でスピーチをしたときのものです。 ten years old. In this picture, I'm running in the 100-meter *race. The picture is very 5 Torlw important to me. Why? 1 Iwill talk about it. have a lot of time before sports day. 2 od J6 *I said, “I see. Thank you, Dad.” an importantthing. 3 He looked at me and said.“Run *to the end.” A Sports day came. I looked for my father. but I could not find him. The race began. started to run. I *felt like I was running very fast. After running about eighty meters, 1 thought that I could win the race. *Just then, I *fell down to the ground. I was so sad and could not *get up. Then I saw my father's face near the *finish line. He was looking at me. I remembered his words. I got up and started running again. Of course, I was *last. That night, my father showed me this picture and said, “I like this picture very much,” Tasked, “Why?” He answered, "I took it because I was so happy.” I said, “I didn't win the Ho said. “That's not important. I was happy because you didn't stop running after ララ race. I ララ falling down. again.” He looked happy, and he gave this to me. 4 じ race, and I can try hard. I likotgn race 競走 answer 答える sports day 運動会 mn の過去形9glors. ran ~が得意であるo I be good at ~ gabuse を動かす 1ン track and field club 陸上部 0ale. ntodem 腕 quickly 速くiaum.nt. arm remember 覚えている ground 地面 move ~ to the end 最後まで knew knowの過去形 just ちょうど get up 起き上がる 0ge beyslqed 189T Yod T to0 felt like ~ last ビリの ゴールテープ finish line 中文

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英語 中学生


*ー 出Iソー生 (Mr. Lee) が、 市民マラソン大会(the City Marathon) のポスター を見ながら話をしています。 次の英文とポスターをもとに,(1)~(3)の問いに答えなさい。 Satoko: I'm going to run in the City Marathon. ポスター Mr. Lee: How nany *kilometers will you run? 市民マラソン大会 時 10月6日(日) 雨天決行 場 所中央公園 参加費 1人200円 Satoko: I'ma junior high school student, so I 日 will run six kilometers. Mr. Lee: I like(run), too. Can I join it? 距離 |スタート時刻 種目 の 午前10時 午前11時 中学生 6km Satoko: Yes. But you have to run 2) 高校生一般13km kilometers. ※問い合わせ先 ○○市役所○○課 Mr. Lee: OK. When is it? Satoko: It's on Sunday, October the sixth. Your *race will start at eleven o'clock. Mr. Lee: OK. I need to *pay two hundred *yen. Right? Satoko: *(注) kilometers キロメートル race 競走,レース pay 支払う yen 円 (1) 下線部のの( )内の語を最も適切な形になおして書きなさい。 ただし1語で書くこと。 (2) 下線部2に当てはまる英語1語を書きなさい。ただし算用数字は用いないこと。 (3) 下線部3に当てはまる最も適切な英文を, 次のア~エから1つ選び, 記号を書きなさい。 イ Yes, I do. ウ Yes, you are. エ Yes, you do. ) [ア Yes, I am.

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英語 中学生

学校で使っているNew crawn(3年)という教科書に "In Asia, cranes are a symbol of long life" という文があったのですが、なぜareの後にaが来るのでしょうか?

became sick. At first she thought that she just had a cold When Sadako was in elementary school, wanted to be a P.E. teacher when she grew up. Sado hospital with her family. A doctor told her parents, “She old. (At least 130,000 people died by the end of the ye USERead However, her sickness got"worse, especially liked her P.E. class and was good at sports. g a member of the relay team for the school's sports day.to go back to school. She never lost hope. Sadako made was a fast runner.(In' the sixth grade, she was selected fold paper cranes and'wished for good health. She wanted 広島平和記念資料館のパンフレ 物語文 The Story of Sadako Text aflash INa]閃光 atleast 少なとも Jend [éndj 終わり Isurvive(d) Isarvaiv(d)] 生き残る elementary lelaméntaril 初級の Words Zat first 最初 安然は 2have a cold かぜをひいて のsickness lementary school lélaméntari skò:1} 小学校 pecially lispéfpli こりわけ get worse About a month after the sports day, Sadako sudderíly の an ato cancer |k 図eause(é 引き起こ Dw up 成長する aner |ránar| 走者 ect(ed) [salekt(3d) 2receiv ye 受け取 so she went to the Pgo ba y Iri:lei]リレー競走 but she survived. hasla' kind of cancer」causedby the bomb..I/dou6t she'ル survive for more than' one year." へ以上は In the hospital, Sadako received some paper cranes. In Asia, cranes are a symbol of long life. Sadako began to 決して over 1,000 cranes. However, she never left the hospital. Her life ended when she was only twelve. たありません 損子さんが折った折

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