

td, I remembered your words, so I got up and started running One day, I said to my father, “I don't want to run in the 100-meter race on sports day. I I always look at this picture when I have some problems. Then I can remember the practiced for three weeks. He said,“Naoki, now you can run faster. But please *remember member of the *track and field club when I was a student.” I said, “Oh, really? What We started to practice running together in the park near our house the next day. My should I do to run faster?" He said, “You should *move your *arms more *quickly. Also, not good at sports.” He said, “If you practice running every day, you can run faster. You Hello, everyone. Look at this picture. My father took it on *sports day when I was father *ran very fast. I asked him, “Why can you run so fast?" He answered, “I was a can't run fast.” He asked me, “Do you practice running?” I *answered, “No, I don't. *Im feel like ~(~のように感じる)の過去形 don't look at the *ground when you're running.” My father *knew a lot about running. We 下の英文は, 男子中学生のナオキ(Naoki) が英語の授業でスピーチをしたときのものです。 ten years old. In this picture, I'm running in the 100-meter *race. The picture is very 5 Torlw important to me. Why? 1 Iwill talk about it. have a lot of time before sports day. 2 od J6 *I said, “I see. Thank you, Dad.” an importantthing. 3 He looked at me and said.“Run *to the end.” A Sports day came. I looked for my father. but I could not find him. The race began. started to run. I *felt like I was running very fast. After running about eighty meters, 1 thought that I could win the race. *Just then, I *fell down to the ground. I was so sad and could not *get up. Then I saw my father's face near the *finish line. He was looking at me. I remembered his words. I got up and started running again. Of course, I was *last. That night, my father showed me this picture and said, “I like this picture very much,” Tasked, “Why?” He answered, "I took it because I was so happy.” I said, “I didn't win the Ho said. “That's not important. I was happy because you didn't stop running after ララ race. I ララ falling down. again.” He looked happy, and he gave this to me. 4 じ race, and I can try hard. I likotgn race 競走 answer 答える sports day 運動会 mn の過去形9glors. ran ~が得意であるo I be good at ~ gabuse を動かす 1ン track and field club 陸上部 0ale. ntodem 腕 quickly 速くiaum.nt. arm remember 覚えている ground 地面 move ~ to the end 最後まで knew knowの過去形 just ちょうど get up 起き上がる 0ge beyslqed 189T Yod T to0 felt like ~ last ビリの ゴールテープ finish line 中文
(1)本文の内容に合う文を, 次のア~クの中から三つ選んで, その記号を書きなさい。 ス Naoki's mother took a picture, and it is important to Naoki. イ Naoki liked running, so sports day was his favorite school event. ウ Naoki's father was inthe track and field club when he was a student. On sports day, Naoki got up early in the morning and practiced running. エ オ On sports day, Naoki talked with his father before the 100-meter race. 8lg otriovi 00 0 ur qo 2on e Naoki's father was happybecause Naoki didn't stop running after falling down. カ キ Winning the race was very important to Naoki's father. ク Naoki looks at his important picture when he has some problems. Sowo18l (2) 次の文は,文中の 1 4 のどこに入るのが最も適切か, 番号で答えなさい。 Let's practice together. (3) 次のO, 2の質問に, それぞれ指定された語数の英文で答えなさい。ただし, 符号( , . ? ! など)は,語数には含まないものとし, 数字も英語で書くこととします。 How long did Naoki practice running with his father? (3語以上) 22 Did Naoki win the 100-meter race? (3語) (4) 次の対話文は, ナオキのスピーチを聞いた先生と生徒のものです。 ( )に入る英文を あなたの立場で, それぞれ4語以上, 8語以内で書きなさい。 ただし, 符号( , . ? ! など)は, 語数には含まないものとします。 Teacher: What is your important thing? Student:( ① ) Teacher: I see. *By the way, what do you do when you have some problems? Student:( 2 ) by the way ところで


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

(1)ウ カ ク
(2) 2
数字の前後の文をある程度訳して、 問題の文を入れてみた時、文脈的におかしいのは消去します。これも消去法が良いです。
(3)for three weeks



No he didn't です




