


英語 中学生

日本のスポーツ「羽子板」についてのプレゼン原稿を書いたのですが、文法や単語など、合っているかを確認していただきたいです…! また、こうしたらより良くなるよってところがあれば是非教えていただきたいです!

D。 you know the Hanetsuki "? --Ihis..13..A.tkadi.tional.spor.t3 In..pan.en.New Yeat.s. Day …. !will talk about two points of Hanetsuki. -r2tly..1..w.lL.Intreduce..ebeut the..hiz.tory--2f It. There was "Grttyo" in Heran period. --I.9 Dne..of eld..spe.rts.. Gittyo wsed 'sticks" and. "Mari". Andr.In.the.Maramachi. peria.d.a.the..sticks.cha.nged..to.. Hagot ta'and Marī changed to "Hane ". The se..are..the..his.tory of. Hlane tuki.. However, 1 don'+ often'see playing with Hanetuki on New Years Day. -2.L.think..oany.people.dou'.tkntw.the.hule..of it. Then, Secondly,I will intro duce about the rule of it. - Peeple..continue the..kally.- when Hane toncheg thé ground, the rally cnds. --Thie.mle And._badminten's..kule..are inilar. But Hanetuki has unique rule. Winner.-give..ese..penalt of.-pa.inting..on.lu2e.r face wてth ink. エt TS. intvesting. These are two_ points of Hane tuki. --The ke..are..Various.fun.een.ts..T..Japan _now . For example, Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day.. Hananaty.k-_and..8o.0n.. So1 feel mahy people farost S01-Ihank.1tisImpsr.ta丘. be interested.in.old clture of Japan- the old culture of Jopon. -why.. don't. Jau.tky.lay.ikg. thaditianal.spkt.thi. New Year's Day.

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