


英語 中学生

過去問で2番わかる人がいたら教えてください😭 お願いします!

ーー 3 | 大のは 恋 (Makoo) か いくつかの国に と おける 1日の一 取量について, インターネットで調べて表 4 日の一人あたりの野菜の平均拓 ) とグラフ (graph) を作り. 英語の授 処 1ook at the table. The table shows.H6w many erent countries ate a day on average in 2007. Japanese Je al ables than people in Australia and people jn India。But people in Apemta aga お Korea ate more than Japanese people.T was surprsed to fnd that Japanese people ate about a half of the vegetables that people in Korea ate. 、! was especially interested in America because thought they didnt eat so many So made a graph to show how many grams of yegefables one American 1 one Japanese person ate a day on average from 1987 through 2007。Jm.】987 le ate more vegetables than American people, but (en years Jater American more vegetables than Japanese people。 this graph。! said to myself, "Why did the grams of vegetables ate ( ①⑪ ) so much from 1992 to 2002" And then,T found a *5a-day' on the Internet。The movement stared in America, and became 1991. '5aday' means "Lets eat five dishes of vegetables every day" 』rhink ment worked well im America. domrt we learn about '5a-day' and at more vegetables2 Table grams of vegetables people jn 287 273 軸 191 - 190 nez im7 az ao7 Gen| 誠 。 vegcableG) :野菜 onaveragc:平均して き movement:(社会的)運動 dh(es):由 証還| | 3 | に入る国名の組み合わせとして最も適切なものを. 次 っ選び。 その符号を書きなさい。 ューKorea 2 3Hindia 一America 1 3FInia エ ューImda 2一Americ』 3一Korea 12 Wo ⑰ )に入れるのに最も適切なものを, 次のアーエの中から一つ選びその」 さい。 の 了 イ change ウ sop エ disappear

未解決 回答数: 2