


理科 中学生


3 気の抵抗は考えないものとします。 小球の運動について調べた実験ⅡIについて、あとの (1)~(3)の問いに答えなさい。ただし、摩擦や空 〔実験 Ⅱ ] ① 平らな斜面をもつ台を水平面上に固定し, 図4 のように, 斜面上のある位置で小球を静止させた。 [2] 小球を静かに手からはなしたところ、小球は一 定の割合で速さを速くしながら斜面を下り,水平 面上では速さと向きを変えない運動を行った。 d 3 [3] [2] の運動をビデオカメラで撮影し、再生して、手からはなしてからの小球の運動を調べた。 手からはなしてからの0.1秒間を区間 a. 次の 0.1秒間を区間 b...というように,アルファ ベット順に 0.1秒間ずつの区間を定めて,それぞれの区間における小球の移動距離を表にま とめた。 表 90 150 180 (80 180 30 4.3cm/s 0.9 区間 f b d a C e 移動距離 (cm) 3.0 9.0 15.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 図4 ア 小球にはたらく垂直抗力が大きくなった。 ウ 小球にはたらく垂直抗力が小さくなった。 ") A To 水平面 エ LITTLE た溜動な何というか 小球 斜面 (1) 実験ⅡIで小球が斜面上から水平面上に移動したときの変化として,最も適切なものを,次のア~ エから1つ選び, 記号で答えなさい。 台 イ 小球にはたらく重力が大きくなった。 小球にはたらく重力が小さくなった。 笑えなさい。

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英語 中学生

この文章にある高校受験までの範囲で重要な表現や、文法事項、などピックアップして頂きたいです! 見にくい上に多くて大変だと思いますがよろしくお願いします。 もしよかったら近畿大学付属高校の英語でおさえておきたいことがあればぜひ教えてください

時間 50分 配点 100点 次の英文は、飛行機に乗ることに対しての恐怖に関する講座について書かれたものです。 英文を 読んで、後の問いに答えなさい。 Fear of flying is a common problem. One study shows that 20 percent of us feel afraid about airplane flight. Is it possible that taking a class can help? I am sitting with my wife, Cathy, who is afraid to fly, and 120 people in a hotel near a busy airport. Dr. Brian Kelly and 15 other experts are taking us through a one-day fear-of-flying class. In the morning, Pilot Richard Smith gives a clear explanation of how an airplane (), and talks about the parts of a flight that cause the most fear. Sudden movement of the plane is the biggest problem. It's not relaxing, but common, and Smith explains how planes are (v) to *deal with it. The afternoon class deals with mental problems. Like many other strong fears, fear of flying is caused by “catastrophizing" - thinking too much about *disasters. The simplest solution, says Kelly, is mental training: Simply stop yourself. When you find that you imagine something bad, think about (1) something pleasant. If you do it often enough, the fear will become ( A ). Everyone is thinking about the 40 minutes flight at the end of the day. The question is, who will be on the plane? There are (B) levels of fear in the group. Some people are a little nervous, others very afraid. lisampu Margaret Anderson is somewhere in the middle. She has () on a plane many times, but her fear has grown with each trip. It's a surprisingly common problem: People remember every moment of bad feeling during years of flying, but they ( C ) the peaceful trips. (2) As a result, they imagine the bad situation. "I went to Bali and spent two weeks staying on the beach," says Margaret. "It sounds like fun, but it wasn't. I spent the whole time looking up at the planes, terrified when I thought I'd have to fly to get home." This is the second class for David Green: The first time he couldn't leave the hotel [ X ] the airport. He's a big man, and doesn't want to show fear, but ( D ). "I want to go to *Majorca for a vacation with my family, but right now I just can't. And I have (3) one thing to worry about," he says. "The worst thing is that I have to tell my fear to my son, Daniel." Toward the end of the afternoon, the stress is rising. It's almost time for the flight. My wife is *pale, but relatively calm. 1 fear ウ overcome オ I ' it's / the other people # (4) [7 hard fór they had and talk about the fear smaller in tears is having a terrible panic attack. People They tell passengers the reason for every "thump, clunk, and so on. ow different feelings in the plane. Everyone is invited to spend a minute with the pilots. ally helped. I was much more relaxed." When we arrive, most passengers are smiling. Margaret Anderson is happy: "(6) It has David Green stepped man who needs a vacation. on and [Y] the plane one time too many and stayed in the 注) *deal with 〜に対処する boarding area. "Next time," he says. "I'll go next time." I hope he (7) does. He looks [Z] *pale (顔が) 青白い *thump, clunk 文中の空所(あ)~(う)に入る語を下から選んで、それぞれ適切な形に直して入れなさい。 get PR い。 *disaster ) ( ) *Majorca マヨルカ島 build take fly 下線部(1) とほぼ同じ意味で使われている英語を本文中より抜き出し、 一語の英語で答えなさ 文中の空所 (A) に入る最も適切な語を,次のア~エから一つ選んで記号で答えなさい。 7 common 1 weak well I nervous 間 4 文中の空所(B)に入る最も適切な語を、次のア~エから一つ選んで、記号で答えなさい。 7 same different high I hard 文中の空所(C)に入る最も適切な語を,次のア~エから一つ選んで、記号で答えなさい。 7 remember feel forget I take 問6 下線部(2) とほぼ同じ意味を表す語句を、次のア~エから一つ選んで記号で答えなさい。 In fact For a while At first I In the end B7 文中の空所 [ X ] ~ [ Z ] に入る最も適切な語を,次のア~エから一つずつ選んで、記号で 答えなさい。 X ) X( ) Z( ) 7 like 1 off from I for 8 文中の空所 (D)に入る最も適切なものを、次のア~オから一つ選んで、記号で答えなさい。 7 he feels relaxed at the airport 1 he doesn't worry about his vacation

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英語 中学生


14) 次の英文を読んで、あとの各問いに答えなさい。 Jack is writing an e-mail to Mike now. Hi, Mike. I arrived in Hokkaido two weeks ago. My school here is wonderful! I can't speak Japanese well yet, but I've made friends with many students at school. I read some books about Japan before I came here, but 5 school life are new to me. many things about Japanese "C For example, an interesting thing happened at lunch time on my first day at this school. After the fourth class finished, suddenly my classmates began to eat lunch in our classroom! And they put their lunch boxes on their own desks! I couldn't believe it. So I asked my friend, Takeshi, "Aren't your desks for studying?" He 10 looked a little surprised and answered, Of course they are, but we use them when we eat lunch, too. Why do you ask?" Another interesting thing happened after school that day. After we finished our class, some students started to clean the classroom. That also surprised me. Because our school in America has a "cleaning staff, students and teachers don't have 15 to clean. The next day, I cleaned my classroom with my classmates for the first time. After cleaning with them, I felt good. I think that it's good for students to clean the places that they use. 100点 *Lastly, we have our school trip for five days next month. You may also be interested in this because our school in America doesn't have such a long trip. I'm 20 very happy because I will go to Kyoto, Tokyo, and other places in Japan. Now my classmates and I often talk about our school trip. It is interesting to plan what places we will visit in Japan. I want to see some famous places and old Japanese buildings with my own eyes. I sometimes feel there are many differences between Japan and America. This 25 makes my life in Japan very exciting every day. I'll tell you about my school trip next time. () surprise cleaning staff ‡‚ (= janitor) [問1] 下線部 ① を, ほぼ意味が同じで次のように書きかえるとき, 1語が入るか答えなさい。 There are many things that I didn't lastly 最後に, 終わりに にはそれぞれどのような (15点) know about Japanese

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英語 中学生

when did Dr.King die?の本文の根拠と同じキワードを教えてください。

I Have a Dream Class No.. Name 1. アメリカの公民権運動の歴史や人権問題について関心を高めよう。 2. よりよい社会にするための行動について考えよう。 3. 物語の流れを時系列に沿ってまとめるために概要を捉えよう。 2人は~だった Vin 1955, there used fo be many things black people に1955年、アメリカ合衆国の黒人たちが法律の下 in the United States could not do under the law. のでできないことが以前はたくさんありました。 There were restrooms they could not use. 彼らが使えないトイレがありました。 There were drinking fountains they could not use. 彼らが使えない噴水式の水飲み器がありました。 they could not use. 座席がありました。 There were bus seats 彼らの使えないバスの ~の一人 We shall never give up. " 「They fought in a peaceful way. 彼らは平和的な方法でたたかい ました | Some walked fo work and school. 生い仕事や学校に行く人もいま でする人もいる うる人もいれば した。 ② These unfair laws upset many people. これらの不公平な法律はたくさんの人々を 不快にさせました。 One of them was Martin Luther King, Jr. 彼らの1人がコーティン・ルーサー・キング He said, Wel ジュニアでした He heard about the arrest of Rosa Parks in Montgomery, Alabama. 彼は、アラバマ州・モンドゴメリカでの ローザズのパークスのたいほについて cannot stand it anymore. Let's start a movement. Everyone has a right 誰もがどのバスのどの座席にも 彼らはいいました。 ききました 私たちほうむ恐きがまんすることは運動を始めましょう。 to take any seat on any bus. どんな どんな 座るけんりをもちます。 決して~しない。 私は決してあきらめません。 ③ Dr. King led the people of Montgomery in a fight for justice. キング牧師は正義のためのたたかいでモントゴメリーの人のたを導きま They stopped riding city buses. 彼らは市のバスにのることを やめました。 Others shared cars. p74~76 Many たくさん 車を一緒に使う人もい ました。 people supported the Bus Boycott, even some white people. の人々、幾人かの巨人でさえものボイコット運動を支 [持しました。 n

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英語 中学生


問題10 【思考・判断・表現】 (2×9=18) 健(Ken)はクラスの友達に切手 (stamp) と地図 (map) を見せながら、ブータン王国 ( Bhutan)に住む文通相手 (pen pal)のタシ (Tashi) との交通についてスピーチをしてい ます。 次の英文を読んで、あとの (ア) ~ (ケ)の各問いに答えなさい。 0275 300q sit zow stoloporlo to roteir sdt bib 9W (1) Hi, everyone. I'm going to talk about my pen pal. Please look at this stamp. Have you ? Tashi, my pen pal ever seen a big stamp like this? It's not a Japanese stamp. Then ( 1 )? TIDS Satplopo tuodo in Bhutan, sent it to me last week. Bhutan has interesting stamps. I'll talk a little about Syobot pluqoq Bhutan. Please look at this map. Bhutan is between China and India. It's bigger than Kyushu NW (E) and has many high mountains. People in that country have clothes like Japanese kimonos, and they grow and eat rice. Tashi and I became pen pals last year. I've never seen him, ( 2 ) I've seen his father. in the Meiji pen His father came to Japan to study at college, and my mother was his Japanese teacher. t in Japan. They tre When she brought him to our house, he told me about his family. He said, "My son is as old LA 111. SIDIO Snipsd as you. He wanted to come to Japan with 3me, but he had to stay in Bhutan. He is very bih wohl (S)make interested in Japan and wants a Japanese friend. If you write a letter to him, he will be very ( 4 )." Tashi's father also told me about his country. It was very interesting. So I Sstoloporio svori ot sent a letter to Tashi, and we started writing letters to each other. We write letters in English. I didn't like writing English before, but now I enjoy it. Tashi writes English very well because teachers in Bhutan usually speak English when they teach. He sometimes uses difficult words in his letters, so I need a ( 5 ) to read them. We write about our countries, schools, families, and friends. He uses beautiful stamps to him, too. Thank you for listening.

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英語 中学生


問題8【思考・判断・表現】 (2X4=8) 次の(ア) (エ)の各対話文の 3x0 選び、 番号を答えなさい。 HORS (7) Yuichi: Today is my grandmother's birthday. Mary: Yuichi: She's seventy. 1~4の中から一つずつ AXUCE OST) -NEER ŠPEJAT JSY uoy list of onion m'I wold ob alqosq ynom nint I Calplopori si bo od movs olish 1 Where does she live? 2 How old is she? 3 Who gave her a present? 4 ynoteid eti tuodo (S) What's her name? Why is chocolate mort trasllib ti stoloporls silm of oppo* sau ot batante osixeM (1) Satomi: Oh, you are carrying a big box. Are you all right? b slqos David: No. This is a little difficult. Satomi: Sure. EATONKON the first Japanese persoly siano ni siqos yobot stplooards saviensis isy DD snipibsm to brix o zow sqomus montslqosa boinsg ob3 silt erinud Snoqot of smoo tarit stolosorts bib woll 1 Will you help me? May I help you? 2 emixom 3 You won't help me. moz, bainqilis4 Do you want me to help you? sorls triguend tu8 bluos varit vllonit bad bror vsv bsint yanT noqot ni ti slom ot batnow bad stolosoris colate aviensqxs llite 20w ti pooltootroo* 9/02 1 Why do you want to go to the park? qua 2 3. How is the weather next Sunday? 4 () Steve: What are you going to do next Sunday, Hitoshi? Hitoshi: I'm going to play baseball with my friends in the park. Steve: I see. yab Hitoshi: Well, I'll do my homework at home. we amosad stolo Mr. Smith: Tomoko: Tomoko: Yes, Mr. Smith. We are going to ** in China. insianD (1) Mr. Smith: Tomoko, I hear you are going to visit China with your friends this summer. a junior high school ing to visit blow 9††A lay baseball? Loy When will you play What will you do if it rains? inain W 1 2 How many students are there in the school? Is it easy for your friends to speak Chinese? How will you go there? 3 4 Have you ever been there? It is my second time to visit the school, but it is the first time for my friends. I made a lot of Chinese friends last year. So I'm looking forward to seeing them again.

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