


理科 中学生


石川県 電源装置 5 電流 電流と磁界 電流と磁界に関する, 次の実験を行った。 これをもとに 以下の各問に答えなさい。 図 1 [実験] エナメル 線でコイルと回 転軸をつくり, 回転軸のエナメ ルをすべてはが した。 図1のよ うに回路をつ くり, コイルの 下部を黒く塗っ コイルの下部 た。 その後, スイッチを入れたところ, 回路にはの 向きに電流が流れ, コイルの下部が の向きに力を受 け, コイルは動き始めたが、間もなく静止した。なお, 電源装置からは一定の向きに電流が流れるものとする。 問1. 基本 一定の向きに流れる電流を何というか、 (2点) 書きなさい。 問2. 磁界の中でコイルに電流を流すとコイルに力がはた らく。この現象を利用したコイルの活用について述べた ものはどれか,次のア~エから適切なものを1つ選び, その符号を書きなさい。 (2点) ア, 懐中電灯を点灯する。 イ. 扇風機で送風する。 ウ 手回し発電機で発電する。 軸受け スイッチ コイル 1.8 理科 | 78 0 抵抗器 電流計 回転軸 ||観察する向き U字形磁石 問4.実験 サイルと た。 スイ ルはどの ア~エか 1つ選び さい。 ま 石による さい。 ア 6 物質 体の 山田 れをも [実験] うに 線に に, いレ 力の をつ

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 中学生


次の英文を読み、以下の問いに答えなさい。 Cow. Chicken. Grass. Which two are in the same group? Your answer depends on where you were born and raised. T fedt af gnofed For a long time, *research psychologists have had an idea that East Asians and Westerners think about the world in different ways. There was not enough scientific *evidence to support this idea until recently. In the past 15 years, however, researchers have learned a lot about different thinking styles and the cultural differences that produce them. The story begins in 1972, when *Liang-Hwang Chiu, a professor of *educational psychology at *Indiana University, tested more than 200 Chinese and 300 American children. He showed some cards to each child. Each card had pictures of three things. One card, for example, showed a cow, a chicken, and grass. Chiu asked the children to say which two things were in the same group. Most of the American children picked the chicken and cow. They explained the reason by saying that "both are animals." Most of the Chinese children, however, put the cow and grass together because "cows eat grass." solib - People didn't think Chiu's study was very important in the years after its *publication because $*psychological scientists at that time paid little attention to cultural differences. In the 1990s, however, *cross-cultural psychology became 2"hot" and Chiu's findings were paid attention to again. 3 Researchers at the University of Michigan did Chiu's study again by testing college students from China, Taiwan, and the United States. Without using pictures, the researchers gave the students with and asked them to say which two three words shampoo, hair, and conditioner, for example 20 were in the same group. The Americans were more likely than the Chinese to say that shampoo and conditioner go together because they're both hair care goods. The Chinese were more likely to say that shampoo and hair go together because "shampoo washes and cleans hair." Why do East Asians and Westerners think differently? Most researchers believe the answer can be Taplapo 77 Step A Step B Step C

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 中学生


(*印の付いている単語·語句には, 本文のあとに [注] がある。) There are many museums and *theme parks around Tokyo. Some of them teach people about the history of Japan, like *Edo Wonderland in Nikko and the "Edo-Tokyo Museum in Ryogoku. They are popular places for school trips because students can enjoy learning about Japanese history. I remember one of my school trips. When I was a student in Australia, we went on a school trip to Old Sydney Town. It was a theme park that *recreated the *past, just nke Edo Wonderland in Nikko. Old Svdnev Town was an hour away from Sydney Dy bus. 1t had more than 30 buildings. They were made in the same 'style as buildings in 1803. Many *actors were working at the theme park. They *wore old-style clothes, spoke old-style English, and "pretended to live in the town. “Horse-drawn wagons went up and down the streets. upin My friends and I were excited to see the actors' "performances. People drank at a "pub, sang old songs and danced in the streets. Some of them pretended to “fight a duel Some museum “staff gave us short history lessons, and we enjoyed listening to them very much. I remember Old Sydney Town was very exciting, because it brought us to another world. Old Sydney Town closed about 30 years after it opened. Many people visited there at first, but the number of people visiting there "gradually went down. The buildings started to become old. and more and more actors left Old Sydney Town. There were a lot of people who enjoyed visiting Old Sydney Town when they were children. And later, they took their own children there, but they said it was not as exciting as before. Why did Old Sydney Town close? There are many different "opinions about it. Some people say young people now like to play video games, and these young people think that a trip through time is not very exciting. Other people believe that Old Sydney Town did not *attract many people because it could not make new and exciting *entertainment. Times change and people also change. New "technology and the Internet can make new kinds of entertainment, and people can enjoy them at home. New building *materials can now make buildings that look like something from the future. New technology will make us more surprised. But it is also very important for us to keep old culture and entertainment. Maybe some of these things are not seen in everyday life, but they make a "link with the past. For example, if you go to see kabuki, maybe you will think about Japanese people who lived in the past. Culture *is made up of all the things people did in the past, and it makesa country and its people "unique. If we forget about the past, then we lose our culture. 10

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