

It is I of a You I am a , but new create for the . s6uIM Y全首 Leonardo da Vinci If I had レオナルドダヴィンチ uhua ep nopw:pue:m the across ages. They led to the ir My dream is to invent a time machine. long time, ways. one, I would visit areat inventors things stary This is the first t" 04 I have learned from past dreamers ho new. The Wright Br as dreams. flight in 1903. Bef experinents. They 01 again. Sometimes, times, the brothers Leonardo da Vinci. He thought, “I wish I couid flv liu. However, they ne- a bird." He and others studied birds. They watched problem, they lo feathers in the wind. Gradually they learned some of the that they had t S1 secrets of flight. afraid of it. Th
陸が発表した卒業スピーチの原稿が、 学校のウェプサイトに掲載されています。 pooa スピーチ原橋の要点を表にまとめよう。 STAGE 2 Goal Messages 1earm ae ching We should not hesitateto comp We should Reasons with ntw and origina_| It's better to deas. Us ing Mag inatiol 4no is the key to starting off. Leonardo Da Vinci and other great the Wright Brothers Examples inventors Guide 1 陸がスピーチで最も伝えたいことは何ですか。 Guide 2 (1) 偉人たちの話から陸が学んだ1つめのことに下線を引こう。4 全っ完売シートに (2) 偉人たちの話から陸が学んだ2つめのことに波線を引こう。 陸が最も伝たいことが書れている確部分に そ引にう。 引きましょう。




