


英語 中学生

至急! 分からないので解いて教えてください🙇

問5 | う ] の中に, 適切な数字を理きなさい。 問6 次のアーオのうぅうち, チラシ及び2人の話の内容に合うものを2つ選び, その符号を香きなさい。 ア Ajunior high school student will pay 800 yen to enter the Arte and Crafta Museum. イ ike wants to take buses to visit the famous places on the leaflet. ウ をに オォ Ryo and Mike will have lunch in the Wood Park. The 1ast bus arrives at Minami Station at 6:00 pm. The One-day pa for children under 12 ie cheaper than the One-day pass for an adult 9 甘-18-公-石川-問-04 汗| 次の玉音を読んで, あとの各問に答えなさい。 Tt was the morning assembly of Shior's class. Mr. Yosbida, the homeroom teacher, said to the 員 students, “There will be an English speech contest for junior high school students next month. ou Want to join, please tell me by this weekend.” During the Junchtime break, Shiori talked with her classmates about the contest、 She said, ig the speech contest。 Do you think T can do it?" Mika, her best friend, PP “Ohthank <Sure』 mm interested in jo said, “Ofcoursel Youare really good at Engtish, so yo wl make a wonderfnl speech ou Shiori said, “but please giye me your comments when T finish witing the script" IMikka and the other stodents said. Bo, she made up ber mind. After school、oshe visited Mx. Yoghida and told him about 志. When she went home t陣at evening she started by thinking of what she would talk about。 She thought “Tive had a very good time with my classmates this year so should be about something 【 enjoyed with them ” She decided to write about some school events。 It wasnteasy to write the gcript because he ied to write many things about the events. She wrote again and again, and on te 8eventh night fniahed it by writing 'Tn thie way 1 enjoyed my school Hife with my classmates this year′ 8he thought, "TL how the script to my clasemates tomorrow. 1hope they will tike 0』 the pet morning, when she entered her classroom, she aeked Mika to read the script and When Mika finished, Shiori asked Mika said “OK,” and read 辻 carefully Mika said, “It was good 皿ve gome comrment8. Shiori thought Mika would say something nice. “How do you jke 7 mates,but.…" “But?” Shiori asked. pecause you wrote about the school events and or Mika aid “Actually T didmt fnd out what you really wanted to say. 1 think you can make 芝 ” Then betteg2 8Hiori wag surprised and said, "Oh really? Anyway, will check my script again.… d the same thing. She was very saQ Shiori asked some other students to read it, and 。the ut decided t0 rewrite the script. Every night she tried, but it was very dfficult for her。 Rinaly ja 人he seyenth day he gave up, She didmtwant to think about the speech any more. gThe next day, ghiori went to the teacherg' room to meet Mr. Yoshida。 She said, "1 showed m peech gcript to gome of my clasgmates, and they all aaid, Tdidntfind out what you yeally wanted 1 gy 8o,Ttried to ewyite it butTdidnt know what to do、 Now 1 think 1 ehouldn'tjoin the 8peet 6ntest” Mr. Yoshida read the script and gaid, "Tt is a good script, 1 think, but it will be mu etter 婦 you try harder” ぶBut./ Hestopped her and said, “Tor example, how about thinkin

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英語 中学生

空いてるところが分かりません、、、 あっているかもお願いします!!

3英の3 レーチをじたときの原本です。 これを委 [国 cg. wweeoswdeyak)さんが上人のアドついて んであとの半いに半えなさい jm to be an ngieh Ham eee Yemeaye remeimnerhie eeeudmer Tyr( o ) ao myawm. Watnpm demf ee Dye om Je rue Rgteh the ( ⑤ ) crall the wbieces。 My mer snd we study Enghish together ewery day。 Itie fn Tthink (アァョ イ g ー Mny eo in the word speak Enwth。 Bo ifyou pderetand Engiah you エ wait Jigh wehool etudent、 エ mo み may make hiends al over the worid (アー there イイ オ re カ to)jathewordd Twimyimitmome other countriee and talk with people there io janghieh. T enjoy teaching Third, Tike temching. Bome of my friends ask me about English. のbea Taching Baghieh ja sn important 05 It am aleo intereeting apd exGiGpg. My ngish teacher js wery kind and hie classes are slotof fon。 Twant to be a teacher Hike him. memet tudy Engliah barder for my eam。 Tknowitwilbe hartL butTwil enioyit hnkyou (0 ( @ ).( ⑱ )に入る明も道当な導(人9)を, 次からそれぞれ1つずつ選び. 記号で答えなさい。 ウ talking 。 エ amgoingtotalk 9アァ mk イィ taked ウ wel エ verymuch @⑤ ア mood イィhbew (9) 本二やの 3番目の理由は何ですか。日本矯で答えなさい。 す 4 下基S, ⑨の( )内の主人を意味が通るように並べかえ。 その遥序を記号で答えなさい。 [ 、り 伯9す内容を本文中から4硬放出して答えなさい。 基部を日本閣に商しなさい。

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