

第三』周 次の英廊は,。カナダに住むスミス夫妻(Mr. and Mrs. Smith) と, スミス夫妻の息子のトム(Tom) に ついで書かれたものです。この英文を読んで, あとの1 6の問いに答えなさい。 Mi and Mrs. Smith jivejn ayillagenear the sea. They have a son./His name is Tom. He is six years old. 0 中因 Tast monh, Mr. Smth and Tom went fishing. Tom went ffshing for the first time then. They'enjoyed fishingan arrver/ They caught some fishand took them home. Mrs.,Smith cooked them for dinner Last Med0020705 Said to Mr. Smith Rather Twantto go fishing with you again. Can you take me? Did you have a good time last month?” Mr Smith said. “Yes、T like fishing.” Tom said。 Mr. Smith said, Well, 有朋1 go fisping mn the sea with my friends this Sunday。 Wil you go with me?” Tom Sand, Of coursel/ Mr Smih said/ Tpreparel po you last month/ Can you prepare yourselfthis time? A man must
/ preparW everythingforりfehing himself) Tom said、/Sure/ TI try you. We wi 1eave home at four thirty、 Dont be late. Mr. Smith Thnat night、 when Mr, and Mrs. Smith/were/having some tea/ wanted ① 。 He'said he xyas able/to go fishing7in the sea/with you this Sunday。 ls that right?" Yes Mr Smith said./ Mrs. Smith/said、 1 dontthinkthe sea is ( Temember/the day Tnakg sandwiches" “Good。Tf take 1d. Mirs、 Smith said to Mr. Smith,/Tom Smith said, “My father went fishing nm the sea Aith mewhen I was four years old/ very well. My father often went jjshing.) His friends'said'he was good at fishing.、 On that da sat with my father/on the Ship because went fishing in the sea for the first time then/ The sea Was very choppyr My fathey caught 8 some fish quickiy/ Then he showed ethe way to fish' with his rod./We Starteぴ fishing togethey About twventy minutes ]ater/ I caught a big fish. ③Bwt my father didmt get any fish. 1 thought was strange. still dont MS the reason.? Mrs. Smith smiled and said、 “Lthinkyou1l understand it on 同人 But please be careful2 の Of course, ! w和Mr. Smith sand . On Sunday morning /Mr. Smith/and Tom BMM home at four thirty。Tt was sunny。 They started fishing at ve MO Tom caugh7two fsh, but Mr. Smidh/Gdmtcatch any fish Me Smith got o攻the ship,the が ず and said to him, “You didnt watch your rod. 、You only watched your sonsrod2 Mr Smith captain/srnile tou gりFnally can umderetand the reason ct
6 去凛の内容に含うものを, 次のアーオナから 2 つ選び, 記号で答えなさ アア 7agsz zon妨, 上7。 Sr and 7om went 有shing jn a river and oniy a big nsh. (ア の. Sn7fカsard をnar 75nn nad fo prepare everything fo fshing himself. の en ル全Sm放互 went 吾snng in {ne sea with his father for the first time, he was nine years old. アテ | SnのSs 生her 中daもcafch any 五ぉおwhen Mr Smith went aar with him for the frst tme. チ 7 Sn7fカand 767n starred 9 af 五ve thirty on Sunday


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

My father caught some fish quickly.
Mr.Smith’s fatherはすぐに数匹の魚を釣り上げました。
魚が釣れなくなったのはその後のことです。選択肢エは全く魚が釣れなかったといっていますが、some fishを既に釣り上げています。


