
長文で問1の②をherにしたらバツだったのですが、このとき2枚目の画像の一段落目の7行目because he understood how I felt.がIだから合わせて「〜は、〜が」になるsheってことであってますか?

トレーーー ー 由衣 ーー 6 炎の美六は由容om) が, 英語で発表した内容である。これを読んで, 後の各間に答えよ。 請記58WB SS ma Ermail is popular nowbt its a kgnd of communication、 1 iies at home gm friends at school/e see their faces an 記語th yoiees/ This ia called "face.face communication” Bt yhen_we_use 18nBmmesllphones or the Internet,X*e dont see people' faces or hear their voices. We call this "indirect communication”" Jpy5eplelnse cellphone andthe Interet to send e_mail now./ mail is usefl 。 /We can send email to people When_we_arentt with_them, 0 people we have never met beforeプWe can communicate with a lot of people jiying in foreign countries by e-maiiブ の “Tndirect communication” is useful, nm 赤 has problems, too/ or example> there ae 80me people who use the Internet in an (① unpleasant way. They write negative | thing ith6nt writing their own names. (Bo we dont know who wrote those worde. That is one big problem. (Qpl 語 (Wen ーー W ia でati
pe you think we cm My aaYOV think we cn always show how we feel through "indirect communication2 awwer is no.-T wrote about ei 0 weded ie がGRt 3 ecs about テー aw my fm He asked me. “What happenedア1 told him et the tegt /Then he sm sp4 maid. on dhd yowr teet emumih ge gh re next teetツ Las gwd when ] heard those worta af saw hie emiie_ eee ad ms hanpy4ccauss he deretooL bp 1 fis 』 couid eart edyimg る てGy Thrmmes hke /Good morningグSee yoar or Back you ery paleo very important em ol ge ey hepS monde to them- ip ue to commanicate mel 。 Many peopl use "ndirect commimication" now. B人1 think is more important to ar communication/ 1 learned this through communication with my and my friends. IT we have “facertorface communication・ we.can_nnderskand eople better。 Which do you 1ike better, “facertorface communication' OF pdirect ET ーー ーー ーー h 間1 決の質問の符えを HH (0 Wakemetupemre fsmedgy あの7 4カッンタ の Wiy did Yamie人er worde make Yami hppy2 間2 下線を列の箇休で表更する電合, 最も適当なものを, アーエから一つ選び. 記号 ーーー 一 を書け。 aybaa 。 イ mporant 。 ウ saieandeesy そ nsesn 間3 上休講を共中からさがし本委書け 問4 内容に合っているものを, 次の1て6から二フ選び, 番号を書け。 eee イ Tean ommunicate with people that arept with us br uaing ma 2 good Yumi thinks that we should use it her fether eaid to her "You did your est or "Thankyou" im Smdinect communication” The Internet is always used ina ーー ー生oe le 記 了 ェッ *引計 詞e fh に: 9


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