


英語 中学生

英語の和訳をお願いします。 第1段落と第2段落がうまく訳せません。 特に第1段落のThree of them 以下や、第2段落の第1文のManga 〜 in Japanese.やIt describes以下です。 It describesのItもなにを指しているか混乱してま... 続きを読む

回 海外で発行されている日本のガイドブックに、漫画とアニメの記事が掲載されています。 記事を読んで、あとの問いに答えなさい。 People around the world now know and love Japanese anime. Some characters are familiar to people who do not usually read manga or watch anime. One of the reasons for this success is the adjustments that were made for viewers overseas Three of them involve titles, characters, and content. 2 Manga and anime titles are, of course, originally in Japanese. Some, like this does not work with all titles. For example, Knights of the Zodiac is originally Seinto Seiya in Japanese. It describes just the main character, but in English, the title was changed to something that relates to the whole story. This made it more attractive to viewers in foreign countries. Characters' names are often changed in manga and anime that are mainly for children. It is hard for children to remember unfamiliar names. With familiar names, children can focus on the story. For example, the character Satoshi in Pokemon becomes Ash in English. The name Ash uses three letters from S-a-t-o s-h-i. Japanese customs are sometimes adjusted for non-Japanese viewers. The adjustments can be small or large. Consider this example of a small adjustment. In anime in Japan, characters eat onigiri. In Western versions, they eat cookies. In manga, they don't change the pictures. Instead they add short explanations. This way, foreign readers can understand Japanese customs and behavior. A large adjustment might be a change in the setting. Consider Kyojin no Hoshi, an anime from the 1970s. In it, the main character Hyuma trains very hard and becomes a professional baseball player. In the Indian version, its main character plays cricket, a popular team sport in India. In short, perhaps anime became more popular because of these adjustments. The language and customs were adapted a little to fit each culture. Think about your favorite manga or anime. The original is probably different.

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英語 中学生

reviewのround2①②④が分かりません😭😭 ④番はNo,theyweren'tでいいんですか??

Let's 14 Read New Words lullaby [laləbail road [roud] A Mother's Lullaby 物語を読んで、場面の変化や登場人物の心情などを理解し、 気持ちをこめて音読することができる。 lou) old road [:] abroad 244 CAN-DO ma A big, old tree stands by a road near the city of Hiroshima. Through the years, it has seen many things. 以下は、この木の回想です。 On the morning of that day, a big bomb fell on the city of Hiroshima. Many people lost their lives, and many others were injured. They had burns all over their bodies. I was very sad when I saw those 5 people. It was a very hot day. Some of the people fell down near me. I said to them, "Come and rest in my shade. You'll be all right soon." One summer night, the tree heard a lullaby. A mother was singing to her little girl under the tree. They looked happy, and the song sounded sweet. But the tree remembered something sad. "Yes. It was some eighty years ago. I heard a 15 again. lullaby that night, too." [68 words] Night came. Some people were already dead. I 10 heard a weak voice. It was a lullaby. A young girl was singing to a little boy. "Mommy! Mommy!" the boy cried. "Don't cry," the girl said. "Mommy is here." Then she began to sing She was very weak, but she tried to be a mother to the poor little boy. She held him in her arms like a real mother. [140 words] E New Words e bomb (bám] m injure(d) [indzər(d)] ・・・・を傷つける shade [féid] 2 dead [ded 死んだ 2 weak [wi:k] 弱い かすかな mommy [mámi] お母ちゃん cry, cried (krái(d)]< arm(s) [6:7m(z)] 2 real [rial] 本当の 発音しない bomb right [e] dead [i:] weak

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英語 中学生


2 ③ 1 A 基 やさし イラス 4 ⑤ 「A y スマ 使 いのです。 □ 「~を… の状態)にする」 と言うときは, (make + (代) 名詞+形容詞で 基本文 ポイント A ロ(3) The W <make + (代) 名詞+形容詞) sleepy. B A = 「私(左)」=「眠い」 ※AとBは入れ替えられない。 「The warm weather makes me 基本を確認する! (例) Please keep the room warm. (部屋を暖かくしておいてください) I left the window open. (私は窓を開けたままにしておきました) 前に見た映画をもう一度見に来て (1) This movie (calls / makes) people happy. スタート 1場面チェック ( )内から適する語を選んで書き, に入るセリフを完成しょう。 (2) 日本文にあう英文になるように, □(1) あなたの声は私を幸せにします。 Your voice makes ロ (2) 彼は花だんを美しく保っています。 He (2) Let's (hold / keep) the classroom clean.and (3) Please (take / leave) the window open. 1 <make + A + B) の文 「AをB(の状態)にする」 Aには名詞・代名詞 B には です。 A=Bの関係が成り立つ。 この映画は人を幸せにします。 教室をきれいにしておきましょう。 2 (keep + A+B), (leave (keep + A+B)= <leave + A + B >= 窓を開けたままにしておいてください。 me トムは自分の部屋を汚れたままにしています。 Tom his room leaving に適する語を書こう。 heeps happy. (3) his garden 81 次の英語は日本語 日本語は英語にかえて書こう。 create 2 日本文にあう英文になるように、 早く目が覚めると幸せです。 Make up make Leave B2 基本文を使いこなす! 1 日本文にあう英文になるように、( )内の語(句) を並べかえて、全文を書こう。 その映画は人をわくわくさせます。 (people/the movie / makes / excited). The movie makes people excitecl. (2) かわいい服はいつも私たちを幸せにします。 (clothes /us/make / always/cute/happy). 2 drew indoor (2) 報告書) レポート (3) 戸外の, 野外 (4) 屋内の、室内の (5) draw の追 outdoor report 名 に適する語を書こう。 dairty. 3 日本文にあう英文になるように,( )内の語を並べかえよう。 □(1) その歌はいつも私を悲しくさせます。 The song always (sad/me/makes ). The song always makes me sad. □(2) 雨の日は私たちは退屈です。 Rainy days (us / make/ bored). Rainy doys make us bored 30 thirty [プレ ford Cute clothes always make us happy. 私たちはその公園をきれいにしておくべきです。 (should / clean/we/the park / keep). WI early makes me happy. We should keep the park clean. 自己表現 だれかをわくわく させるもの メモ(2) サム:サッカーの試合 メモ (②2) Soccer メモ(3) | の語(句) に自分で1語補って, メモの内容を表す英語を完成しよう。 メモ (1) : J ポップ J-pop excited sister [myl J- pop makes my sister excited soccer games ミカ:ピアノをひくこと excited. Sam PROGRAM 3 games make Sam excited Mikal the piano playing Playing The piano makes Mika Ken f CAN-DO 3 自己表現 Kate (ケイト) は, 友だちへのクリスマスプレゼントは何がいいか考えていま スタート 右の, Kate の友だちが幸せな気分になっている様子の絵 (1) を見て、彼らについて Kate に教える英文を書こう。 ① Yumi likes eating cakes. 由美はケーキを食べることが好きです。 makes It her happy. それは彼女を幸せにします。) ② Ken likes playing tennis. 鍵はテニスをすることが好きです。 It makes him happy. それは彼を幸せにします。 今度は、あなた自身の立場で, 同じように英文を書こう。 Yuki C I like eating ice cream It makes セント ケーキを食べる = eat cakes テニスをする = play tennis 映画を見る = watch [se マンガを読む = read comics 音楽を聞く = listen to music

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