

Let's 14 Read New Words lullaby [laləbail road [roud] A Mother's Lullaby 物語を読んで、場面の変化や登場人物の心情などを理解し、 気持ちをこめて音読することができる。 lou) old road [:] abroad 244 CAN-DO ma A big, old tree stands by a road near the city of Hiroshima. Through the years, it has seen many things. 以下は、この木の回想です。 On the morning of that day, a big bomb fell on the city of Hiroshima. Many people lost their lives, and many others were injured. They had burns all over their bodies. I was very sad when I saw those 5 people. It was a very hot day. Some of the people fell down near me. I said to them, "Come and rest in my shade. You'll be all right soon." One summer night, the tree heard a lullaby. A mother was singing to her little girl under the tree. They looked happy, and the song sounded sweet. But the tree remembered something sad. "Yes. It was some eighty years ago. I heard a 15 again. lullaby that night, too." [68 words] Night came. Some people were already dead. I 10 heard a weak voice. It was a lullaby. A young girl was singing to a little boy. "Mommy! Mommy!" the boy cried. "Don't cry," the girl said. "Mommy is here." Then she began to sing She was very weak, but she tried to be a mother to the poor little boy. She held him in her arms like a real mother. [140 words] E New Words e bomb (bám] m injure(d) [indzər(d)] ・・・・を傷つける shade [féid] 2 dead [ded 死んだ 2 weak [wi:k] 弱い かすかな mommy [mámi] お母ちゃん cry, cried (krái(d)]< arm(s) [6:7m(z)] 2 real [rial] 本当の 発音しない bomb right [e] dead [i:] weak
New Words tightly [taitli] しっかりと 2 while [hwäil] しばらくの間 quietly [kwáiətli] rose [róuz] (= rise) after a while L5<LT "You'll be "Mommy," the boy was still crying. "Be a good boy," said the girl. right." She held the boy more tightly and began all to sing again. After a while, the boy stopped crying and quietly died. But the little mother did not stop singing. It was a sad lullaby. The girl's voice became weaker and weaker. 5 Morning came and the sun rose, but the girl never moved again. [70 words / 278 words] 10
Review H Round 1 p.52 の2行めにあるThrough the yearsのように、時間の移り変わりを表す表現を見つけて ひきましょう。 ほかに6か所あります。 Round 2 本文を読んで、次の質問に答えましょう。 ⑦ What did the tree remember when it heard the lullaby? What happened to people when the big bomb fell? ③ What did the young girl try to be? ⑨ When the sun rose, were the girl and the little boy still alive? Round 3 物語全体を気持ちをこめて音読しましょう。 グループの中で読み合わせて、 よい点や工夫が必要な点を伝え合いましょう。 せりふの部分に感情をこめたり、語りかけたい部分を 低い声でゆっくり読んだりするといいよ。


