


英語 中学生


問題8【思考・判断・表現】 (2X4=8) 次の(ア) (エ)の各対話文の 3x0 選び、 番号を答えなさい。 HORS (7) Yuichi: Today is my grandmother's birthday. Mary: Yuichi: She's seventy. 1~4の中から一つずつ AXUCE OST) -NEER ŠPEJAT JSY uoy list of onion m'I wold ob alqosq ynom nint I Calplopori si bo od movs olish 1 Where does she live? 2 How old is she? 3 Who gave her a present? 4 ynoteid eti tuodo (S) What's her name? Why is chocolate mort trasllib ti stoloporls silm of oppo* sau ot batante osixeM (1) Satomi: Oh, you are carrying a big box. Are you all right? b slqos David: No. This is a little difficult. Satomi: Sure. EATONKON the first Japanese persoly siano ni siqos yobot stplooards saviensis isy DD snipibsm to brix o zow sqomus montslqosa boinsg ob3 silt erinud Snoqot of smoo tarit stolosorts bib woll 1 Will you help me? May I help you? 2 emixom 3 You won't help me. moz, bainqilis4 Do you want me to help you? sorls triguend tu8 bluos varit vllonit bad bror vsv bsint yanT noqot ni ti slom ot batnow bad stolosoris colate aviensqxs llite 20w ti pooltootroo* 9/02 1 Why do you want to go to the park? qua 2 3. How is the weather next Sunday? 4 () Steve: What are you going to do next Sunday, Hitoshi? Hitoshi: I'm going to play baseball with my friends in the park. Steve: I see. yab Hitoshi: Well, I'll do my homework at home. we amosad stolo Mr. Smith: Tomoko: Tomoko: Yes, Mr. Smith. We are going to ** in China. insianD (1) Mr. Smith: Tomoko, I hear you are going to visit China with your friends this summer. a junior high school ing to visit blow 9††A lay baseball? Loy When will you play What will you do if it rains? inain W 1 2 How many students are there in the school? Is it easy for your friends to speak Chinese? How will you go there? 3 4 Have you ever been there? It is my second time to visit the school, but it is the first time for my friends. I made a lot of Chinese friends last year. So I'm looking forward to seeing them again.

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数学 中学生


論理的に考える 2元1次方程式の利用 5 次の問いに答えなさい。 (10点×3) 1さくらさんのお兄さんから自宅に着払いの郵便 で箱が1個送られてくる。さくらさんは,自宅に 50円切手と80円切手が何枚かあったので, 支払い 方法を調べたところ,切手で送料を支払えること がわかった。その2種類の切手をどのように組み 合わせれば支払えるかを次の【条件】にしたがって 考えることにした。送料が900円のとき,2種類 の切手はそれぞれ何枚あればよいか。 【条件) (29 岩手) 0 送料は切手だけで支払う。 2 切手で支払うとき,おつりは出ないので,切 手の合計金額は送料と同じ金額にする。 3 *切手の合計枚数をできるだけ少なくする。 [50円切手 80円切手 nを自然数とするとき n+110 と 13 240-n の 7 値がともに自然数となるnの値をすべて求めよ。 (29 大阪) 240-n -bとして, aとbにつ =a, n+110 >ステップ 13 いての等式をつくると, ★ 50円切手ェ枚,80円切手y枚として等式をつくり, x, yが自然 数であることから, あてはまるx,yを見つけ, ③の条件から求める。 マイ

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英語 中学生

このページ分からなすぎて手につきません(><) 誰か優しい方教えてくださいm(_ _)m

JEB2A1-P1A3-01 20-SAJ9-1ASeし いてのレポートを, B. では、 Kumiko がアメリカ滞在についてのレボートを書いていて これらを読んで, あとの設問に答えなさい。Jま (配点 25) itnoieil 970W NDO ode 800 A. Alice's Report other family is a big ① one. This is Judy. She is my cousin*. She lives in England.She has a smal family. She lives with her father, mother and sister. They live in an apartment*. Judy's grandparents* live far away. Judy and her family visit VTTI them once a year. Won juo ar oda This is Roberto. He is my pen pal*. He lives in Chile*. He has a big family He lives with his father, mother, brothers, sisters and grandparents. They live in a big house. His aunt, uncle and cousins live in a house next door. They see each other every day. Swon one at s19dW MPCU 12 aps Rom& ro courG pGLGS B. Kumiko's Report g6229m 6 9V69lIns Last year I stayed with an American family, I lived with the Green family in the state of Texas*. I went to school with my American sister, Cindy. At first English was very (② ) and I was homesick*. But Mr. Green, Mrs. Green and Cindy were very kind. I studied English very hard. School was interesting. I enjoyed life in the United States. Now I'm in Japan. I often write to my American family and they write to me. Next year the Greens are going to visit me. 101ood odd ot (6Wani om iloT (注) cousin= いとこ apartment= アパート (マンション)0ds woH grandparents=祖父母 pen pal= 文通相手 Chile= チリoidW the state of Texas= テキサス州 homesick=ホームシックの (1) 下線部①の one が指すものを, 本文から抜き出して1語で答えなさい。

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 中学生

至急!! お願いします!m(__)m

を詳んで あとの各間に符え ある いる還・了名には のあとに 【守| 2 次の文 ) x印の付い 8 ra"eap'mean? Whyim thie yearcamed alem mWhatdoes the W leap yegr y knowg there 2016jsal are usually 865 daya in ayear、 365 365 d ut that. The ye8r verybod rat learn abo day of the week Yshifts one day me day. xfell on Wedne 2016 then? Saturday? No eap' and the ye8T which has the leap ja called g ear comes, tho 5 POr yemr? sday in 2014 and on Rday in 20 So when a now y sday 2013, on Thuri [Ria【Sundgy| 時1 ] 呈 1eap year。 Sothie year ia chai ュ 62 weeks and o mas Day are example, Christi What day 8 Christmas Day 反 jump ia aed Jeap ye8r・ ayear which has one *extra day why does this ieap happen? 「EYo four yeare, we have That extra day CaU868 the leap、 The extra day iscalled a ]oap day。 and we have it in February do we hnd a leap yenr? the yegr 好 jiiimible by four that year 9 a leap year。、Ror ample 2016 jadiysible by four soita aleap 79計 [- _@5 How about the year 1900?. not a leap year、 It was a Do you know the reason? Today the Tt *ia based on the *movement of the carth around the 1900 is divisible by four。but i Wa8 Ca KGreg6riam Calendar ia used in many counties around the world」 and it etarted in 1582. the Gregorian calendar, people already knew that one Year jia a Hittle 1onger than 865 Calculated agam and agsinand fnally they found that the earth goes gun。 Before days。 Some scientists And the aun in 365.2422 days。 This means 365 daya and about eix houre. So every year ij about six hours longer than 865 days, and after four year8, the extra time *adds up to 24 hours (one day)。 But there is still some small difierence because each year is a httle shorter than 365 days and six hours8、 TO *make up for the difference, three rules were made. Rule 1: fthe year ig divisible by 4 s a leap year. But we aleo have to follow these two rules. Rule 2: fthe year jg divisible by 100, is a common year Rule 3: f the year ia divigible by 400, 辻 ja a leap year. From the 1 ese three rules, we wl know the years 2000 and 2400 are | (3-a) | years, but 2100, 2200 and 2800 are | (3-b) | yeare. Now you know why the year | 4 Wa a common year. There are dift 0 e と "calendara all over the world。 We can fnd different leaps in them。、 ら ma i ・ に 8 和 eir calendar by using the movements of the sun and the moon。 Their calendgr ren1 ュ ・ *Inatead, they 2 the Gregopan calendar There ia no 1eap day in the Chinese calendar. eap month。 They put gi し 19 monthsinayemrl It goes hike (January rother month mn the calendar, so sometimes there aTG Im Japan, 80 day8. calendar, the od cendarin Edo pen cbruary March Teap March、 Apri May 。 0ne year had 354 da 198 Yag Hike the Chinese calendar。 One month had 29 After three yeara 了 had 11 daye fewer than a common year of the Gregonmm ) erence adde up to 88 days、 Thia im about one month。 0! -6・ ti

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