
なぜ(3)の回答がA special violin performance was.になるのか教えて欲しいです

| 答 3 忌/ 穴, 文を誌 点, (2)4 点, (3③答 3 局) 次の英 を読んで. 下の問いに答えなさい。 (①)8 県, i 上 * in the city Oo "March 11。 2012, there was aspecial yolin performance 1 me of iolin. Some oO Rikuzentakata. The audience listened closely to the sound of the Yュ ・ e there. the people were in tears. That violin was very special to eVeryon 二9 tker. After the The viojn was made by Nakazawa Muneyuki a famou8 MAP craftsperson. earthquake hit Japan in 2011. ゃshe wondered ( ) to help as a ーー Then he came UP with 。an idea. It was to make violins from driftwoo disaster Pe2 1行目一 10 行目) 4 4 る に、 にな (⑰) 下線部のが 「彼は職人と してどうやって助けるべきか考えていま した」 という意味 るように, ( ) に人る適切な語を下から過び, 記号を〇で函みなさい。 Se ア what イ which <の時語Neet つこEEE HERO OW いい (9 下部ののan dea の凡容を日本話で大体的に書き のり) 本文の内容について, 次の (@) What was given 生かいせ wak nf od1 っ
(@)(例) ※災害で出た流木でバイオリンを作ること。 (3q) A special violin performance was。 (b) No, he isnt. モンク 長文を読み解くためには., キーフレーズをおさえることがポイント! | On March 11, 2012, there was a special violin performance in the city of 特別なパイオリン父注 Rikuzentakata. The audience listened closely to the sound of the viohn. Some of じっと the people were in tears. That violin was Yery special to everyone there. 濯を流して The violin was made by Nakazawa Muneyuki, a famous violin maker、 After the 有名なバイオリン製作者 | 5 earthquake hit Japan in 2011, he wonden だ 人とじて 中 PR 6 ーだろう 加っ ぐつ べきか 5 Then he came up with an idea. 1t was to make violins 1 "光史 本 5 Haaaten 2 ee ⑪ とうって58 人 お


