
誰か優しい方教えてくださいm(_ _)m

JEB2A1-P1A3-01 20-SAJ9-1ASeし いてのレポートを, B. では、 Kumiko がアメリカ滞在についてのレボートを書いていて これらを読んで, あとの設問に答えなさい。Jま (配点 25) itnoieil 970W NDO ode 800 A. Alice's Report other family is a big ① one. This is Judy. She is my cousin*. She lives in England.She has a smal family. She lives with her father, mother and sister. They live in an apartment*. Judy's grandparents* live far away. Judy and her family visit VTTI them once a year. Won juo ar oda This is Roberto. He is my pen pal*. He lives in Chile*. He has a big family He lives with his father, mother, brothers, sisters and grandparents. They live in a big house. His aunt, uncle and cousins live in a house next door. They see each other every day. Swon one at s19dW MPCU 12 aps Rom& ro courG pGLGS B. Kumiko's Report g6229m 6 9V69lIns Last year I stayed with an American family, I lived with the Green family in the state of Texas*. I went to school with my American sister, Cindy. At first English was very (② ) and I was homesick*. But Mr. Green, Mrs. Green and Cindy were very kind. I studied English very hard. School was interesting. I enjoyed life in the United States. Now I'm in Japan. I often write to my American family and they write to me. Next year the Greens are going to visit me. 101ood odd ot (6Wani om iloT (注) cousin= いとこ apartment= アパート (マンション)0ds woH grandparents=祖父母 pen pal= 文通相手 Chile= チリoidW the state of Texas= テキサス州 homesick=ホームシックの (1) 下線部①の one が指すものを, 本文から抜き出して1語で答えなさい。
lqosウ Roberto is Judy's pen pal. 10DAY9-TASB JEB2A1-P1A3-02 (2) A.の Alice's Report で述べられていない内容のものを,次のア~エの中から1つ 選び,記号で答えなさい。 26ア Judy is Alice's cousin. イ Judy lives in England. 上になる。 sbes 16limia ai al Susis9 買 エ Roberto lives in a big house. ds Ts nele qbnsng vM sw (3)以下は,A. の Alice's Report に関する質問と.それに対する答えの文です。本文 Yの内容に合うように,空所に最も適当な英語を1語ずつ入れなさい。 Us (i) How many people live in Judy's house? 1ilna18 bas taum y1ay "bogoleveb usle baste II 18W blyoW su8 is ol baib *a19ibloe 92ansqsl *bopeto1q 219ibloa ds (4)前後関係に合うように, 空所②に入る最も適当な語を次のア~エの中から1つ選び, ) people do. 00 989(i) Where do Roberto's cousins live? g9ab i They live ( ) to Roberto. 20記号で答えなさい。 ansuaiof a エeasy iub asiiedh, "liudor (5)B.の Kumiko's Report の内容に合うように,次の英文の空所に入る最も適当な語 を選択肢の中から1つずつ選んで書きなさい。 ただし, 各選択肢は1度しか使えない daenag dn91ア」 funny イ difficult ウ dangerous ものとする。 Kumiko wrote about her ( ア) in the United States. She stayed with the Green family. Cindy was her American ( イ) of 16limie sd 江NOW Kumiko is back home. She often (_ウ) to her American family. 土鉄 %31oilbloe 検嫌 %3Dblsilolnsd homestay ; vacation ; cousin ; sister ; goes %; writes =D beb9101g Thluden%3Dliude1 のさでのエー



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