


英語 中学生


|5 次の英文を読んで, 1, 2, 3, 4の問いに答えなさい。 r Do you like dogs? Today, a lot of people have dogs. In Japan, in 2020, about 8,500,000 dogs lived with people. Dogs are the first animal people *kept, Then, when did people start to live with dogs? Some people think *humans started to do it about 15,000 years ago. *In those days, dogs were useful when people wanted to *hunt animals because dogs could the *smell of animals. When A dogs helped people, they gave them some *bones or *meat after *killing an animal. In this way, people had a good *relationship with dogs. Today, there are not so many people who hunt animals with dogs *as before. But dogs stil help people in other ways. For example, they help us as guide dogs or as hearing dogs. Guide dogs can help people who can't see things wel1. Hearing dogs help people who can't hear *sounds and voices well. If you go to *farms in Australia, you'll see dogs working with *shepherds to *control the *sheep. These dogs are people's good *partners. In *modern cities, T but some people still keep dogs. This is because dogs are not い B only useful animals but also our friends. [注) *human(s) =人間 *hunt =狩る *kept = keep(飼う)の過去形 *smell =におい *in those days =当時 *killing) =殺す *sound(s) =音 *bone(s) =骨 *meat =肉 *farm(s) =農場 *relationship =関係 *shepherd(s) =羊飼い *partner(s) =パートナー *as before =以前のように *control =管理する *sheep = sheep(ヒツジ)の複数形 rOne *modern =現代の rt 80 orl armond o 1 本文中の に入る語として,最も適切なものはどれか。 no02 amimom yal O A ア follow イ hit エ write bnn i ada noom sbear/T' mo omor Jog Bae ウ change he 2 下線部のイヌはどのようなことができるか。具体的に日本語で書きなさい。 3 本文中の B に入るものとして, 最も適切なものはどれか。 ア dogsare more useful than cats イ dogs are not difficult to keep ウ dogs are not as useful as before エ dogs are very popular 4 本文の内容と一致するものはどれか。 ア In Japan, in 2020, more than 9,000,000 dogs lived with people. イ Some people think humans started to live with dogs about 15,000 years ago. ウ There are many people who hunt animals with dogs now. エ People should keep dogs more because they help peoplealot.

解決済み 回答数: 3