


英語 中学生

至急!!!!!!🗯 高校入試の過去問です 答えは②らしいのですが、forgs ってs がついてるので、複数形ではないですか? 1.3は冠詞( a )がないので答えにならないのは納得しましたが、直後の文に「1匹だけのカエルが池に飛び込むんだと思うよ」とあるのにsのつく②が正... 続きを読む

Alex He is one of the most famous writers in Japan. impressed with his haiku. Aga yud li' : I got it! So, Masato, I have a question. kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto." Basho wrote "Furuike ya If you *translate "kawazu tobikomu" into English, which do you use, a *frog or frogs? )." In this case, I think that only one Masato: Well... maybe I'll use (c)"( frog *dives into the pond. Alex : I understand. And I think that (d) ) is easier than (e) because you don't have to choose one frog or more than one. Japanese is interesting for me. Masato: I think so, too. So (注) ranslate A into B AをBに翻訳する frog カエル dive 飛び込む 下線部(a)に入るものとして適切なものを、次の①~④ の中から1つ選び マークしなさい。 2 Matsuo Basho wrote this book. What book? JON. 3 Do you like that book? 4 I like this book. イ) 下線部(b)を意味の通る英文になるよう並びかえたとき、3番目と5番目に来る語として適 切なものを、次の①~④の中から1つ選び, マークしなさい。 1 4-6 2 2-6 3 4-5 4 2-5 ②⑤ ) 下線部 (c)に入るものとして適切なものを、次の①~④の中から1つ選び、マークしなさい。 Ofrog jumps in frogs jump frog jumps 4 many frogs jump

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英語 中学生

この問題なのですが本文に明確な記述がなく困っています。 もし本文に明確な記述があるのであればそ部分を教えてくださるとうれしいです。 もし記述がなかった場合、これは自分で考えるということなのでしょうか、、、 Reading Taskの3番の問題です

Unit 8 Staging a Musical 【2] Part 1 本文 enissmA SOr g 書体 教科書 p. 108 Date slsa aindorimasis Q. Ei は The Sound of Music について,何と言っていますか。 ー mwo18 eM Listen and Read Tina Which musical should we perform? Eni I want to do Wicked. Tina: Yeah, the songs are nice. How about The Sound of Music? That's good, too. It's still performed all over the world. Ert Read and Check Tina Yeah. The songs were written by Rodgers and Hammerstein. They wrote so many hits. I think 1. Qの答えを含む文に, 下線を引きましょう。 “My Favorite Things” is one of their best. 2.「~はどうですか。」と, 何かを提案する 表現を探して,本文に波線を引きましょ う。(2か所 ) t at 11 19b Why don't we choose our favorite songs and Eri scenes from different musicals? Tina That's a good idea. In any case, we need more 102bmi 000,LuodAn9z or people, don't we? KS S Cir 2midglosodi ovil alsmins lisme 19ito brs birow ord T vdhesn miw 29istiw bus 2hu Let's ask Kota and Hajin. Eni Reading Task Rtonb oj gn&oue gj2o jca 9io0nug pe Leet 19TT1Ba jsoO snt o9a 01 moo alaUot lim 1. 本文の内容と合っているものにO, 異なっているものに×を付けましょう。 1o1oM 2a dguondT gnilohone bris givib ( X ) 3oor ori of iraiv tiont (1) Tina likes the songs in Wicked. (2) The Sound of Music isn't performed now. (3) Rodgers and Hammerstein wrote the songs for The Sound of Music. へ 2. Tina は, Eriのどんな提案について That's a good idea. と言いましたか。 日本語で答えましょう。 違ミューいかんからタ々なるー安を取り入れる。 ンー 3. Think) Eri が 2.のような提案をしたのは,どうしてでしょうか。 Summary Writing 音読する Which musicals should Eri and Tina perform? They are talking about it. wants to do Wicked, and wants to do The Sound of Music. So they will musicals. They will choose their Songs and scenes from ask Kota and Hajin for help.

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英語 中学生

これの(②)に一語を文章から抜き出していれるんですけど、quickはだめですか? 答えはearlyでした。

When I first moved to Japan, my new life was like an adventure, and full of surprises. Ive forgotten a lot of small things, but I'll never forget the first party I gave. 1was teaching English at a university in Japan. I decided to have a party for some Japanese students at my apartment which was near the school. The party was at 7:00. I was rushing to get ready, cleaning the room, checking the food, and so on. And finally at about 6:45, I was about to take a quick shower and get dressed. Perfect timing, I thought. But just then, the doorbell rang. The students, in one big group, were already at my door! In America nobody comes early, and in fact, most people come a little late on purpose, usually alone or in pairs. We call Oit being “fashionably late." I had to ask them to wait outside for about 15 minutes. “The party starts at 7:00!" I said, This was a real life lesson for them and for me about cultural differences. They learned they should not come to my parties ( ② ) again, and I learned I should be ready a little (2 )just.in.case. So at 7:00, everyone came in, with my second surprise. ③They showered me with all kinds of presents! I was happy to get so many presents, of course, but I really didn' t want them to come together. I was very busy because I had to find vases for the flowers, bowls for the snacks, and try to say Thank you' for their gifts. People usually take something likea bottle of wine to an American-style party. But I felt. more. appreciated by my_guests in Japan. It was more like my birthday or Christmas than a simple homeparty. FinallyI sat on the sofa and talked with them. Everyone was having a good time. Though I have lived in Japan for more than ten years, I m still surprised at many things. Life is full of surprises.

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英語 中学生

英語分かりません(´・ω・`) かぎかっこの中の問題です。 21から最後まで

(18) Theodore's computer, ( ) his mother gave him three years (23) A: John, are you interested in going to a kabuki performance ago, stopped working last night. 1where 2 how 3 which with me next weekend? 4 whose B: I don't know, Yuko. I've never seen kabuki before, ( A: You can get an English program. Ie'll tell you about the 23 ) (19) A: Have you heard the company is going to holda party for the story. employees next month? B: Yes, but I'm ( 1 around ) the plan. I think it's a waste of money. 4 against B: That would help. In that case, Id love to go with you. 2 Where is the theater? 4 Have you been before? 2 below 3 without 1 Is it expensive? 3 Will I understand it? (20) A: Have you seen Timothy? I need to talk to him. B: He's outside, ( 1 was talking 2 talking )on his cell phone. 3 talk (24) A: Hi, Tm Peter. You must be the new employee in the company. B: Yes. My name is Jordan. I just started working in the sales department. A: I work in the marketing department, across the hallway from you. ( 24 ) B: That would be nice. I don't know many places to eat around here yet. 4 talked 次の六つの会話文を完成させるために, (21) から (28) に入るものとして最も適切 2なものを 1, 2, 3, 4の中から一つ選び,その番号を解答用紙の所定欄にマーク しなさい。 (21) A: The TV news said it's going to rain later today. B: I know, but they're often wrong. They said that yesterday would be warm, ( A: Well, it must be hard to know what the weather is going to be. B: I guess so. But it would be nice if we could know for sure. 1 We should go out to lunch sometime. 2 Let me introduce you to my boss. 3 I'll show you where my department is. 4 You can use my office if you like. 21 ) A: Billy, do you have soccer practice this afternoon? B: Yeah, Mom. And I'm going to the library to get a book after that. A: ( 25 B: Practice ends at 5:30, so I think so. A: But the library closes at five o' clock on Sundays. B: Oh, no! ( 26 ) A: Well, I can go and get it for you while you're at practice. B: Really? Thanks a lot. I'Il tell you the title before I leave. 1 because it's raining now. 2 but it was actually quite cool. 3 and I watched the weather report. 4 since it's warm today. (22) A: Have you volunteered for that experiment the science professor is doing next Friday? B: Yes, I have. He's going just one hour! A: Wow, that's a lot of money. ( 22 ) B: I'm not sure, but I could ask the professor for you. pay people $50 to help him for (25) 1 Are you finished with your homework? 2 Are you sure you'll need a book? 3 Will you play soccer there? 4 Will you have time to go there? 1 Do you think I could doit, too? 2 Aren't you nervous about it? 3 Isn't that too much money? 4 How many days will it take? (26) 1 The book is too long for me. 2 The library won't have the book. 3 Ineed the book for my report. 4I forgot the title of the book. 16

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英語 中学生

英語です!(第1弾) 1問だけでもいいので教えてくれると嬉しいです! ((っ'ヮ'c)タチケテ) お願いしますうううあううぅあああぅ!←?

本0回a役等で提出します! Class. Mere We Go! Unit5 復習をしよう! この I 「期末試験の範囲になります。 今のうちに整理しておこう! 本日本文美の (解答はクラスルームにアップします) No. 192019 TUOY fuo ipT 次のO~8は意味を日本語で書き, @~Dは英語にしなさい。 ●ヒント loog érii bno otop ontnoowied ai rmke en 2 serve cafeferia ノ blackboard ( ) お場所にも時にも使え onotme * together edt る。 6 follow ;6 Sweep impressed( ) tidy へ 『9時間 大フ大夫に朝午前(中) 午後 ;2~の後ろに te o ob enertW そう じ ~よりも前に ~を掃除する 日史 2 次の語で最も強く発音する部分の記号を答えなさい。 yobihid Tuov ai neriW 2 ミスに注意 日本語になっている be-tween black-board ア、 ちが eo oi yilouau uoy op が, 発音が違うので ア イ イ 注意が必要。 im-pressed イ。ちJコ文英園本日 caf-e-te-ri-a アイウエオ を ( ) ぼいん the は母音の前では発 音がかわることに注意。 odmotgs2 P 3 次の語句の下線部の発音が異なるものの記号を〇Oで囲みなさい。 ○ the lunch 0dmコe の the school の the entrance てまJ質察 でXハ 「足元に気を付けて。」 4次の文の( )に適切な語を下から選び,記号を○で囲みなさい。 という意味になるよ うにする。 ) your step. ① See る「ここで靴を脱ぎな の Watch の Look さい。」という意味に なるようにする。 ) your shoes here. Take ( の off しる の over ○ on ) there. 活 That is our school ( ○ over ●i計とone 特定のもの(the+名詞) を指すとき→it 同じ種類のもの(a+名 詞)を指すとき→ one の on の off We(g ) lunch in the classroom. の practice の serve dot の play 16 Do you have a computer? - No. I don't have ( の this の one の it Gの 彩く読むっばどこかび

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英語 中学生

長文得意な方、分かる方教えてください。 急ぎです…4問あるんですけどすみません。

3 次の凛章を読んで。 あとの間いに答えなさい。 Where would you first take someone coming to Japan for the firet time? Many places come to mind such as Hokkaido, Okinawa, and Hiroshima, but many Japanese people would probably Take them to Kyoto firet。 Aa everyone knows Kyoto je a very beautiful city with a lot of historie temples and Japanese gardens, and of course tbey can onjoy delicious Japaneee dishes. you want to show the best parts of Japanewe culture to people from other countries、 yON Should show them around traditional places. In thie case, ig important 人br you to have knowledge about tneir geography and history. 1 would choose the historic village, Shirakawe-g. ( ⑤ ) tt im located in Gifu Prefecture, and has many old-fashioned Japaneee houses called Gassho-zukuri、 They were ( A )between the 17th century and the beginning of the 20th century. There were once 1.800 Gassho-style houses in the area, but now just 150 houses remainr Shirakawa-go is as nie place with natural beauty that includes mountains and rivers. We can enjoy hiking and talking with people in the area. There are hot springs, too. Last month, 1 went there with my family and( B )inamnice hot bath after hiking. you want to show both new things and old things to foreign tourists, you should take them to Tokyo. ②It (jn / khe mmoet / city / js / exciting ) Japan. In fact, ii very popular among foreign tourists jm Japan. Tn Tokyo, we can do almost anytbing that we want to do, Hke shopptng, sightseeing, and going to famous restaurants、Tfforeign tourists are interested in historic temmples, You can tage them to Asakusa. fthey want to experience something modern, they wi be able to find it in Shinjuku or Shibuya. Thats why Tokyo attracts so many tourists from abroad。 【 think. (蘭) come to mind : 思いつく knowledge: 知識 geograpby:土地 belocatedm 一: に位置する old-fashioned : 古風な remain:残っている jnciude:含む hotspring: 温泉 sightseeing : 観光 modern:現代的な attract:引きつける Thatswhy: そういうわけで CS( ① ) にあてはまる最も間当な文を, 次のアーエの中から 1 つ選んで, 符号で答え なさい。 ア Ihave been there many ねmes. イ Ihave never been there. ウ Many foreign peopie have lived there. エエ Many forejgn people were born there. (2) ( A ),( B ) にあてはまる最も適当な語を, 次のアーンオの中からそれぞれ 1 つ選んで, 符 号で答えなさい。 ア buult イ went ウ relaxed エ drank オ taught (3) 戸線部⑦が本文の内容に合うように, ( ) 内の語句を正しい順護に並べかえなさい。

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